Cryptonym: AEACRE
CIA document: Research Aid: Cryptonyms and Terms in Declassified CIA Files Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Disclosure Acts: Page 1: ..."Term: AEACRE. Definition: AEACRE (1952-64) established a mechanism for the planning and conduct of REDSOX operations via a Domestic Operations Base (DOB) used for the interrogation, assessment, training, briefing, and preparation for dispatch of agents for infiltration into the USSR. Aleks Kurgvel, Tscherim Soobzokov associated with Project ..." - pages 289-290
"In January 1952, OPC (with OSO's consent) organized Project AEACRE, which called for the establishment of a Domestic Operations Base (DOB) near Washington D.C. that would allow the Agency to interrogate, assess and prepare agents for dispatch into the Soviet Union. This project...had no problems with the 'black' entry and exit processing of agents thanks to the cooperation of the US Air Force and the INS..."
104-10182-10057: WIROGUE, (VOL III).
04/02/59: Memorandum from Chief of Base, Frankfurt to COS, Germany: Subject: Application for Issuance of Bundesrepublik Personalausweis for Operational Use: ..."."2. Reason for Request: This document may be needed to bring AEASPIC from France to Germany. It would be used only after discussion with Dexter E. Rostedt from AEACRE and with the approval of Chief of Base, Frankfurt and Chief of Station, Paris to move Subject in this fashion. I have checked to determine whether Subject can move without considerable danger in this fashion and if it is customary; he can and it is. 3. Subject will need no other documents, being that this will be a one time use to cross at Strasbourg. This document is being requested in the event that it is needed for the 6 April meeting in Paris with Subject. Per cables from Headquarters Rostedt is empowered to decide whether Subject should be brought to Germany and if so, it would save one extra trip to Paris if this document were carried by the undersigned to the 6 April meeting so that he could be brought directly to Germany. 4. Photographs have already been given to the MKTOPAZ (CIA Technical Services Division) officer. (REDACTION)"
104-10182-10057: WIROGUE, (VOL III).
10/12/60: Dispatch from Chief of Base, Withheld to Chief, SR (Info: Chief, WHD; COS, Withheld): Subject: Operational/REDWOOD/AEACRE Accommodation Address: "1. In accordance with instructions contained in reference, the Base has been servicing the accommodation address at least once a week through the services of ALLOMETER-2 who rented this post office under an alias. On 7 October 1960 the Base forwarded a letter which ALLOMETER-2 had picked up the day before. This letter was registered, and ALLOMETER-2 was obliged (for the second time) to make a personal appearance before the responsible persons and to sign (in alias) an acknowledgement of receipt. If it is at all possible to send these letters unregistered the Base would much prefer that this system be adopted. ALLOMETER-2, over a period of years, has rented many different post office boxes under different names, and the Base considers it a definite security hazard if he is forced to identify himself in the manner required by the registration of these letters. 2. Headquarters attention is called to the fact that the letter which the Base forwarded on 7 October 1960 was postmarked in Europe 0n 12 August 1960. Even in the light of the notoriously slow (REDACTION) postal system, the Base cannot explain such a long delay in transit for air mail. Such a delay has been typical of almost every letter the Base has received in the past six months. The Base has no reason to disbelieve ALLOMETER-2 in his repeated assertions that he services the box at least once a week. Lucian W. Fabsik."