CIA Cryptonyms: ALL
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AESoviet Union sources, in particular defectors and agents.
AEACREAEACRE (1952-64) established a mechanism for the planning and conduct of REDSOX operations via a Domestic Operations Base (DOB) used for the
interrogation, assessment, training, briefing, and preparation for dispatch of agents for infiltration into the USSR.
AEASPICDavid Tzitzichvili aka David de Panaskhet was a surveillance and sabotage agent and included in the planning stages of at least one unfinished plot for assassination in the Congo.
AEASSAULTUnknown identity. AEASSAULT was possibly a program targeting the Soviet Union, or Soviet intelligence operatives. AEASSAULT was often mentioned along with REDTOP (CIA Soviet Division) as slugs in cables. [status: Unknown]
AEBARMANSoviet officer Yuri Ivonovich Nosenko, who defected in Feb 1964 with information about Oswald.
AEBOORIvan Gavrilovich Alferov, KGB officer. A CIA document in March of 1970 stated that AEBOOR's 201 number was 201-236701. A dispatch in January, 1967, mentioned that Alferov's 201 number was 201-236701.
AEBURBLEStateside Soviet double-agent controlled by the FBI, and code-named TUMBLEWEED by the FBI. Actual name Guenter Schulz.
AECAMBARO-1Freds Ziedonids Launags, he was a contract agent for the CIA from 1951 to 1959 and was a member of the Latvian underground that targeted Soviet internal operations and gathered intelligence.
AECAMBARO-2Leonids Brombergs, aka Arturs Leonids Brombergs. Active in the Latvian resistance.
AECAVATINAThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that AECAVATINA was the cryptonym for either Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - OUN, or Foreign Section of Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists - Zch/OUN.
AECHALKAECHALK was possibly a cryptonym for Oleg Penkovsky. The cable in November of 1969 mentioning AECHALK was probably meant to be a reference to AMCHALK. [status: Speculative]
AECLUSTERVladimir Sakharov, a Soviet diplomat that later served the CIA as a defector in place.
AECOTTAGE-1Unknown identity. A January 14, 1965 cable stated that AECOTTAGE-1 was an alleged protege of Aleksandr Adzhubey, the son-in-law of Soviet President Nikita Khrushchev. [status: Unknown]
AEDAZZLE-1Oleg Penkovsky
AEDEPOTAEDEPOT (formerly AEREADY) (1957-65) was designed to provide a trained "Hot War" cadre of agents who could be used during a period of heightened tensions/increased alert or during actual hostilities against the Soviet Union. Mikola Abramtchik, Constantine Mierlak, Tscherim Soobzokov associated with Project.
AEDIEHARDValentin Sergeyevich Loginov. A dispatch in February of 1968 stated that Loginov's 201 number was 201-285412. A cable in October, 1969, mentioned that AEDIEHARD's 201 number was 201-285412.
AEDINOSAURSoviet Russia Division project. Designed to get censored books, pamphlets and other material inside the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
AEDIPPER-20Piotr Deriabin - aka Peter Deryabin and Petr Derjabin - a Soviet defector during 1954. [status: Probable]
AEDOGMA-1AEDOGMA-1 was the cryptonym for Michael Korzhan. Korzhan was a former Abwehr intelligence operative, and was formerly AECAPELIN-1.
AEDONORSoviet officer Yuri Ivonovich Nosenko, who defected in Feb 1964 with information about Oswald.
AEFAIRWAYThe name of Adolf Rafalovich Yura Mekler was written under AEFAIRWAY. [status: Unknown]
AEFILTERThe ARRB believed that AEFILTER was the cryptonym for Piotr Deriabin - aka Peter Deryabin. [status: Probable]
AEFISSIONNikolai Ivanovich Trofimov.
AEFOXTROTSoviet officer Yuri Ivonovich Nosenko, who defected in Feb 1964 with information about Oswald.
AEGAINArtush Oganesyan.
AEGENERATEUnknown identity. A target in Mexico City that was wiretapped by LIFEAT'S listening post, referred to as the AEGENERATE LP. This was an important CI/CE operation that involved the NSA. During late October 1963, Staff D concluded that the subject was not currently communicating from "his shop".
AEGOLDA defector with the surname Zavoroskiy
AEGRIPAEGRIP was the cryptonym for the Soviet Military Intelligence Directorate.
AEGUSTOYuriy Loginov, a KGB officer who became an in-place double agent for the CIA.
AEHOLLYUnknown CIA operation against the Soviet Union. [status: Unknown]
AEJAMMERTranslations and exploitations of Soviet mail intercept programs.
AEKICKThe KGB, Soviet Committee for State Security
AELADLEAnatoliy Golitsyn, a Soviet defector prized by CIA CounterIntelligence head James Angleton. Also known by the alias John Stone. The French intelligence agency SDECE called him MARTEL.
AELENISVladimir Mikhailovich Petrov.
AEMIGALEAntanas Zigmas Butkus
AEMIQUELET-2A suspect Soviet support agent in Mexico City in 1963. "Miquilet" means musket. [status: Probable]
AEMUSICAL-1Unknown identity. A memo in September of 1961 stated that CIA had taken over the handling of AEMUSICAL-1 from the FBI. [status: Unknown]
AEOCEANThe legal travelers program; i.e., the intelligence use of legal travelers to the Soviet Union.
AEOCEAN-3Philip R. Neilson was the agent used by CIA Officer Jacques Richardson aka Thomas B. Casasin for the CIA's Legal Travelers Program inside the Soviet Union. This agent similar to Lee Harvey Oswald was able to marry a Russian woman named Tamara Kungarova and later immigrate to France with her.
AEPAWNEE-3REDSKIN student in Helsinki during the summer of 1959. Friendly with Gregoriy Golub, the Soviet consul in Helsinki. Her Finnish was not as good as that of another REDSKIN student, Lydia Biddle/AEPAWNEE-5. [status: Unknown]
AEPAWNEE-5Lydia Biddle. A REDSKIN student in Helsinki during the summer of 1959. Flirted with Gregoriy Golub, the Soviet consul in Helsinki. During September 1959, Golub began to offer "instant visas" for foreigners seeking to enter the USSR through Helsinki. Lee Oswald was one of the first to use this new arrangement.
AEPLEBEA Soviet defector with the surname Bimbli.
AEPOLE-25Unknown identity. The declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that the AEPOLE-1 organization was a Lithuanian émigré organization in West Germany. [status: Unknown]
AEQUALITYStanislaus Sergeyevich Silnikov. A CIA document on September 20, 1966, stated that Silnikov was AEQUALITY, Soviet Embassy administrative officer in Mexico City.
AEROOTThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that AEROOT was among a number of projects that were designed to strengthen resistance to communism and harrass the Soviet regime in the Baltic countries.
AESENTINELAn infiltration-exfiltration operation into difficult terrain in the Soviet Union. [status: Unknown]
AESMASHThe Soviet officer Oleg Adolfovich Lyalin, the Soviet Delegations Department case officer in 1962. A cable from Mexico City on October 26, 1971, referred to the recent defection of AESMASH. Lyalin defected on September 3, 1971 while he was working as a Soviet embassy officer in Great Britain.
AESTORAGECollection of information about the Soviets provided by several reliable and sensitive sources.
AETARGETAETARGET provided information about Soviet audio monitoring programs. Aleks Kurgvel was associated with the project.
AETOTALLYI suspect that AETOTALLY is the cryptonym given to Yuri Nosenko, KGB officer who defected to the United States in February 1964. [status: Probable]
AEVISIONMichael Goleniewski, aka SNIPER. Claimed to be Alexei Nikolaevich, Tsarevich of Russia - the son of the Czar Nicholas Romanov, part of the House of Romanov (aka Romanoff.
AEWIGWAG-2She was the wife of an Agence France Presse correspondent in Moscow from 1964 to 1965 during the period the Communist Party allegedly gained control of the group's international service. [status: Probable]
ALDigraph for operations and assets in Brazil. [status: Probable]
ALAGAZE-1First Name Unknown (FNU) Geuski.
ALAGORA-2Unknown identity. ALAGORA-2 was a CIA agent or asset from at least September 1960 to August, 1964. 201-281291. [status: Unknown]
ALRACYInstituto Brazileiro de Acao Democratica (IBAD), English translation: Brazilian Institute of Democratic Action.
ALRACY-1Ivan Hasslocher, who in May of 1959 created the Instituto Brazileiro de Acao Democratica (IBAD), English translation: Brazilian Institute of Democratic Action.
ALSARDALSARD was the cryptonym for Conselho das Clases Produtoras (CONCLAP). Organization which was "made up of top persons and orgs in commerce industry."
AMOperations, organizations, and individuals relating to Cuba.
AMABLE-1Unknown identity. A cable in November of 1964 mentioned that CIA asset, AMABLE-1, had derived the impression, after speaking to two high-ranking Cubans in Western Europe, that Cuban diplomats may have been ordered to be receptive to any opportunities to engage in rapprochement talks with the U.S. Government. [status: Unknown]
AMACME-1Jorge Mantilla. AMACME-1 was an informant of CIA operative Stanley M. Figolak in the Christian Democratic Movement (MDC) in 1964. [status: Speculative]
AMACRATICGeorge Nobregas, a Cuban exile and Executive Committee member of the Montecristi Group. [status: Probable]
AMADAGE-1According to cables in November and December, 1966, AMADAGE-1 was a close friend of LITAMIL-9 (Luis Alberu Souto), and had a serious heart attack in October of 1966. [status: Unknown]
AMADDERAMADDER was a JMWAVE infiltration sabotage team. A dispatch in October of 1963 mentioned that AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) was responsible for assembling the AMADDER team.
AMAGONIZE-1Vera Borodowksy Jackiewich. A dispatch in January of 1968 mentioned that Vera Borodowsky Jackiewich's 201 number was 201-298225. A HSCA document stated that AMAGONIZE-1's 201 number was 201-298225.
AMAGREE-1Identified as "Mario Ramirez", possibly an alias. AMAGREE-1's ties with the CIA began in April 1963 as a radio operator trainee. Identified as a 33 year old Cuban exile during January 1964. [status: Unknown]
AMAGRESSAMAGRESS was probably Libertad Antigua Arencibia, acquaintance of Cuban exile, Ricardo Morales.
[status: Probable]
AMAKA-1Used alias Antonio Garcia, true name unknown. One of the radio men working on the AMTRUNK personnel during November, 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMALBA-1Unknown identity. A memo in March of 1961 listed AMALBA-1 as being among those agents who either was known to AMIRE-1 (Emilio Americo Rodriguez), or was probably known to him. [status: Unknown]
AMANCHORAMANCHOR was probably an elite CIA team of anti-Castro Cubans involved in Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) or "frogmen" operations. [status: Probable]
AMANCHOR-1Alberto Beguiristain, frogman for the CIA in the 1960s, and an associate of Rolando Martinez (the anti-Castro Cuban activist who was one of the Watergate burglars in 1972). He was also an associate of Manuel Villamanan (AMFAUNA-13).
AMANTHEMPossibly Mario del Ferrer, the number two man after Tony Varona in the Rescate organization, also known as RDR (Rescate Democratico Revolucionario). [status: Speculative]
AMANVIL-1AMANVIL-1 was probably Jose Enrique Camejo Argudin, UN representative. A memo from LAD/JFK Task Force stated PLSLSTEEL-1 (possibly meant to be SLSTEEL-1) was formerly AMANVIL-1, AMCLOCK-1 and INDEVOUT-3. [status: Probable]
AMAPACHE-1Norberto Felipe Martinez Garcia. Also known as AMOT-110.
AMAPACHE-2AMAPACHE-2 was Isaias Alejandro Iglesias Pons, JMWAVE FI asset, arrived at Key West on 6/16/61 on the boat PANMAJA. Iglesias worked with Norberto Martinez Garcia in Pinar del Rio Province.
AMAPE-1Unknown identity. AMAPE-1 was described as a leading member of the Cuban exile community in a cable in April of 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMAPOLAThe Cuban Intelligence Service, with an outstation in Miami and an agent complex. This cryptonym also used for Jose Carbonell Marrero.
AMARGO-1Unknown identity. Was asked by JMWAVE to find out what happened to one of the exiled Cubans (Luis Mario Cantin de Nacimiento), who went missing in the failed Operation Tilt/Bayo Pawley raid, in early June 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMARIAUnknown identity. AMARIA was a CIA source/asset from at least December, 1958 to May, 1964. AMARIA reported on Manuel Ray Rivero (AMBANG-1) and Manuel Artime Buesa (AMBIDDY-1). [status: Unknown]
AMAROMA-2Unknown identity. A cable to ISOLATION (CIA's Camp Peary, also known as "The Farm") in March of 1965 stated that AMAROMA-2 was known as "Raul." [status: Unknown]
AMARROR-1AMARROR-1 was probably either Rolando Matheu Paz or brothers Francisco and Manuel Marrero Castillo. This would also apply to the identities of AMARROR-2 and -3. [status: Probable]
AMASPENResupply and infiltration operations. [status: Probable]
AMAUTO-1Orestes Guillermo Ruiz-Perez was a Cuban official and a Cuban intelligence officer. He was also the cousin-in-law of Cuban exile leader Antonio Veciana Blanch.
AMBABBLE-1A sister of either Jose Miguel Ramos or Gilberto Fundora Alcazar. [status: Probable]
AMBADGER-1Dr. Julian Gallo, head of legal department of Cuban telephone company.
AMBALD-1Humberto Arcocha Barcelo, Cuban engineer in the US by 1965.
AMBALD-2Juan Arcocha Barcelo, worked for the CIA Paris station during 1965.
AMBANGMRP until 1962 - during 1962, the MRP outside of Cuba became JURE. The Cuban group within Cuba was much smaller by 1962 because of the arrests in 1961.
AMBANG-1Manuel Ray Rivero, leader of the Revolutionary Movement of the People (MRP) and later Junta Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE).
AMBANG-2Ignacio Mendoza y de la Torre. Cables from Havana on December 9, 1960, stated that AMBANG-2 was Ignacio Mendoza y de la Torre.
AMBANG-3Jose Antonio Duarte Oropesa, was a leader of the MRP in the early 1960's. In 1968, Duarte may have got into a suspicious fight with RFK's alleged assassin Sirhan Sirhan weeks before the assassination.
AMBANG-4Rogelio Winceslao Cisneros y Diaz, one of the leaders of MRP inside Cuba; shortly after his arrival in the US, the MRP group split off and became JURE.
AMBANG-5Oswaldo Rodriguez Moura, identified in early 1978 as AMBANG-5.
AMBANG-8Orlando Rego Borrego, an auditor of the MIRR. He was also an FBI informant in late 1965, and was still a source for the FBI in April 1967. [status: Speculative]
AMBANTYParamilitary operation of internal resistance in Cuba during 1965-64 before Castro shut it down. Originally called AMCOBRA in 1962.
AMBANTY-1Esteban Marquez Novo. His oft-used pseudonym was Colonel Francisco Abad. By late 1961, he was acting chief of MRR in Cuba. Active until his death in 1964.
AMBARBPlacing DRE members in propaganda teams within universities throughout Latin America.
AMBARB-16AMBARB-16 was Eduardo Muniz Melo. A dispatch from JMWAVE in September of 1962 stated that Robert Q. Nelander as "Jesse Davega" met "AMBARB-16 as occasional policy/admin contact."
AMBARB-19Unknown identity. A dispatch from JMWAVE in August of 1962 stated that AMBARB-19 was a nephew of AMFACET-1 (Umberto Figueres Gonzalez). [status: Unknown]
AMBARB-22Rolando Fernandez Corredera, a Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) representative based in Lima, Peru in 1962.
AMBARB-23AMBARB-23 was possibly Nestor Campaneria Angel. A dispatch in July of 1962 stated, in regards to the DRE Colombia delegation, that AMBARB-23 had been withdrawn and was "slated for Peru." [status: Speculative]
AMBARB-27Unknown identity. A dispatch in July of 1962 mentioned that AMBARB-15 and AMBARB-27 were in Bolivia. [status: Unknown]
AMBARB-28AMBARB-28 was possibly either Rafael Orizondo Souto or Francisco Raded Bechili. AMBARB-28 was one of two AMBARB representatives in Ecuador. [status: Speculative]
AMBARB-32Carlos Valdesuso Rodriguez, president of Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE) in Brazil.
AMBARB-34Probably either Jorge Marban Garcia or Jorge Mendigutia Ramirez. AMBARB-34 was one of the two AMBARB representatives in Panama in 1962. [status: Probable]
AMBARB-41Rafael Tremols Fresneda, DRE member in Caracas. Notes in a folder on Luis Posada stated that AMBARB-41 was later CITUTOR-1. Another document stated that CITUTOR-1 was Rafael Tremols Fresneda.
AMBARB-43Probably either Jorge Marban Garcia or Jorge Mendigutia Ramirez. AMBARB-43 was one of the two AMBARB representatives in Panama in 1962. [status: Probable]
AMBARB-53Mario Pita Garcia.
AMBARB-54Jose Maria Lasa Urrutibeascoa. A dispatch on September 14, 1962, stated that Harold R. Noemayr (Ross Crozier) as "Roger Fox" met "AMBARB-54 occasional legal/international." [status: Probable]
AMBARB-59AMBARB-59 was possibly Alejandro Portes Cortada. CIA Western Hemisphere (WH) commented, in a cable from Director to JMWAVE on November 22, 1963, "BUEN (note: Buenos Aires) asks if recognition signal and address for AMBARB-59 previously forwarded by WAVE are still correct." [status: Speculative]
AMBARB-63Unknown identity. A dispatch in July of 1962 stated that in Salvador one candidate, AMBARB-63, was being processed. [status: Unknown]
AMBARB-65AMBARB-65 was possibly either Rafael Orizondo Souto or Francisco Raded Bechili. AMBARB-65 was one of two AMBARB representatives in Ecuador. [status: Speculative]
AMBARB-70Martin Morua Arrechea, national coordinator of DRE 1962-63. Joined propaganda unit within TFW in April 1962; by Oct 1962, a TFW "ops specialist". During 1961 and 1962 he was trying to purchase detonators in Chicago with Jorge Salazar who hosted Alpha 66 meetings at 3126 Harlandale, Dallas.
AMBARB-8Unknown identity. A dispatch in September of 1962 stated that the information in a report in June (see July dispatch below) was accurate, except for the addition of AMBARB-8 and AMBARB-77 to the delegation in Uruguay, and of AMBARB-85 to the Costa Rican delegation. [status: Unknown]
AMBARB-87Enrique Baloyra Herp was AMBARB-87. Baloyra was part of the DRE delegation that attended the Helsinki Youth Festival in late July, early August, 1962. Baloyra and John Koch (AMHINT-26) were arrested in Finland.
AMBARB-90AMBARB-90 was possibly either Fernando Acro Hernandez or Eduardo Tomas Torres Ramos. [status: Speculative]
AMBARK-1Hernandez (first name unknown). AMBARK-1 reported in December of 1958, in a cable that reported on Ernesto ("Che") Guevara's movement westward. [status: Unknown]
AMBASAL-1Probably Dr. Jose Francisco Alabau Trelles, former justice on Cuba's Supreme Court. A cable on July 14, 1964, described identities as JMWAVE assets. Another cable the same day stated the identities were Alabau and Luis Conte Aguero (AMCORE-2). [status: Probable]
AMBASEAMBASE was probably a JMWAVE psychological operation involving mail from at least 1963 to 1966. [status: Probable]
AMBASS-1Anis Felaifel, the chief of intelligence for the MRR.
AMBEACHOperation from Miami involving anti-Castro Cubans in December of 1963, and continuing until at least September of 1964.
AMBEATNIK-1Ignacio Piterre Rivera, Cuban ambassador to the Hague from 1959-1961.
AMBEDEW-1Orlando Castro Hidalgo, an officer from the Cuban DGI, who defected to the United States on March 31, 1969. [status: Probable]
AMBELLOW-1Justo Quijano Martinez. A cable on January 22, 1963, mentioned AMBELLOW-1 as IDEN. Another cable on the same day stated that IDEN was Justo Quijano Martinez, a member of the CRC who was still in Guatemala, and attempting to evade expulsion from that nation.
AMBELLOW-5Unknown identity. A cable on January 30, 1960, stated that AMBELLOW-5 reported he had been approached in Havana by Manuel Garcia de la Vega to join his group, which was allegedly led by Pedro Diaz Lanz. [status: Unknown]
AMBEND-1Robert M. Geddes. A dispatch in March, 1964, stated that in February, 1963, AMCARBON-1 (Al Burt) had reported that AMBEND-1 was back in Miami after being released from a Havana prison, and was the object of a great deal of media interest. A UR document stated that Geddes was released in February, 1963, matching AMBEND-1. [status: Probable]
AMBIDDY-1Manuel Artime Buesa, a prominent Cuban exile who was in the Bay of Pigs invasion, in 1963 moved to Nicaragua as leader of operation AMWORLD. In 1963, he used the pseudonym "Ignacio".
AMBIG-3Ricardo Adelis Cobos. Head of the ECLA (Christian Liberation Army) in Cuba. Also known as Ricardo Adolis Cobos and Ricardo Adelis Cobos-Ricardo. Being sought for questioning by the Dallas FBI office at the time of the assassination.
Close allies with the Pino Pino brothers - at least one of them lived at the House at Harlandale as of 11/22/63.
AMBIG-4Unknown identity. A dispatch in June of 1964 stated that Daniel Rodriguez Santos, the owner of the M/V ADA, recruited Armando Blanco Lorenzo, Romelio Lopez Sosa, and AMBIG-4 for an infiltration mission to Cuba which left Key West in May, 1964. [status: Speculative]
AMBLAB-1AMBLAB-1 is Domingo G. Silverio, aka "Alligator." Alligator is another messenger (besides AMULAR) used by Silvio Cardenas as a channel to William Pawley. Cardenas was the contact person for Rubio Padilla to communicate with Pawley. Rubio, Cardenas, and Pepin Rivero were active in the anti-Castro Accion Democratica Christiana (ADC) group in Cuba.
AMBLEAK-1Fernando Fernandez Cavada y Paris, UR's chief of public relations, also known as Frank Dutton. Also known as Estaban Joaquin Blanco Sanchez, an official of Rescate.
AMBLEAK-2AMBLEAK-2 may possibly have been Alicia Eugenia de la Luz Navarro Navarro. A cable in May of 1961 stated that the Unidad Revolucionaria (UR) were sending Navarro to Cuba as a courier to determine details of the remaining UR organization. [status: Speculative]
AMBLEAK-5Unknown identity. AMBLEAK-5 was in contact with AMWREN-1 and AMWEE-4 in late 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMBLESS-1Alberto del Junco Mesa, head of the internal wing of MDC from June 1961 until his defection January 1962; afterwards, he led a major faction in the US. Also known as "Julian Diego" and "Jesus".
AMBLESS-2Fermin Fleitas Arozamena. A dispatch in June of 1962 stated that AMBLESS-2's 201 number was 201-302892. A Field Information Report in May, 1963, mentioned that Fermin Fleitas Arozamena's 201 number was 201-302892, matching AMBLESS-2.
AMBLESS-3Violeta del Junco Mesa, mother of Alberto del Junco Mesa. A cable on September 6, 1961, stated AMBLESS-3 was Violeta del Junco Mesa.
AMBLINK-1Jack Stewart, also known as Henry Pachankis, "Joe", Andrew Merton, and Jack Warren. [status: Probable]
AMBLOODLuis Torroella y Martin Rivero, former Cuban Treasury minister who was executed in 1962 for his role in planning to kill Fidel Castro.
AMBLOW-1Amadeo Barletta, Jr., manager of Ambar Motors in Havana and manager of General Motors in Santo Domingo.
AMBLYGONRolando Masferrer Rojas. Was a casual informant - not an employee - from 1948-1950. [status: Probable]
AMBOA-2Marta Teresita de Jesus Couce y Yinas. A cable on November 26, 1963, requested that AMBOA-2 (IDEN C) be given a entry visa. IDEN C was Marta Teresita de Jesus Couce y Yinas.
AMBOA-3Captain Manuel Blanco Rodriguez. Cables on December 4, 1963, confirm that AMBOA-3 was Captain Manuel Blanco Rodriguez. JMWAVE was eager for Madrid Station to agree to AMBOA-3 being debriefed by Henry J. Sloman (probably Tony Sforza).
AMBOARMitchell Livingston WerBell, III, an arms merchant based in Powder Springs, Georgia. [status: Probable]
AMBOGY-1Vicente Munero Rojas, an economist by profession, who was arrested in 1964 in Cuba. [status: Speculative]
AMBOLT-2Dr. Orlando Bosch, General Coordinator with the Ejercito Cubano Anticomunista, also known as the ECA or the Anti-Communist Army. This group was formed in mid-1961 when Bosch merged his MIRR group with Evilio Duque Miyar's organization. In mid-1963, the two men separated their forces again. [status: Probable]
AMBOUY-2AMBOUY-2 may possibly have been Eustiquiano Garcia Lescano. A dispatch in May of 1962 on a DRE operation at Varadero Beach, Matanzas Province, stated that AMBOUY-2 acted as "regional intelligence and guide." [status: Speculative]
AMBRAY-1Possibly Leonel Alonso Fiel, Cuban Ambassador to Beirut. [status: Speculative]
AMBRONC-1Colonel Eduardo Martin y Elena. A dispatch on December 6, 1960, stated that the military head of the FRD was "said to be Col. Eduardo Martin Elena, a respected career Cuban army officer, reportedly untainted by connections with the Batista government."
AMBRONC-5Juan Manuel Guillot Castellanos aka Renato M. Lopez Zamoka. Alias "Monty". Described as an "Agency asset" in failed effort to lead uprising in Cuba in 1961-62, which resulted in his execution.
AMBRUSHIntel Section of the FRD (Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front). Later described as the CRC's security and counter-intelligence team.
AMBUCKLE-1Ana Tomeu de Miller, head of the women's group known as the CFC.
AMBUDCuban Revolutionary Council (CRC), also known as "the Consejo", was a Cuban exile organization formed on 22 Mar 1961 under U.S. guidance to unify various exile groups. By late 1963, Henry Ruiz-Williams was the titular liaison between the moribund organization and the Kennedy Administration.
AMBUD-1Jose Miro Cardona, first Prime Minister of Cuba under Castro, who left Cuba and headed the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) exile group.
AMBUD-3Dr. Antonio Maceo. Several CIA accounting bills for late 1964 make it clear that Dr. Vicente Lago Pereda was the scriptwriter for AMBUD-3. Receipts mentioned Dr. Antonio Maceo giving Lago $45 for his services.
AMBUD-5Dr. Andres Blanco Ferreiro. A handwritten note, on a cable in March of 1962, on the extension of POA's for AMCROW-1 (Oscar de la Vega Torres) and AMBUD-5 respectively, stated that the latter was Dr. Andres Blanco Ferreiro.
AMBUD-7Two cables on February 12, 1963, confirmed that AMBUD-7 was Pedro Aponte Mendez, a member of the Cuban Revolutionary Council (AMBUD), and also an official of FORDC (AMICE).
AMBUD-8AMBUD-8 was Maximo Sorondo Quintana, a Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) delegate in Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Brazil in the 1960's.
AMBULLUnknown identity. AMBULL was described in a CIA Information Report in November 1956 as a "Cuban with good contacts in labor circles." Possibly involved in the cattle trade in Cuba. [status: Unknown]
AMBUNNY-1Unknown identity. AMBUNNY-1 was to be sent to Paris, to be a French-English-Spanish speaking secretary, at the suggestion of Sidney P. Di Ubaldo, in 1965. The aim was to penetrate UNSNAFU-19's (Antonio Maria Carrillo Carreras) office. [status: Unknown]
AMCALLA project within the Joventud Obrera Catolica, also known as the Catholic Youth Workers. By December 1960, it was the labor arm of the MRP.
AMCALL-1Reinol Gonzalez Gonzalez, head of the Catholic-based MRP in Cuba until arrested at the Cesar Odio farm in October 1961. Also referred to as "Reynoldo". His war name was "Antonio". Also used alias "Joaquin Gomez".
AMCALL-2Known as "Pepe Alegria", and possibly the man known to Antonio Veciana as "Melton". HIs actual identity may have been CIA officer James O'Mailia, described as a cutout to AMCALL-1/Reynoldo Gonzalez. O'Mailia was also known as "Pepe". [status: Speculative]
AMCANDY-1AMCANDY-1 was some kind of funding channel. A cable in April 1969 stated that "Mr. Piper will pay AMSTRUT-2 (Juana de la Caridad Castro Ruz) new monthly expenses of $600. Will continue to fund her salary and radio costs through AMCANDY-1."
AMCANOEProject of U.S. contacts for a resistance group in Cuba, incl. support of Unidad de Liberacion Nacional (ULN). Paulino Sierra worked with this group in an effort to unify exiles.
AMCANOE-1Eduardo Garcia Molina, owner of the Garcia Shipping Lines.
AMCANOE-2Unknown identity. AMCANOE-2 had the 201 number of 201-726572, and was an associate of AMCANOE-1 (Eduardo Garcia Molina), and AMCANOE-3 (Antonio Jose Ramirez Mendez), among others. [status: Unknown]
AMCANOE-3Antonio Jose Ramirez Mendez aka Tony Ramallo, captured and executed during January 1964.
AMCANOE-7Benjamin Acosta Valdes. Acosta was executed by a firing squad on September 15, 1963.
AMCANOE-9Juan Amestoy Dominguez. He was killed in a gun battle on 29 September 1963.
AMCAPE-1Tad Szulc, confidant of JFK, New York Times journalist involved in AMTRUNK project. A document in 1977 stated that Tad Szulc was AMCAPE-1.
AMCAPON-4Unknown identity. According to a document in March of 1962, AMCAPON-4 was among a number of assets and operations who were known/handled by AMIRE-1 (Emilio Americo Rodriguez). [status: Unknown]
AMCARBON-1Al Burt, Miami Herald journalist used as source and "operational support" for CIA's JMWAVE station.
AMCARBON-2A Miami Herald journalist who introduced Shackley to Al Burt/AMCARBON-1 in late 1962 to ensure that CIA always had access to a Herald reporter. One possibility is Dom Bonafede, who was the chief Latin American correspondent until mid-1963. [status: Speculative]
AMCARBON-3Donald Dean Bohning, Latin American editor of Miami Herald and CIA source. A memo on June 5, 1968, stated that Donald Dean Bohning was AMCARBON-3.
AMCARD-1Fernando Otero Espino [status: Probable]
AMCASHUnknown identity. AMCASH was mentioned in a memo on AMMUG-1 (Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez) in May of 1964 by CIA Counterintelligence (CI) officer, Harold F. Swenson. [status: Unknown]
AMCHALK-1Gustavo Villoldo, chief of the intelligence service of Brigade 2506 in Guatemala in 1960-1961. After the Bay of Pigs, he spotted Cubans for recruitment and was a principal agent in paramilitary teams. Played a key role in the destruction of Che Guevara's guerrilla band in Bolivia in 1967. [status: Probable]
AMCHALK-5Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue served as a Team Leader for several black infiltration groups targeting Cuba during the 1960s.
AMCHEEP-1Unknown identity. AMCHEEP-1, along with AMBOGEY-1, reported on Alpha 66 for the CIA in 1962. [status: Unknown]
AMCHEERThe AMCHEERS were a group of approximately 100 older, non-political Cubans, who received training from Dave Morales at JMWAVE as reserve intelligence personnel—80 had been trained by April 1961.
AMCHEER-1Julio G. Garcia, the training instructor for the "Black Falcons" or "Halcones Negros". Had the pseudonym of Al Smith, also referred to as "D-81" and "C-90".
AMCHEER-25Unknown identity. A cable in early December 1963, stated that AMCHEER-25 became a naturalized U.S. citizen on December 21, 1962, and was being utilized as P/A interpreter for the AMBANTY operation. [status: Unknown]
AMCHEETAHAMCHEETAH was Anthony J. Vaughn, a male United States citizen, and hotel manager - probably at the Hotel Vasco de Quiroga in Mexico City.
AMCHIRP-1Ramon Barquin Lopez of the MRP; the CIA considered him a key figure.
AMCHITTERUnknown identity. AMCHITTER reported on comments made by Eusebio Azcue, the former Cuban Consul in Mexico City, in December of 1959. AMCHITTER was described as a "person with good contacts in the Cuban Government." [status: Unknown]
AMCHUB-1Zachafy de Caster. A Information Intelligence Cable on February 12, 1964, described AMCHUB-1 as "an American engineer who lived in Cuba and left there in 1962, who has contacts in JURE." [status: Speculative]
AMCIGARFrente Revolucionario Democratico (FRD) Executive Committee; changed name in November 1960 to AMPORT.
AMCIVICCivic action project connected with Manuel Artime Buesa and the MRR in Latin America during the AMWORLD program.
AMCLANGAMCLANG was probably Andrew St. George. A cable in December of 1962 stated that AMCLANG was in the Miami area, doing preliminary photography work, for an hour long NBC special on Alpha 66, and its associated splinter groups. [status: Probable]
AMCLATTER-1Bernard Leon Barker, Cuban exile and a contract agent for CIA. Barker worked with E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and Rolando Martinez - all four men were part of the team of Watergate burglars. His pseudonym was Spencer O. Terteling. Also known as "The Mule".
AMCLATTER-4Pedro Fernandez. A cable from Havana on August 27, 1960, stated that AMCLATTER-4 was Pedro Fernandez.
AMCLATTER-5Alberto de Jesus Alberty Garcia. A biography of Bernard Barker (AMCLATTER-1) noted Barker's recruitment of AMCLATTER-5, and identified A-5 as Alberto de Jesus Alberty Garcia.
AMCLATTER-6Ana Rosa Guerra Santana. AMCLATTER-6 was an associate of Bernard Barker (AMCLATTER-1). CIA's handwritten Bernard Barker chronology stated that AMCLATTER-6 was Guerra. There also appeared to be a reference to AMPAN-6.
AMCLATTER-8Unknown identity. AMCLATTER-8 told AMCLATTER-4 (Pedro Fernandez) in June 1960 that he had learned that police in Havana were probably investigating the activities of William Pawley of Miami. [status: Unknown]
AMCLATTER-9AMCLATTER-9 was Eugenio Jesus Veliz Hernandez. CIA's handwritten Bernard Barker chronology stated that AMCLATTER-9 was Veliz. Veliz's 201 number was 201-269700.
AMCLAY-1Emilio Adolfo Diaz Cobo. A document in April of 1962 stated that Emilio Diaz's C-Number was 84033, and his 201 number was 201-280999. An undated memo on the cancelling of OP's stated that AMCLAY-1's C-Number was 84033, and his 201 number was 201-280999.
AMCLEMENT-1Unknown identity. AMCLEMENT-1 translated the manifesto from the UR Chief of the Chinese Sector, Chao Kuo Tse, in May or June of 1962. The latter was apparently arrested in Cuba in July, 1962, and sentenced to ten years in prison and forced labor. [status: Unknown]
AMCLEVE-15Luis Posada Carriles, aka Luis Clemente Faustino Posada, Luis Clemente Posada, Luis Clemente Faustino Posada Carriles, El Bambi, Father Frank Roddson, Jr., Pete.
AMCLOCKEspionage net of Cubans. [status: Unknown]
AMCLOCK-1AMCLOCK-1 was probably Jose Enrique Camejo Argudin, UN representative. A memo from LAD/JFK Task Force stated PLSLSTEEL-1 was formerly AMANVIL-1, AMCLOCK-1 and INDEVOUT-3. [status: Probable]
AMCLUCKAMCLUCK was the cryptonym for Miguel Nadal Conte. A cable in April of 1959 stated that Ref B was assigned the cryptonym of AMCLUCK. The name Miguel Nadal Conte was handwritten in alongside Ref B.
AMCOAX-1Jose Pujals Mederos. His patronymic is also seen as Pujol and Pujols. Aliases included Chacho and Ernesto. [status: Probable]
AMCOBRAParamilitary operation of internal resistance in Cuba, renamed AMBANTY, rolled up by Castro in 1964. One of the two teams infiltrated into Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis.
AMCOGA “complex” operational net inside Cuba.
AMCOG-1Ramón Grau Alsina, a.k.a. Mongo. Brother of AMCOG-2 (Maria Leopoldina Grau Alsina de Agüero). Nephew and later adopted son of AMCOG-3 (Ramon Grau San Martin).
AMCOG-2Mrs. (Maria) Leopoldina Grau Alsina de Agüero, aka “Polita.”
AMCOG-3Ramon Grau San Martin, uncle of AMCOG-2 and AMCOG-1 (later foster father of AMCOG-1). Former (1944-48) Cuban President.
AMCOG-5A Cuban professional businessman with a medical background and a wide variety of contacts. Alleged sighting of Oswald in Cuba by Ofelia Miranda, a source of AMCOG-5. [status: Unknown]
AMCOG-9Unknown identity. A cable in November of 1964 described AMCOG-9 as "a Cuban Government official who is concerned with maritime affairs and who has official contacts in the majority of Cuban ports." [status: Unknown]
AMCONCERT-1Francisco Wilfredo Varona Alonso, AKA "Pancho," AKA "Paco." No relation to FRD chief Tony Varona.
AMCONCERT-4AMCONCERT-4 was probably Major Tomas Cabanas Batista. A cable in October, 1963, described AMCONCERT-4 like Cabanas - a "former employee of a Cuban Ministry, now in the United States. Source is reliable, although he has furnished little information during the past two years." [status: Speculative]
AMCOODelia Failde, the “Dragon Lady”, operator of commercial boats including the Veramar used in CIA exfiltrations.
AMCOOP-1Miguel Xiques Macias. Allied with AMCALL-1 (Reinol Gonzalez Gonzalez) during 1961. Also used the alias DIMPLE.
AMCOREA political action/propaganda operation using radio commentators to promote resistance, harassment, and sabotage against the Castro government.
AMCORE-1Abel Mestre, former owner of television and radio station "Circuito CMQ" in Cuba.
AMCORE-2Luis Ernesto Conte Aguero, former radio and TV commentator in Cuba who subsequently "worked on propaganda for the FRD" under AMCORE-1.
AMCOUP-1Ralph Brent aka Rolf Brent, president of WRUL and in charge of programming. [status: Probable]
AMCOVEAn "operation centered around an FI (Foreign Intelligence) net in Cuba to report intelligence information via Secret Writing."
AMCOVE-1Alejandra Sanchez. An undated CIA document from Virginia Renshaw, a researcher for the LAD/JFK Task Force, stated that AMCOVE-1 was Alejandra Sanchez, 201-299293.
AMCOVE-11Dr. Pedro Antonio Rodriguez Inigo.
AMCOVE-12Unknown identity. A cable on November 30, 1963, described AMCOVE-12 as "an agricultural specialist who travels in Habana and Pinar del Rio Provinces." [status: Unknown]
AMCOVE-14Unknown identity. Cables on December 11, 1963, stated that AMCOVE-14 reported to AMCOVE-5, and that Oscar aka Perico was a sub source of AMCOVE-14. [status: Unknown]
AMCOVE-2Unknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on November 27, 1963, described AMCOVE-2 as "a former Cuban cattleman who had his land expropriated in October 1963, who had very limited contact with Soviets at Torrens." [status: Unknown]
AMCOVE-3Unknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on December 2, 1963, stated that "AMCOVE-1 (note: Alejandra Sanchez) reported AMCOVE-3 has indirect contact with comandante who willing supply information." [status: Unknown]
AMCOVE-5Unknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on November 27, 1963, described AMCOVE-5 as "a former businessman who has many contacts among the Cuban military." [status: Unknown]
AMCOVE-8Unknown identity. AMCOVE-8 was a sub source of AMCOVE-1 (Alejandra Sanchez), who lived in Pinar del Rio province. [status: Unknown]
AMCRAB-1Rolando Santana Reyes, Cuban defector to the United States from Montevideo, Uruguay.
AMCRACKLE-1James Joseph O'Mailia. His pseudonym was Gordon Biniaris. His alias was Joe Melton. [status: Probable]
AMCRAG-1Francisco Bilbao Alvarez, MRR chief, Oriente province, 1960-61. Worked with ONI intelligence officer Harold Feeney at Guantanamo Naval Base in the early sixties.
AMCRAG-7Unknown identity. A cable in April, 1962, from JMWAVE, originated by Henry J. Sloman (probably Tony Sforza), stated that AMCRAG-7 was a AMOT sub-source, and was the brother-in-law of Luis Alberto Espino Escales. [status: Unknown]
AMCRASH-1Unknown identity. Cables in 1966 stated that AMCRASH-1 was a friend of LITAMIL-9 (Luis Alberu Souto), had some sort of connection with Madrid, and had a 201 number of 201-772091. [status: Unknown]
AMCREW-1AMCREW-1 was Mario Nordio. A CIA memo (104-10111-10040) described Mario Nordio as "a stay-behind agent", and stated that he and his case officer, Robert Neet, were among those arrested in Havana on September 15, 1960.
AMCRIB-1Jesus Angulo Clemente. Was formerly a member of the Cuban Communist Party, and was from the radical left wing of the anti-Castro Cuban movement in the U.S. Participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961, and was active in the COJCE and MDC in particular.
AMCROAK-1Bernardo Milanes Lopez, Castro’s mother’s doctor, recruited by Tony Sforza in Madrid in 1963. Part of a late 1963 plot to assassinate Fidel, Raul, and Che.
AMCROW-1Oscar de la Vega Torres, Secretary General of the DMR (the Cuban Revolutionary Teachers Directorate) in the early sixties.
AMCRUMB-1Carlos Maristany Sanchez, Cuban Ambassador to the Netherlands.
AMCRUMP-1Laureano Batista Falla. AMCRUMP-1's true name appears in a August 1966 CIA Field Information Report in a Movimiento Democrata Cristiano (MDC) file. [status: Speculative]
AMCRUMP-5Unknown identity. In June 1970, AMCRUMP-5 was the current proprietor of a marine services company. Probably a member of the MDC. [status: Unknown]
AMCRUMP-7Angel Hernandez Rojo was a member of the DRE and the MDC in the 1960's. He was a boat operator.
AMCUBE-1Pedro Jose Lucas Alvarez Tio. During 1961, received in Cuba all equipment targeted for delivery to MDC.
AMCURVE-1Jose Antonio Rabaza Vasquez, DGI officer.
AMCUSP-1AMCUSP-1 was Gasper Truepa Varona. Widow was Marta Couce Vinaa.
AMCUT-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in May, 1963, stated that AMCUT-1 was the source for a report on the training of Latin American saboteurs in Havana. In turn, his uncle (an informant) and/or Felipeber Ramon were sources for A-1. [status: Unknown]
AMCUTLER-1Brother of David Capeza Coupau. Courier for the AMFAUNA network. [status: Unknown]
AMCUTLER-2AMCUTLER-2 was a courier, and wife of AMCUTLER-1. AMCUTLER-2 was known as Carmina. [status: Unknown]
AMDAMP-3Francisco Botifoll. AMDAMP-3 was executed sometime between December 1963 and December 1965. A cable and Field Information Report in July 1963 described A-3 as a "Cuban professional man in Camaguey who travelled frequently to Habana." [status: Speculative]
AMDANJorge Madan Rivas, Cuba's Vice Minister for Foreign Commerce. May have provided information to CIA on Cuban nickel production. [status: Probable]
AMDAUB-1Unknown identity. AMDAUB-1 was a former Cuban code clerk, who was kidnapped in Mexico City in September, 1968, by Cuban diplomats. A-1 had been granted asylum in Mexico. [status: Unknown]
AMDECK-1A principal agent of James Tattersfield in the PM division. Appears to be Santiago Alvarez Fernandez, Jr. Both AMDECK-1 and Santiago, Jr. are described as "a Cuban exile with good access to activities of Comandos L", and "generally reliable" despite a "relatively short reporting history". [status: Probable]
AMDEL-1Andrew St. George. Principal agent in program after JFK's death aimed at penetrating Cuba. His wife states that he was Army Intelligence during World War II. His original name was Andrew Szentgyorgyi. [status: Speculative]
AMDENIM-1Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria, aka Echevarria, Cuban exile whose boat Tejana was used in anti-Castro activities. Leader of the paramilitary wing of the Unidad Revolucionario (UR). A source on CIA unsanctioned exile missions such as those conducted by Alpha 66. Former head of the Sugar Institute in Cuba.
AMDENIM-10AMDENIM-10 was possibly Pedro Ernesto Diaz. A cable in February, 1961, requested crypts for the individuals who maintained the Tejana. The ones listed first, fourth, eleventh and fourteenth became those AMDENIMS. [status: Speculative]
AMDENIM-11Eduardo Perez Gonzalez, aka Eddie Bayo.
AMDENIM-12Rafael Casals y Fernandez de Cueto, cook on the Tejana vessel in February of 1961.
AMDENIM-13Joaquin Powell Rubio, small boat operator, gunner, and long-time aide to Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria (AMDENIM-1)
AMDENIM-14Antonio ("Tony") Cuesta Valle, aka Lobanillo, military leader of Comandos L and other militant anti-Castro organizations such as Alpha-66, the UR and the MRR. He had been the vice-president of ITT in Havana.
AMDENIM-2Robert Clark Stevens, captain of the Tejana. True name was probably Bob Simon.
AMDENIM-3George Michael Kappes - also known as Mickey Kappes, engineer and operations officer of the Tejana, also Underwater Demolition Team (UDT)/"frogman."
AMDENIM-4Larry Laborde, captain of the Tejana III for many years. The vessel was used for resupply and infiltration operations until Laborde was laid off in 1962.
AMDENIM-5AMDENIM-5 was possibly Armando Rodriguez Alonso. On a cable on February 22, 1961, a handwritten number 5 stated "E. Naval candidate 8501, senior Cuban officer aboard." [status: Speculative]
AMDENIM-6Manuel Rodriguez Alonso. On a cable on February 22, 1961, this name was handwritten in line with number 6, which stated "F. Naval Candidate 8071, desk officer."
AMDENIM-9Eduardo Antonio Baez Ayala, member of the Tejana crew, member of the Unidad Revolucionaria's (UR) Black Falcons, member of the combat element of Alpha 66, and in the late 1960's the military leader of Comandos L.
AMDESK-1Ricardo Anibal Morales Navarrete, aka Monkey Morales. Sabotage leader of the AMDESK team during 1963-1964, described as "not a CIA sponsored project". Went on to an infamous career in right-wing terrorism before his violent death in 1982.
AMDESK-2Angel Manuel Benitez Benitez. A memo in October, 1964, stated that AMDESK-2's 201 number was 201-744305. A CIA document in November, 1964, stated that Angel Manuel Benitez Benitez had a C-Number of 744305.
AMDIAL-2One possibility is Aldo Pedro Margolles Duenas. In July 1962, AMDIAL-2 reported to AMOT-2 (Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo) the remarks of Juan Falcon Tamar on Cuban radio following Falcon's arrest. [status: Speculative]
AMDIP-1Tony Varona, full name Manuel Antonio de Varona Loredo. He was president of the CRC (Cuban Revolutionary Council). During 1948-50, he was the Prime Minister and Senator in government of Carlos Prio Socarras.
AMDIP-2Jesus Exposito Lorenzo, also assigned the cryptonym AMHAWK-2.
AMDIP-3Ramon Augusto Ruisanchez, aka Comandante Augusto, Cesar, and Tandi.
AMDIP-4Efrein Hernandez Cao, aide to Ramon Augusto Ruisanchez (AMDIP-3). A cable in January of 1963 stated that AMDIP-4 left Cuba in March, 1961, with AMDIP-3 (Ramon Augusto Ruisanchez). AMDIP-4 was also AMDIP-1 (Tony Varona)'s chief assistant on boats. [status: Probable]
AMDIP-5Unknown identity. A contact report in June of 1961 described AMDIP-5, along with AMDIP-4, as being a lieutenant of AMDIP-3 (Ramon Augusto Ruisanchez). AMDIP-3 requested that his case officer discipline them to work harder for him. [status: Unknown]
AMDITTOMIRR - Movimento Insurreccional de Recuperacion (Insurrectional Movement for Revolutionary Recovery). The exile group was led by Orlando Bosch.
AMDITTO-23Orlando Bosch Avila, a famous Cuban exile who led the MIRR. The MIRR engaged in a number of raids directed at the sugar industry in Cuba during 1963 in an effort to disrupt the economy. Bosch was linked to a number of bombing attacks directed at Cuba, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s.
AMDOFF-1Juan Orta, Director of the Office of the Prime Minister from 1959-1961. Described as Fidel Castro's private secretary. A probable double agent of the US government. [status: Probable]
AMDOG-1Jose Puente Blanco, the coordinator of JURE's youth wing. [status: Probable]
AMDOODLE-1Unknown identity. Worked with AMCOOP-1 (Miguel Xiques Macias) and AMIRE-1 (Emilio Americo Rodriguez) in the Staybehind net in Cuba. [status: Unknown]
AMDOODLE-3Unknown identity. A cable on November 28, 1963, described AMDOODLE-3 as "a Latin American diplomat who has maintained close relations with Gustavo Marin, secretary to General Miguel A. Ramirez, Dominican Minister of Agriculture." [status: Unknown]
AMDOROTHY-1Unknown identity. A cable on November 22, 1963, described AMDOROTHY-1 as "a Cuban national who held a minor administrative post in a foreign diplomatic installation in Santiago de Cuba." AMDOROTHY-1 was also described as a "long time" friend of Teofilo Babun. [status: Unknown]
AMDOSE-1Unknown identity. AMDOSE-1 sent a SW message on December 7, 1962, stating that "the majority of us hope that Kennedy finishes with Fidel before Christmas." [status: Unknown]
AMDOTAn Army team that conducts training at Eglin Air Force Base. CIA officer Norman Kiggins (possibly Bob Wall) was one of the trainers. [status: Probable]
AMDUKEAMDUKES were radio operators in the AMOT network.
AMEAT-1Unknown identity. AMEAT-1 was described as a small scale farmer from Havana Province. [status: Unknown]
AMECRU-1Guillermo Alonso Pujol, who was Vice-President of Cuba from 1948 to 1952 in the government of Carlos Prio. His son was among the exiles captured at the Bay of Pigs. Served as negotiator to rescue anti-Castro exiles from prison - CIA later identified him as a Cuban intelligence service agent.
AMEERThe AAA, or "Triple A", a wing of the Autentico party. Autentico led Cuba between 1944-1952, the first four years by Ramon Grau Martin and the latter four years by Carlos Prio.
AMEER-1Aureliano Sanchez Arango, head of the AAA, a wing of the Autentico party in Cuba. Sanchez was associated with Gerry Hemming and initially endorsed the anti-Castro activities of Hemming's Interpen group.
AMELU-3Unknown identity. A cable from Havana on March 25, 1960, stated that Stanley R. Zamka (David Morales) met AMELU-3 accidentally during a recent trip to Miami. AMELU-3 was a CIA Havana station asset. [status: Unknown]
AMEMBER-1Julio Lobo, sugar magnate in Cuba and later an exile and donor to the anti-Castro cause. Known in Cuba as "Mr. Sugar". Until his departure, he was the most powerful man in Cuba. He hired Antonio Veciana to be his accountant.
AMEPOCH-6Unknown identity. A cable on June 30, 1962, stated that AMDENIM-1 recommended AMEPOCH-6 of refs as Cuban receptionist for agents and supplies. A POA was requested on Silvia de Los Delgado. [status: Unknown]
AMEREBUSUnknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on December 6, 1963, stated that the entire AMEREBUS team had been terminated on November 30th for apparent repeated minor security offenses. [status: Unknown]
AMESCORT-1Manuel Vega Abril. A dispatch in June, 1961, from Stanley R. Zamka (David S. Morales) stated that AMESCORT-1 was Identity E, which was Manuel Vega.
AMETROPIA-1Roberto Rodriguez Llompart. Close friend of defector and former Cuban intelligence officer, Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez (AMMUG-1) and target for defection by the CIA in the 1970's.
AMFACET-1Umberto Figueres Gonzalez.
AMFASTThe apparent core of Operation 40. A hundred selected Cubans trained to serve as counterintelligence (CI) officers and future government leaders. In a revolt such as the Bay of Pigs, their role was to penetrate inland as fast as possible and to identify and seize documents of the Castro government - and then serve as the intelligence arm of a temporary civilian government of Cuba.
AMFAST-112Unknown identity. According to an undated CIA document, AMFAST-112's 201 number was 201-288214. [status: Unknown]
AMFAST-13AMFAST-13 was Vicente Vasquez Dominquez. A cable on September 5, 1961, stated that AMFAST-13 was Vicente Vasquez Dominquez. "CI/PM" was also written next to his name.
AMFAST-18AMFAST-18 may possibly have been from Manuel Rodriguez Fleites (or Fleitas). [status: Speculative]
AMFAST-35Unknown identity. A dispatch in August of 1961 stated that AMFAST-35 was a radio technician and a member of the new AMOT complex. [status: Unknown]
AMFAST-6Jose Garcia Valdez, aka Pepe Gatillo, Pepe Iglesias and "Luciano". 201-299287. [status: Probable]
AMFAUNANetwork of in-Cuba agents, nearly all women, providing military, political, and economic reporting, including reports on attempts to kill Castro.
AMFAUNA-1David Cabeza Coupau, leader of the AMFAUNA (network of in-Cuba agents, nearly all women, providing military, political, and economic reporting, including reports on attempts to kill Castro) organization.
AMFAUNA-12Unknown identity. A cable in August of 1963 had a handwritten note at the bottom stating that "Withheld in touch AMFAUNA-12 + also Swiss" (probably a reference to AMKNOB-1 - Pedro Fedeli Medici, who was known as "the Swiss"). [status: Unknown]
AMFAUNA-13AMFAUNA-13 was Manuel Villamanan, who was involved in the MRR and the AMFAUNA Operation.
AMFAUNA-14Key part of the AMFAUNA network and a link to the AMCOG network. Taken into custody and interrogated at length by the Cuban government during October 1963. Known as "Soledad" and as "Betty". [status: Unknown]
AMFAUNA-26Unknown identity. In a January, 1964, dispatch AMFAUNA-26 was alleged to be the sister of Olga Rosquete Rodriguez. The latter was also alleged to be the wife of AMFLORA-1.
AMFAUNA-3Hortensia Orizondo Meneses. A cable on January 5, 1965, stated that AMFAUNA-3 was "ACSI source No. 180, under whose net Jose Vasquez Nerey worked until A/3 (was) exfiltrated by AMTRUNKS in September, 1963."
AMFAUNA-4"Gonzales", an important officer in the Cuban Army desirous of defecting in 1962.
AMFAUNA-7Unknown identity. A dispatch in July of 1963 stated that AMFAUNA-1 (David Cabeza Coupau) reported that a friend of AMFAUNA-7 was planning to assassinate Cuban leader, Fidel Castro Ruz (AMTHUG). [status: Unknown]
AMFAWN-1Unknown identity. A cable in March of 1963 from JMWAVE described AMFAWN-1 as a "Cuban exile (C) with extensive contacts among exiled Cuban labor leaders." [status: Unknown]
AMFED-1Jorge Medina Bringuier. A dispatch in July, 1964, stated that AMFED-1 and Ricardo Alfonso Villalva (war name "Oquendo") allegedly destroyed the DRE in Cuba in 1962. Bringuier was also known as "Mongo" and "Carlos Prado". [status: Probable]
AMFIFE-1Agusto Domingo Casamayor Castro. A document in April of 1962 stated that Agusto Casamayor's C-Number was 84121, and his 201 number was 201-281279. An undated memo on the cancelling of OP's stated that AMFIFE-1's C-Number was 84121, and his 201 number was 201-281279.
AMFIX-1AMFIX-1 was probably Teodore Enrique Casado Cuervo. A memo in March of 1961 listed AMFIX-1 as being among those agents who either was known to AMIRE-1 (Emilio Americo Rodriguez), or was probably known to him. [status: Probable]
AMFLORA-1Unknown identity. AMFLORA-1's wife was alleged to be Olga Rosquete Rodriguez, who was also alleged to be the sister of AMFAUNA-26.
AMFOX-1Juan Falcon Tamar, aka Juan Esteban. Also known as "Montes". [status: Probable]
AMFRAME-1Rafael Rivas Vasquez was a prominent member of Artime's MRR from 1959 onward. A highly valued propaganda asset in UR's projects in the 1960s. By 1965 he was chief of the UR Economic Warfare section.
AMGABE-1Julio Gaspar Hubert Rico. Among a small group of agents supposedly asked to determine if pro-Castro Cubans or anti-Castro Cubans were involved in the killing of JFK.
AMGAME-1Unknown identity. A cable in February of 1972 stated that AMGAME-1 knew Roberto Rodriguez Llompart (AMETROPIA-1), and assessed the latter "as being a worthwhile target and possibly recruitable." [status: Unknown]
AMGHOST-1Unknown identity. A memo on August 15, 1972 mentioned that AMWOLF-1 (Eduardo Araos Agero) was a trusted colleague and follower of AMGHOST-1. AMGHOST-1's 201 number was possibly 201-810126. [status: Unknown]
AMGIRAFFEAn unknown CIA asset involved with Cuban exiles members of the Unidad Revolucionaria (UR).
[status: Speculative]
AMGLADThis network of UR agents provided foreign intelligence, with Andres Zayas (aka "Justo") at the center of it.
AMGLAD-1Ralph Diaz Hanscom, aka Rafael Diaz Hanscom. Planned to assassinate Fidel Castro on 3/27/61. Was captured with Humberto Sori Marin on 3/18/61 and executed during Bay of Pigs period.
AMGLAD-2Aureliano/Aurelio Fernandez Diaz. A dispatch in June, 1961, from Stanley R. Zamka (David S. Morales) stated that AMGLAD-2 was Identity A, which was Aureliano Fernandez Diaz.
AMGLAD-3Luis Vega Moreno. A dispatch in June, 1961, from Stanley R. Zamka (David S. Morales) stated that AMGLAD-3 was Identity B, which was Luis Vega.
AMGLAD-4Hector Febles (Barreto). Exfiltrated illegally from Cuba to the U.S. in August 1962. Granted a POA in October 1962. UR coordinator for action and sabotage. Also known as "Horacio". Head of the UR in the US.
AMGLEN-1Jesus A. Valdes Cardenas. A cable from Havana in September of 1960 stated that "AMGLEN-1 turned over to AMYUM-1 (Lino Bernabe Fernandez Martinez) and AMRUNG-1 (Rogelio Gonzalez y Corso)."
AMGLEN-9Probably Emilio Cardenas Pinera, also referred to as Emilio Cadenas Adan. In 1960, he was known as "DWAKIQ", a radio operator covering some of the boats. For at least one operation, AMGLEN-9 was known as "Ink". May have used the alias "Emilio Carbo", had close relations with Clemente Inclan/AMSIGH-2, and exfiltrated about the same time as AMCANOE-3 in late 1963. [status: Probable]
AMGLOSSYComandos Mambises - a CIA infiltration team designed to set up an intelligence network and a resistance organization inside Cuba during 1963. Members of the team were captured on 10/21/63. Head of team was allegedly Manuel Villafana/LITAINT-1.
AMGORILLA-1Rafael Guas Inclan, Vice President of Cuba, 1954-58, fits the description of the man described as a "rightist Cuban exile" who had been an official in the Batista regime and a trained reporter. [status: Probable]
AMGOSH-1Unknown identity. Contact of Margot Pena and Tony Varona, known under the alias of Frau Marsal Barbarossa Lorenzo. [status: Unknown]
AMGUN-1Probably Rafael Martinez Pupo, spokesman for the Comando Mambises. A dispatch in February, 1964, mentioned that AMGUN-1 was "primarily used in support of AMLILAC/AMTABBY/AMANCHOR Operations." [status: Probable]
AMGUPPY-1Ricardo Rafael Sardinas Sanchez, head of the Cuban Cane Planters Association.
AMHALFAction involving Uruguay in Cuba. [status: Probable]
AMHALF-2Hamlet Goncalves, First Secretary at the Uruguayan embassy in Havana. Sometimes spelled "Goncalvez" [status: Probable]
AMHAM-1Juan Felaifel Canahan testified against Rolando Cubela and others at the 1966 criminal trial in Cuba.
AMHAW-1Unknown identity. A cable from Havana on August 5, 1960, described AMHAW-1 as being "extremely enthusiastic, emotional and probably has tendency of over-optimism." [status: Unknown]
AMHAWKManuel Antonio (Tony) de Varona, a leader in the Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti-Castro exile groups.
AMHAWK-2Jesus Exposito Lorenzo. Also assigned the cryptonym AMDIP-2, and known as "Ralph".
AMHAZEA post-Bay of Pigs CIA operational group consisting of exiles initially recruited for the 2506 Brigade. This brigade was the anti-Castro Cuban exiles and allies that participated in the Bay of Pigs.
AMHAZE-2523Carlos Eduardo Hernandez Sanchez, war name Eduardo Sanchez, nickname "Batea"
AMHAZE-2524Jorge Giraud Leiva. Early exile volunteer (April 1960) for military action against Cuba, along with Carlos Hernandez (AMHAZE-2523) and Felix Rodriguez. He was asked to be part of AMWORLD. Completed full military training including maritime operations and parachute drops. In 1963 recommended by JMWAVE Operations (Morales) for AMWORLD project.
AMHAZE-2563AMHAZE-2563 was Jose Rojas Castellanos. A memo on October 12, 1961, had 2563 in brackets after Rojas' name. Carlos Hernandez had 2523 in brackets after his name, and he was AMHAZE-2523. Therefore, Rojas was AMHAZE-2563.
AMHAZE-2736Unknown identity. AMHAZE-2736 was a trainee, who in New Orleans on April 20, 1961, was given $100 and a ticket to his home in New York City. [status: Unknown]
AMHELM-1AMHELM-1 was Antonio Perez Quesada. According to a dispatch in March, 1963, AMHELM-1's 201 number was 201-328512. A report in July, 1965, stated that Perez Quesada's 201 number was 201-328512.
AMHICKA paramilitary operation based on infiltrating individuals into Cuba and exfiltrating other individuals from Cuba. [status: Unknown]
AMHICK-1Unknown identity. Agent monitoring the Saavedra missile site during November 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMHICK-2Unknown identity. A cable in September of 1963 stated that AMHICK-1 and AMHICK-2 were due to undertake a short term infiltration/exfiltration operation on September 16, 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMHICK-4Fernando Alvarez Morales. Cables on December 9, 1963 (WAVE 8714 and WAVE 8715) stated that AMHICK-4 was Fernando Alvarez Morales.
AMHICK-5Domingo Muro. Cables on December 9, 1963 (WAVE 8714 and WAVE 8715) stated that AMHICK-5 was Domingo Muro.
AMHIMThe Agencia de Informaciones Periodisticas (the Agency for News Information) was a news service financed by CIA. A project for the "distribution of news and information bulletins and radio newscast tapes to addresses throughout Latin America". Used by Frank Sturgis' International Anti-Communist Brigade for its bulletin.
AMHIM-1Maybe Fernando Carrandi, the president of AMHIM. He was the one who obtained funding for AMHIM. [status: Speculative]
AMHIM-2Augustin Alles Soberon, worked under AMHIM project and also for Juana Castro's radio program.
AMHINTA branch of the DRE that conducted paramilitary and infiltration operations in Cuba. Their case officer was JMWAVE chief of operations David Morales. [status: Probable]
AMHINT-1Alberto Muller Quintana, also known as AMING-3. 201-286050. Cofounder of the DRE and a CIA agent, who was captured and held for many years by the Cuban government.
AMHINT-12Jose Antonio Gonzalez-Lanuza Mena. Referred to in CIA memo on 11/22/63 as "Jose Llanusa Gobel" - accidental or purposeful?
AMHINT-13Ernesto Fernandez Traviesa (or Travieso). A handwritten note on a memorandum in March, 1961, gave Ernesto Traviesa's 201 number as 201-291751. A cable in May, 1961, cited AMHINT-13's 201 number as 201-291751, matching's Traviesa/Travieso's.
AMHINT-14Julio Hernandez Suarez. DRE member, who was infiltrated into Cuba prior to the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. A CIA cable in May 1964 stated that he had been in a Cuban prison for three years.
AMHINT-18George Nobregas aka Jorge Nobregas. AMHINT-18 used the names George and Jorge as an indigenous instructor. [status: Probable]
AMHINT-19AMHINT-19 was probably Raul Villaverde. [status: Probable]
AMHINT-2Juan Manuel Salvat Roque, a leading member of the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE).
AMHINT-21Jose Jesus Basulto Leon. AMHINT-21 was infiltrated into Cuba before the Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961. In addition, AMHINT-21 took part in a raid on Cuba in April of 1962. [status: Speculative]
AMHINT-22AMHINT-22 was Frank Bernardino Babot.
AMHINT-23AMHINT-23 was Jose Raffo Barrera.
AMHINT-24Victor Espinosa Hernandez aka Victor Papucho Espinosa.
AMHINT-26John Koch Gene, aka Jose R. Alsina Vazquez. A CIA document in September 1961 stated that Koch was AMHINT-26, and stated he would "be used by PA/PROP in across the board training for an infiltration operation."
AMHINT-27Manuel Baro Esteva, military coordinator for the MRR.
AMHINT-28Angel Alfredo Fontanills y Miguel. Number 28 was handwritten next to Fontanills' name on a cable, in September, 1961, on the training of AMHINT infiltrators.
AMHINT-29Luis Cowan Fernandez. A cable in September of 1961 stated that Luis Cowan Fernandez was AMHINT-29. However, he may only have had this crypt a short time, as the cable mentioned that the crypts would be assigned after completion of training (he possibly only had this crypt provisionally).
AMHINT-3Miguel A. Garcia Armengol, head of the action and sabotage wing of the DRE until arrested in Cuba after the Bay of Pigs invasion. Spent many years in Cuban prison.
AMHINT-30Albor Ruiz Salazar, used the war name "Raul".
AMHINT-33Carlos Eduardo Hernandez Sanchez. According to a January, 1964, dispatch on Jorge Medina Bringuier (probably AMFED-1), AMHINT-33 was a black-belt Judo champion. In addition, a dispatch in February 1963 stated AMHINT-33 was an old friend of Bringuier's. [status: Probable]
AMHINT-39Delio Alberto Gonzalez Riba (201-308442). A cable in October 1961, included Delio Gonzalez among those who were to be assigned an AMHINT cryptonym. A dispatch on September 14, 1962, listed AMHINT-39, along with AMHINT-57, as DRE intelligence officers.
AMHINT-4Antonio Garcia Crew. A cable in November of 1960 stated that a propaganda team was assigned cryptonyms AMHINT-1, 2, 3, and 4. The following cable stated that AMHINT-4 was Antonio Garcia Crew.
AMHINT-40Julio Hernandez Rojo, used the war name Cesar. Took part in Operations GORDO, PEPE and PATRICIO. Arrested in October 1962, probably due to the double agent activities of Jorge Medina Bringuier.
AMHINT-42Leslie Nobregas, captain of the Susan Ann. A progress report on the DRE for April of 1962 stated that AMHINT-42 was part of the crew for a raid on Cuba. Also, a dispatch in May 1962, mentioned that AMHINT-42 was the captain of an infiltration mission into Cuba. [status: Speculative]
AMHINT-48Unknown identity. A dispatch in January of 1964 mentioned that AMHINT-48 was exposed to AMAGREE-1 as "Paco Gonzalez." [status: Unknown]
AMHINT-49Unknown identity. A dispatch in June of 1962 mentioned that "during the forthcoming 90 days the normal timetable calls for AMHINT-52 as radio operator in Havana Province, AMHINT-49 in Oriente Province and AMHINT-41 in Pinar del Rio Province." [status: Unknown]
AMHINT-5Isidro 'Chilo' Borja, early member of the DRE. He controlled the group's boats and headed the group's military section in 1963. Clare Boothe Luce referred to him as a boatman she called 'Julio Fernandez'. When CIA director Bill Colby followed up this story in October 1975, he was fired within days - with Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney taking over leadership positions in the Ford Administration.
AMHINT-52Unknown identity. A report in April of 1962 on the DRE from Ross Crozier stated that JMWAVE had processed AMHINT-52 as their radio operator, with A-52 expected to begin training by the end of April. [status: Unknown]
AMHINT-53Luis Fernandez-Rocha, Secretary General of the Revolutionary Student Directorate (DRE).
AMHINT-56Juan Francisco Blanco Fernandez, participated in DRE raids on Cuba. Head of the DRE's military section.
AMHINT-57Unknown identity. A dispatch on September 24, 1962, stated that AMHINT-57 was a AMSPELL (DRE) intelligence officer. Another dispatch earlier in that month listed AMHINT-57 and AMHINT-39 (Delio Alberto Gonzalez Riba) as DRE intelligence personnel. [status: Unknown]
AMHINT-58Jose Angel Lozano y Lozano. A dispatch in October of 1962 described Lozano as the "national coordinator for agricultural affairs (actually organizer for guerrilla warfare and resistance groups throughout the island)." [status: Probable]
AMHINT-59Jose Maria Lasa. A dispatch on December 10, 1962, stated that AMHINT-53 (Luis Fernandez-Rocha) and AMHINT-59 (IDEN) of the DRE met Richard Helms in Washington D.C. on November 12-13, 1962. The identity was Jose Maria Lasa.
AMHINT-6Unknown identity. A dispatch in August of 1962 stated that AMHINT-6 was one of a number of DRE members infiltrated into Cuba by the time of the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961. [status: Unknown]
AMHINT-8AMHINT-8 was the cryptonym for Carlos Duquesne Wylryez. A cable on April 11, 1961, stated that Carlos Duquesne's 201 number was 201-283951 (the first three digits in the second part are hard to distinguish but the last three are definitely 951).
AMHOBONewsletter in Mexico that received funds from CIA. [status: Probable]
AMHOOK-1Unknown identity. A CIA document in September of 1963 referred to "much conflict in the MRR" between AMHOOK-1 and AMBRONC-5 (Juan Manuel Guillot Castellanos) towards the end of 1961. [status: Unknown]
AMHOSEAMHOSE was a project that involved a cruiser broadcasting radio propaganda as it drifted off the Cuban coast. Its first broadcast was made on October 7, 1960. CIA officer Ross Crozier worked on this project.
AMHOSE-1AMHOSE-1 may possibly have been Ulises Carbo, son of Sergio Carbo, editor of the Prensa Libre newspaper. Ulises Carbo was captured at the Bay of Pigs invasion in April of 1961, and was later suspected of being an agent of the Cuban Government. [status: Speculative]
AMICARUS-1Julio Garcia Olivera. A cable in May of 1968 cited AMICARUS-1 as the identity for Mexico only. A cable the same day stated that the identity was Julio Garcia Olivera, the Cuban Ambassador to North Viet Nam, and member of the 13 Marzo Directorio Revolucionario.
AMICEFORDC, Frente Obrero Revolucionario Democratico Cubano. The English translation is Labor Revolutionary Democratic Front of Cuba.
AMICE-1Pascasio Linera Lopez, leader of FORDC. Also referred to as Pascasio Lineras. [status: Probable]
AMICE-10Unknown identity. Cables in late March and early April, 1961, stated that AMICE-10 worked with AMDIP-3 in sending, receiving and reporting SW messages. [status: Unknown]
AMICE-14Miguel A. Diaz Isalgue, a "principal" in the AMTRUNK operation. Used the alias "David Pardo".
AMICE-27Dr. Nestor Moreno, a "principal" in the AMTRUNK operation.
AMICE-29Unknown identity. AMICE-29 was a female who reported on FORDC and Rescate in March and early April of 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMICE-3Mario Fontela Alfonso. A cable in 1965 stated that Fontela was AMICE-3, with the 201 number of 201-288243. Fontela was Chief of Press and Propaganda for FORDC, Cuban Revolutionary Democratic Workers' Front, and was also the treasurer in the 1960's.
AMICE-31Reinaldo Pico Ramon, captured at the Bay of Pigs.
AMICE-8Unknown identity. AMICE-8 appeared to be in close contact with Jose Miro Cardona (AMBUD-1), who headed the CRC, and JMWAVE, in 1962. [status: Unknown]
AMIFF-1AMIFF-1 was probably Waldo Medina. AMIFF-1 was described in a CIA document in August of 1962 as an "airline executive" and was a contact of AMOT-2 (Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo). [status: Probable]
AMIGGY-1Espino Lopez Rieto, director of CRC's radio program on WRUL.
AMILIADThe paramilitary AMILIAD operation was terminated in late 1963. A cable on November 30, 1963, stated that the AMILIAD team had received refresher training with live fire weapons the previous day.
AMINGProbably the predecessor to the AMHINT group, which conducted in paramilitary and infiltration operations in Cuba. AMING members included Abel Mestre (AMING-1), Enrique Huertas (AMING-2), Alberto Muller (AMING-3, later AMHINT-1) and Juan Salvat (AMING-4, later AMHINT-2). [status: Probable]
AMING-1A CIA document in February of 1978 stated that AMING-1 was Abel Mestre, who was also assigned the cryptonym of AMCORE-1.
AMING-2Doctor Enrique Huertas Pozo. Also known as Enrique Huerta. A cable in June of 1962 stated that AMING-2 was IDEN A, and another cable the same day mentioned that IDEN A was Doctor Enrique Huertas Pozo, President of the Cuban Medical Association in Exile.
AMING-3Alberto Muller Quintana. Muller was also given the cryptonym AMHINT-1.
AMING-4Juan Manuel Salvat Roque. Salvat was later AMHINT-2.
AMIRE-1Emilio Americo Rodriguez.
AMIRONThe Frente Revolucionario Democratico (FRD), aka Cuban Democratic Revolutionary Front. The FRD Executive Committee was known as AMCIGAR. Sergio Arcacha Smith led the New Orleans branch - his second in command was Layton Martens and David Ferrie worked with them.
AMISLE-2Unknown identity. AMISLE-2 was described in a December, 1963, CIA Information Report as "a veteran Communist, well versed in economics, and employed by the Cuban Government." [status: Unknown]
AMIVY-2AMIVY-2 was probably Roberto Rodriguez Hevia. A cable on December 1, 1960, stated that AMIVY-2 was defecting to Miami. AMIVY-2 had "direct contact with AMBIDDY-1 (Manuel Artime Buesa) and AMHAWK-1 (Tony Varona) in Miami." [status: Probable]
AMIVY-3Unknown identity. One possible candidate who may have been AMIVY-3 was Captain Humberto Armada. [status: Unknown]
AMJACK-1Unknown identity. A cable on August 25, 1960, from Santiago de Cuba stated that the "base can establish contact with archbishop thru AMJACK-1. American cut out AMJACK-2 suitable candidate for discussions with archbishop." [status: Unknown]
AMJAGAgrupacion Montecristi from December 1960 on.
AMJAG-1Justo A. Carrillo Hernandez. Changed from AMWAIL-1 after breach of security in December 1960.
AMJAG-10Unknown identity. According to a CIA cable, AMJAG-10 sponsored Operation RUTH just prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961. [status: Unknown]
AMJAG-2Unknown identity. A cable in December of 1960 stated that Jorge Sotus Romero had high regard for QDCOVE (Ricardo de la Lorie), and he also spoke well of AMJAG-2, AMPALM-10 (Angel Ros) and AMNORM-1 (Higino Diaz). [status: Unknown]
AMJAG-4Unknown identity. AMJAG-4 was an acquaintance of Tony Varona (AMDIP-1). [status: Unknown]
AMJAG-7Max Lesnick, aka Max Lesnik
AMJAG-8Orlando Ray Rivero, brother of Manuel Ray Rivero, leader of JURE. He was assigned the AMJAG-8 cryptonym in August 1963, previously having been AMWAIL-9.
AMJAGER-1Unknown identity. A dispatch on March 2, 1964, stated that Angel Luis Castillo, ACSI Source #670, was a "witting informant of AMJAGER-1." [status: Unknown]
AMJAM-1Jorge Bosch, son of Jose Pepin Bosch, head of Bacardi Rum Company. [status: Speculative]
AMJAVA-1Jorge Recarey Garcia-Vieta. [status: Speculative]
AMJAVA-2AMJAVA-2 was Oscar Alfonso Carol.
AMJAVA-3Contact of Ramon Augusto Ruisanchez. [status: Unknown]
AMJAVA-4Rafael Quintero, aka Rafael Aureli Quintero Ibarbia, aka Jose M. Hernandez Valdes, aka "Omar".
AMJOKE-1Felix Rodriguez Mendigutia. Influential Cuban exile.
AMJUDGE-1Unknown identity. AMJUDGE-1 reported in late November and early December of 1963 on the alleged importing and storing of arms in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, by Maximo Luis Vidal, and his brother, Cesar. [status: Unknown]
AMJUTE-1Arnesto Napoleon Rodriguez y Gonzalez. Worked with ONI in the 1930s. Father of Arnesto, Jr., an FBI informant that was in communication with Lee Oswald in New Orleans during the summer of 1963.
AMKAKA-7Miguel Casas Rodriguez Limonta, a member of the CRC as late as 1963 and a compatriot of the agent known as AMBELLOW-1. A student leader, described as a skilled propagandist.
AMKHAN-1Unknown identity. AMKHAN-1 was described in a cable on November 22, 1963, as "an educated Cuban of western European extraction who lives in Habana, source has reported military information acquired by personal observation. Source's reliability has not yet been established." [status: Unknown]
AMKHAN-2Carlos Martin Ahrens Temple, Western Union employee in Cuba recruited by CIA agent Bernard Barker (AMCLATTER-1). A CIA document in the early 1970's on Barker identified Ahrens as being AMKHAN-2. A-2 was a FI source in Cuba.
AMKHAN-3Unknown identity. A cable in June of 1965 described AMKHAN-3 as "a highly placed Cuban official who has provided documentary information which has been considered reliable since February 1964." [status: Unknown]
AMKIRK-1Maria Witoski, the estranged wife of Castro's personal physician Rene Vallejo.
AMKNOB-1Known as "the Swiss" (201-335958), Piero Fedeli Medici. Had a close relationship with Guillermo Ruiz (201-335938 and 201-735296). Ruiz was a Cuban intelligence officer and married to the cousin of Antonio Veicana/AMSHALE-1. AMKNOB-1 was an asset of Win Scott in Mexico City during 1963. By 1966, the CIA called him a double agent. In an attempt to get consul Eusebio Azcue to defect, the "Swiss" passed on useful information to CIA informant LITAMIL-3 in September 1963. Ruiz fled to Cuba on 11/22/63. Two weeks later, AMKNOB-1 returned to the scene and communicated with Cuban consulate employees Silvia Duran and Raul Aparicio.
AMKNOCK-1Unknown identity. A dispatch on June 4, 1963, mentioned that the Mexico City station had recently been exposed to AMKNOCK-1, who had "been living deep 'in the entrails of the monster' in Oriente." [status: Unknown]
AMKNOTProgram to assist Cuban merchant mariners who have defected from their service.
AMLABEL-1Enrique Badias Val de Iglesias, footwear industry head in Cuba. If not him, his "boss". [status: Probable]
AMLABOR-1Unknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on November 28, 1963, mentioned that SW messages had been received from AMLISP-1, AMLABOR-1 and AMVEX-2. [status: Unknown]
AMLACE-1Luis Bastian Pinto, Brazil's ambassador to Cuba.
AMLACE-2Wife of Luis Bastian Pinto, Brazil's ambassador to Cuba (AMLACE-1).
AMLAKAPre-Bay of Pigs infiltration operation into Cuba. [status: Probable]
AMLAMEAn anti-Castro government net of agents based in the Belgian embassy in Cuba's Las Villas province. In the center of the country.
AMLAME-1Arturo Sueiras, a Cuban exile with contacts in the exile community in both Miami and New York. In close touch with corporate leaders, particularly in the sugar industry.
AMLAME-4Unknown identity - arrested on 12/26/63 in roll-up of the AMLAME net in Las Villas province. Involved in Miguel Casas Saez's abrupt departure from the United States on 11/22/63. [status: Unknown]
AMLAME-5Luis Puig Tabares. AMLAME-5 was confirmed as Luis Puig Tabares in a January 1964 AMFAUNA Progress Report and a HSCA document in 1977.
AMLASHRolando Cubela Secades, a Cuban doctor and official who was recruited in 1963 for an assassination attempt on Castro. Suspicion remains that Cubela may have been acting as a dangle to the CIA by Castro, due to his lenient treatment after his conviction for treason. Reported to be an informant to the Cuban government in 1980.
AMLASH-2Jorge Carlos Robreno Marieguez aka "El Mago" (The Wizard), 201-751639. Probably also QUSPOT-2.
AMLASH-3Alberto Blanco Ramirez aka "El Loco" (The Crazy One)
AMLAW-1Armando Hart, Cuban Minister of Education under Castro. [status: Probable]
AMLAW-3Carlos Lechuga Hevia, the diplomat at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico who became Cuba's Ambassador to the United Nations. Had an affair with Cuban embassy secretary Silvia Duran; this affair was used by the CIA by leaning on his wife in an effort to convince Lechuga and his family to defect.
AMLEGAn FI (foreign intelligence) operation using Cuban merchant seamen.
AMLEG-1Manuel Leveque Cajaraville.
AMLEG-29Unknown identity. Described as a "talented and well motivated agent." Had not defected to U.S. by April 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMLEG-4Alberto Gutierrez Barbero, first officer on the Bahia de Matanzas, where a sabotage-linked fire took place during May 1962. Gutierrez defected in October 1962.
AMLEMNOSAMLEMNOS was probably a team of anti-Castro Cubans who were being trained in late November, early December 1963. [status: Probable]
AMLEMON-1Eric Marcos. A memo from Eric Marcos in April of 1963 had "Lemon-1" handwritten alongside his name. Therefore, it is possible that Marcos was AMLEMON-1.
[status: Speculative]
AMLEO"An FI propaganda operation involving the exploitation of Capt. Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez (AMLEO-3), a high-level defector who escaped from Cuba in an INRA plane on 6 December 1962."
AMLEO-2Sister of AMLEO-3, Dolores Rabel y Nunez. [status: Probable]
AMLEO-3Capt. Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez, "a high-level defector who escaped from Cuba in an INRA plane on 6 December 1962." Almost certainly a double agent run by the Castro government. Involved with David Morales and Tony Sforza in the days leading up to 11/22/63.
AMLEPTONProgram run jointly by Ted Shackley's Miami station known as JMWAVE and James Angleton's CI Branch. Aimed at spotting refugees in Miami area who could serve as intermediaries to reach and ultimately recruit persons in Cuba for counterintelligence purposes.
AMLEXRaider aspect of AMBIDDY-1 (Manuel Artime Buesa) operations. A cable on May 20, 1963, mentioned that a IDEN crypt was being assigned for the above mentioned operations. Another cable on the same day stated IDEN was AMLEX.
AMLIE-1Ramon Cesar Cuenca Montoto, head of Cuban G-2 in Mexico. Neill Prew, a colleague of William K. Harvey, was notified of the contents of a February 1964 cable mentioning AMLIE-1.
AMLIGHT-1Huber Matos Benitez, important Cuban military leader in Camaguey province until his purge in 1959 for challenging Fidel Castro. Imprisoned until the 1970s.
AMLIKE-1Erasmo Espinosa Hernandez. The proposed AMLIKE operation in Ecuador itself appears to have run into problems and probably did not get established.
AMLILAC"Commando Groups" (Comandos Mambises and others) involved in infiltrations into Cuba.
AMLILAC-2Unknown identity. His 201 number is very close to that of the AMKNOB-1 figure - who in turn has a 201 number very close to who appears to be Guillermo Ruiz. [status: Unknown]
AMLILAC-22Unknown identity. A November 1967 CIA Information Report stated that AMLILAC-22 was associated with Rolando Masferrer Rojas. AMLILAC-22 apparently obtained information from Julio Aton Constanzo Palau. [status: Unknown]
AMLILAC-33Unknown identity. AMLILAC-33's information from Humberto Casas and Tulio Leiseca was the basis of a dispatch on AMWORLD in September 1964. It mentioned a planned infiltration mission whose apparent goal was the assassination of Fidel Castro. [status: Unknown]
AMLILAC-8Enrique Llanso Alzugaray. A dispatch in August 1965 stated that AMLILAC-8 had been fired a couple of years previously, around August 1963, and had been with Manuel Artime's (AMBIDDY-1) group since then. [status: Speculative]
AMLIME-1Julio Alonso Gonzalez, spelled in a variety of manners. A Cuban Revolutionary Navy Comandante. Captain of the JURE boat Venus in Puerto Rico as of early 1964. [status: Probable]
AMLINT-1Jose Gomez Rodriguez, aka "Cabezas" [status: Probable]
AMLION-1Heriberto Sardina Del Campo, described in an August, 1962, dispatch as an "investigator of operational leads and an assistant to AMDENIM-1's (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) in the handling of his fishermen and operational candidates."
AMLISP"A FI (foreign intelligence) project targeted against political and economic targets."
AMLITAINT-1Manuel Villafana Martinez, a CIA agent - also known as Angel Lorenzo Saavedra Correa. AMLITAINT-1 was a long time friend of Jaime Varela Canosa (LITAG-1), naval attaché at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City until he defected in March 1960. [status: Probable]
AMLOAN-1Wilhelm Bernhardt John Kessler.
AMLOON-1Ricardo Rafael Sardinas Sanchez, aka Rafael Sardina Sanchez, active with the Cuban Association of Cane Growers and the FRD.
AMLOUT-1Raul Castro, brother of Fidel.
AMLUFF-1AMLUFF-1 was probably Alfred Moran. AMLUFF-1 was handwritten at the bottom of a page in a file of Augustin Guitart, who was a physics professor at Xavier University, in New Orleans, in 1963. [status: Probable]
AMLUNCH-1Carlos A. Valdes-Fauli, an agent in Miami that reported Jack Ruby's alleged visits to Cuba during the 1962-63 period.
AMLUNT-1Alwin Odio Tamayo, a Cuban DSE agent infiltrated into the JMWAVE area in the early 1960s to become a double agent.
AMLUNT-2Duney Perez Alamo, aka Dunney Perez Alamo.
AMLYRIC-1Manuel Brana Chansuolme/Chansoulme, Juanita Castro's (AMSTRUT-2) business partner, JMWAVE media/propaganda asset. Worked with AMCORE-2 (Luis Conte Aguero), and AMRAZOR-1 (probably Norman Diaz).
AMMOP-1Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz, MDC Secretary for International Relations. Two cables on April 21, 1966, confirmed that AMMOP-1 was Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz.
AMMUG-1Cuban intelligence officer named Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez, who defected to U.S. via Canada in April 1964, and was interrogated about Oswald in addition to other matters. Later became known as SLANK-1.
AMNICK-1Unknown identity. AMNICK-1 was described in a February of 1964 cable as "a Cuban naval officer who is assigned to the Komar-class guided-missile boats." [status: Unknown]
AMNIP-1Miguel Roche Monroy - Cuban DGI defector.
AMNORMGroup or team based around AMNORM-1 (Higino Diaz, aka Nino Diaz).
AMNORM-1Higino Diaz, aka Nino Diaz.
AMNUBA-1Unknown identity. AMNUBA-1 was a commando and radio operator in the AMLILAC ("Commando Groups" - Comandos Mambises and others, involved in infiltrations into Cuba) group. [status: Unknown]
AMNUBA-2AMNUBA-2 was Anibal Garcia Diaz. Anibal Garcia's 201 number matches that of AMNUBA-2 (201-730168).
AMOBESEJose Luis Posada Torres, Cuban Consul in Vera Cruz and Tampico. A cable in June, 1970, cited AMOBESE's 201 number as 201-334245. A CIA document in 1964 stated that Jose Luis Posada's 201 number was 201-334245, matching AMOBESE's.
AMOOZE-1Rogelio Montenegro Guasp, Cuban UN Delegate. [status: Speculative]
AMOTNetwork of Cubans trained by David Morales during 1960-61 to be a new Cuban intelligence service once Castro had been ousted. It became a proprietary which produced economic and sociological reports in support of Cuban operations.
AMOT-106Jose Casas, an anti-Castro emigre who was living in Pennsylvania and considered as a potential agent to attempt to recruit Cuban consul Eusebio Azcue in September 1963, just weeks before Azcue's encounter with Lee Oswald. [status: Speculative]
AMOT-11Benito Quevedo, Cuban officer working in the AMOT group, reporting on the leadership of the FRD and CRC. Based at Guantanamo Naval Base during 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-110AMOT-110 was Norberto Felipe Martinez Garcia.
AMOT-119Max Lesnick Menendez, aka Max Lesnik. Lesnick ran the radio show "Cuba Despierta" aka "Cuba Awakens", which originated in Miami and transmitted from the Dominican Republic 1962-1963. Editor of the small Miami newspaper "Replica", beginning in 1963 and continuing for many years afterwards.
AMOT-12Unknown identity. AMOT-12 was described as a Cuban businessman in a Field Information Report in October of 1962. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-120Unknown identity. There are several possibilities.
One is Eduardo Garcia, the shipping magnate, and owner of Garcia Lines. Another possibility is a member of the Babun family, such as Teofilo Babun. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-126Unknown identity. A Field Information Report from JMWAVE in January, 1963, appeared to state that AMOT-126 was a "former Cuban provincial employee and ham radio operator." More likely, AMOT-126 was a former Cuban businessman. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-129Unknown identity. Reported on Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo and was a very old friend of Sergio Lopez Ruiz de Porras, Communications Chief for the SFNE in mid-1964. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-132Unknown identity. AMOT-132 spotted and recommended for recruitment AMDESK-1 (Ricardo Anibal Morales Navarrete, aka Monkey Morales). [status: Unknown]
AMOT-133Probably Carlos Zarraga Martinez, a member of JURE. AMOT-133 was described as a former Cuban businessman, and was often the source for reports on JURE. AMOT-133 interviewed suspected Cuban agent Raul Gonzalez at Guantanamo Bay in 1963. [status: Probable]
AMOT-14Unknown identity. AMOT-14 was a anti-Castro agent working with JMWAVE officer David Morales in Miami. A dispatch in December of 1966 stated that AMOT-14 had a 201 number of 201-215388. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-15Unknown identity. AMOT-15 reported on the split in the Christian Democrats (MDC) in May and June of 1961 between the Gaston Melchor and Jose Ignacio Rasco's factions. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-16This agent and AMOT-4 were the controlled penetration agents within the AMOTS and the AMFASTS. Reporting on pro- and anti-Castro activity in the Miami area. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-161Unknown identity. AMOT-161 appears to have been described in a June, 1963, Report Cover Sheet and Information Report, as "a former member of Brigade 2506, who was a former Cuban aviation cadet." The information was allegedly from Rene Luis Pelly. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-166Unknown identity. Described as a spotter assessor in the New York area in a CIA cable of December 1963. A cable in November 1963, cited AMOT-166's 201 number as 201-355895. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-173Unknown identity. Reported from a source an alleged remark made by Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo on November 21, 1963, that "something very big would happen soon that would advance Cuban cause." [status: Unknown]
AMOT-174Dr. Marcus Rodriguez Menendez, an attorney and executive member of the Movimiento Democrata Cristiano (MDC). [status: Speculative]
AMOT-186Rene L. Diaz Gonzalez. AMOT-186's 201 number was 201-726322. Carl Jenkins' debriefing report on Reinol Gonzalez Gonzalez in May 1979 mentioned the latter's cousin, Rene Diaz Gonzalez, whose 201 number was 201-726322, matching AMOT-186's.
AMOT-2Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo, also known as Joaquin Sanjenis, titular head of the AMOT organization circa 1961 prior to the Bay of Pigs landings and into 1962. His pseudonym was Carlos Blanco.
AMOT-20Orestes Puig Rios. A cable in 1965 stated that Puig was AMOT-20, with the 201 number of 201-311333.
AMOT-28AMOT-28 was Andres Eugenio Venegas Garcia, a heavy equipment operator in Cuba. A memo in January, 1963, stated that AMOT-28's 201 number was 201-314932. A dispatch in January of 1967 stated Venegas 201 number was 201-314932.
AMOT-3Vincente Rafael Zorrilla Zorrilla. A memo in December of 1968 stated that Francisco Varona (AMCONCERT-1) told Julio Aton Constanzo in hospital that Vicente Zorrrilla was among the masterminds of those who tried to kill him.
AMOT-31Felix Gutierrez Fernandez, deputy to AMOT leader Joaquin Sanjenis. [status: Probable]
AMOT-32Orlando Gomez Gil. A CIA document in May of 1961 stated that AMOT-32 was Orlando Gomez Gil. Also, in Gil's files his C Number was 87355, which matched that of AMOT-32's.
AMOT-34George Nobregas aka Jorge Nobregas, in his role as contact with members of the Staybehind Net in Cuba, particularly AMIRE-1 (Emilio Americo Rodriguez), AMRYE-1 (Tony Sforza), and AMCONCERT-1 (Francisco Wilfredo Varona). [status: Probable]
AMOT-4This agent and AMOT-16 were the controlled penetration agents within the AMOTS and the AMFASTS. Reporting on pro- and anti-Castro activity in the Miami area. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-40A dispatch in June of 1961 by Stanley R. Zamka (David Morales) stated that AMOT-40 was still on the payroll and working for the Navy. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-46Eliser Flores Diaz. A report in June of 1961 stated that Eliser Flores was AMOT-46.
AMOT-48Unknown identity. A dispatch in May, 1961, stated that AMOT-48 was a source of operational intelligence in Oriente Province, and was in contact with the CIA via a cut out at the Guantanamo Naval Base. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-49Unknown identity. AMOT-49 reported on the SFNE in 1961, debriefed Israel Manzano Garcia in June, 1963, and reported on the MDC in 1964. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-5Pedro Diaz Lanz, also known as QDBIAS and Oscar Diaz. David Morales helped exfiltrate him from Cuba in 1959, and used him as a source thereafter. Diaz had been head of the Cuban Air Force. [status: Speculative]
AMOT-53Julio Jane Argudia. An AMOT source used by the CIA Miami Station. Also seen recruiting Cubans in New Orleans in 1961. [status: Probable]
AMOT-57Manuel del Valle Caral, who was captured at the end of December, 1962, with Cameron Perez in Cuba.
AMOT-6Marcos Diaz Lanz. Brother of Cuban Air Force chief Pedro Diaz Lanz - both of them defected to US. Former Inspector General of Cuban Air Force -his father and two brothers in Cuban prisons. Used as source by David Morales in 1961. Among the AMOTS, known as C-5. Previously known as QDCHAR, joined Minutemen by 1964.
AMOT-62Cesar Rodriguez Pintado. A CIA document in May of 1961 stated that AMOT-62 was Cesar Rodriguez Pintado.
AMOT-63Possibly Rafael Llacoya Gomez. A male source of intelligence reporting within Cuba.
[status: Speculative]
AMOT-67Unknown identity. A CIA cable in early December 1963, stated that AMOT-67 from personal knowledge from Jesus Alvarez Amador acquired information about the plans of Comandos L. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-72Unknown identity. A dispatch on June 1, 1961, contained a report from AMOT-72 on the 17th of April Movement. [status: Unknown]
AMOT-74AMOT-74 was Pedro Fernandez. Fernandez was earlier assigned the cryptonym AMCLATTER-4. CIA's handwritten Bernard Barker chronology stated that AMCLATTER-4 was now AMOT-74.
AMOT-84Possibly Jose Caragol Aragon. Described as a Cuban businessman in a August 1962 CIA document. He was also a former classmate of Elio Mas in the Belen School. [status: Speculative]
AMOT-87Mercedes Maria de los Angeles Meana Comdina, who provided a great deal of information about the Cuban exiles' air force, known as the FAL.
AMOT-99Julio Fernandez Gonzalez. Fernandez Gonzalez was employed by the Intelligence and Security Commission of the FRD (AMIRON/AMBRUSH) for about two months in 1961. He received POA on 10 May, 1961 for use as a member of AMOT Admin Staff.
AMOTEX-9Oscar Angulo Reyes, of JURE and a penetration agent of the CIA. AMOTEX-9 was formerly AMTAUP-2.
AMOTIN-117Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue. A memorandum in March of 1968 stated that AMOTIN-117 was formerly AMSTALK-1, with a 201 number of 201-307337.
AMOURETTE-7Unsure of this person's identity. Traveled during April 1957 with Cuban ambassador Emilio Nunez Portunado. [status: Probable]
AMOURETTE-9Padre Enrique Osler, aka Enrique Osle, Jesuit priest. Spiritual advisor to the youth workers JOC (Juventad Obrera Catolica) and the labor group UTC (Union Trabajadorsa Cristianos). Father Osler worked with Reynoldo Gonzalez/AMCALL-1 both before and after his capture at the farm of Amador Odio in October 1961. [status: Probable]
AMOURETTE-ALa Asociacion Cubana Pro-Democracia, based in Havana, spearheaded a wide variety of anti-Communist propaganda campaigns. [status: Probable]
AMOURETTE-BThe Catholic Youth Workers, known as the Joventud Obrera Catolica - or a project within the JOC. This group ran a radio program operation that was designed to create an active body of anti-Communists within the Cuban labor movement.
AMOURETTE-XA project of developmental propaganda activities in the television field under the direction of the Havana Station. Supported by David Phillips under alias of Michael Choaden.
AMOZONAMOZON was probably a JMWAVE infiltration team of anti-Castro Cubans from 1963 until around 1966. [status: Probable]
AMPACAMedia outlet on Cuban news, using radio and print. [status: Probable]
AMPACA-1Eduardo Borrell Navarro. A cable in June 1964, stated that AMPACA-1 was a newspaper executive, who worked part-time at Editorial Navarro, which was the largest Mexican publishing house. [status: Speculative]
AMPACK-1Unknown identity. According to a 1962 Mexico City cable, Carlos Tepedino (AMWHIP-1) was a contact of Andrew Merton (Jack Stewart) through AMPACK-1. [status: Unknown]
AMPAD-1Source at the Havana Station up to 1960. A cable on October 20, 1960, stated that AMPAD-1 was known as "Rodriguez". [status: Unknown]
AMPAID-4Probably either Ramon Hernandez Cabrera or Bernardo Martinez. A January 1963 Contact Report by Lewis D. Nicklas stated that AMPAID-4 was instructed to continue his efforts in identifying G-2 agents and other intelligence agents in the Miami area. [status: Probable]
AMPAL-1Alec Resnick, also known as Abe Resnick. Havana station source. Old friend of Lino Hernandez. Used the alias Joe Anderson.
AMPAL-2Unknown identity. A cable in August, 1960, from AMPAL-2, reported that Ralph Diaz Hanscom (AMGLAD-1), a member of the AMBIDDY internal group, was arriving in Miami. [status: Unknown]
AMPALMDescribed as the MDC/MRR complex circa 1960. An early effort, aided by CIA, to develop an organized anti-Castro united political front. The MDC, also known as the Christian Democrats.
AMPALM-1Oscar Echeverria y Salvat, Ministry of Commerce
AMPALM-10Angel Ros, national coordinator of the MRR, who used the pseudonym Raul Gonzalez as he became a double agent for the Cubans - and possibly tripled by the Americans in 1963.
AMPALM-2Laureano Batista Falla, military chief for the MDC. JMWAVE gave US Army permission to use Batista in 1962. Batista then became head of training site in Lacombe, Louisiana, and told Garrison the trainees were going to Manuel Artime's base in Nicaragua. Also known as AMTOD-1.
AMPALM-26Salvador Diaz Verson, a newsman who became Cuban National Police chief in 1934, and then military intelligence chief during Carlos Prio's presidency from 1948 to 1952. After JFK was killed, he admitted that he was the source of a phony rumor that Oswald and Silvia Duran met with the Cuban ambassador to Mexico.
AMPALM-3Roberto Ortiz Batista Falla, aka "Roberto Ortiz Crabb". [status: Unknown]
AMPALM-4Angel Fernandez Varela, paramilitary leader of the MDC/MRR complex.
AMPALM-5Jose Ignacio Agusto Rasco Bermudez, aka Jose Rasco, head of the Christian Democratic Movement (MDC). In 1961, Chicago cop/Mafia man Richard Cain served as his bodyguard.
AMPALM-6Maria Rafael Calleja y Morales Lopez (201-272312). A cable in March 1960, stated that AMPALM-6 was Maria Rafael Calleja y Morales Lopez, and that she was studying electric engineering at the University of Havana.
AMPALM-7Ramon Dominguez y Sanchez (201-274066). A cable in March of 1960 stated that AMPALM-7 was Ramon Dominguez y Sanchez, and that he was a graduate of the University of Havana.
AMPALM-8Alberto Francisco Hidalgo Garcia (201-274067). A cable in March of 1960 stated that AMPALM-8 was Alberto Francisco Hidalgo Garcia, and that he studied chemical engineering.
AMPALM-9Otto Ernesto Lanz Ruano (201-274068). A cable in March 1960, stated that AMPALM-9 was Otto Ernesto Lanz Ruano, and that he was a fourth year student at the University of Havana.
AMPALP-1One of three net chiefs in Cuba involved in the "staybehind plan" - the ones organizing the resistance inside Cuba after U.S. interests were forced to leave. [status: Speculative]
AMPAN-1Jose Orta. Sabotage expert in Havana, active with the MAR group during November 1960. Brother of Juan Orta/AMDOFF-1, who worked as Fidel's secretary and tried to poison Fidel. Participated in "November 30th Group" bombings of electrical plants that blacked out one fifth of Havana for almost a full day during November, 1960.
AMPAN-12Unknown identity. A dispatch in July of 1962 described AMPAN-12 as "a former chief engineer of the Office of Airports, he was recruited by Havana Station in 1960, and has been corresponding with JMWAVE by S/W." [status: Unknown]
AMPAN-18Charles Rouse. AMSHED-1 may have been Glysson Lawrence Mitchell. The brother-in-law of AMSHED-1 was AMPAN-18, who may have been Charles Rouse. [status: Speculative]
AMPAN-19Raul Martinez, husband of Grethel Martinez. [status: Probable]
AMPAN-2Military coordinator and treasurer Roberto Vale, also known as Roberto Valdez and Roberto Suarez de Cardenas. A net chief inside Cuba during 1960; active with MRP and Comandos L, and provided financial assistance to groups. Defected to US on 3/21/61, days before the Bay of Pigs.
[status: Probable]
AMPAN-20Unknown identity. A dispatch from Havana Station in December, 1960, stated that on December 23, 1960, AMPAN-20 requested documents on the UR be delivered to AMOT-2 (Jose Joaquin Sanjenis Perdomo) and the FRD as soon as possible. [status: Unknown]
AMPAN-22Jose Ignacio Zarraga Diez-Muro
AMPAN-3May have been Ramon Lorido, aka "Monchin", aka Ramon Agustin Pinedo Mejia, a treasurer like AMPAN-2/Roberto Vale. The two men were described as the "Gold Dust Twins." AMPAN-3 was in the shipping business. [status: Speculative]
AMPAN-4Eladio Bas Trespalacios. AMPAN-4's boat was used to exfiltrate notable anti-Castro Cubans figures, such as Manuel Ray and Ramon Padilla Perez, from Cuba to the United States. [status: Probable]
AMPANICOperations that ended with many of the participants killed or captured in the 1960-1961 period. Nature of the operations still unclear.
AMPANIC-1Jorge Eduardo Mallo Cardisi, member of Unidad Revolucionaria (UR), who left Cuba in 1962.
AMPANIC-13Armando Escoto Aloy, captured during air drop and executed on April 20, 1961.
AMPANIC-14Juan de Jesus Arbelo Zabaleta. A communications trainer. AMPANIC-14 was known to AMYUM-1 and AMRUNG-1 in 1960. Also, a dispatch in January, 1964, stated that A-14 had been exposed to AMAGREE-1 as a training instructor known as "Enrique."
AMPANIC-2Antonio Santiago Ruiz, who was part of a break away from Tony Varona's Rescate organization. Santiago was among those who formed the PRCA. They remained loyal to the imprisoned Felix Lancis.
AMPANIC-5Plinio Prieto, a chief in the Escambray insurrection and leader of the Autentico Party, shot at Las Campanas during October 1960 for his opposition to Fidel Castro.
AMPANIC-6Tulio Prieto Ruiz, based in Cuba and Mexico, a former US Air Force officer who provided CIA with information on individuals and groups who were candidates for an insurrection against Castro both before and after the Bay of Pigs. Joined the Alianza organization in 1960. [status: Probable]
AMPANIC-7Emilio Adolfo Rivero Caro, also known as Emilio Rivero Lopez, "Brand" and "Pancho". He was arrested in March or April 1961 and spent many years in Cuban prison.
AMPANIC-9Wilfredo H. Brito Cartaya, one of the founders of the UR. Son of an Sinclair attorney, and ran Sinclair's oil transport in Cuba. Head of UR's PW division. [status: Probable]
AMPAPIST-2AMPAPIST-2 was Salvador Ginori, a U.S. medical student in Paris.
AMPARCEL-1Fernando Penabaz. A dispatch in November, 1963, stated that AMPARCEL-1 would be replaced as soon as a substitute has been found for him. [status: Probable]
AMPARCH-1Warren E. Frank, AKA Edward D. Knapman
AMPARTY-1An unknown source that provided the CIA information via a source within the Revolutionary Movement of the People (MRP) anti-Castro Cuban exile group. [status: Speculative]
AMPASHA-1Unknown identity. A cable in March, 1961, on the arrest of AMIRE-1, named AMPASHA-1 as being among those who either knew the former or probably knew him. Also, a cable on December 5, 1963, stated that the next letter AMPASHA-1 received signed Teresa would be a SW carbon. [status: Unknown]
AMPASSAMPASS was Alberto Roque Muller.
AMPATRINMichael "Jack" Malone, Vice President of Czarnikow-Rionda, a major sugar company with its headquarters in New York City. Malone was an important CIA and FBI informant.
AMPATROLAMPATROL was an operation created in 1959-1960 with Edward Tichborn (aka Henry Preston Lopez) hired by the CIA as a "political organizer" to bring together the most promising anti-Castro groups. [status: Probable]
AMPATROL-1Jose Antonio Gomez Perez.
AMPEARL-1Adolfo Merino, UPI Miami representative. [status: Speculative]
AMPEEL-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in June, 1962, stated AMPEEL-1's 201 number was 201-311154. A CIA document on the UR stated that Francisco Cid Crespo's 201 number was 201-311157, which was very close to AMPEEL-1's number. [status: Unknown]
AMPHODARCHA net of agents providing coverage of political activities at the University of Havana led by case officer Ross Crozier who used the pseudonym Arthur G. Vaivada.
AMPIG-1Justo Manuel Chinea, the father of Juan Manuel Chinea Verez, who was assigned the cryptonym AMBARB-53.
AMPINA-1Armando Lora Hernandez. A cable in August of 1960 stated that AMPINA-1 introduced Edward D. Knapman (probably Warren E. Frank) to Francisco Chaves Figueredo, an officer of the Cuban Ministry of Transportation until June, 1960. [status: Speculative]
AMPOLISH-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in October 1965 on the termination of AMRUG-5/Victor Paneque Batista stated that AMPOLISH-1 was the agent responsible for his dismissal, on instruction from Carl W. Jaenicken. [status: Unknown]
AMPOON-1Manuel Vega Perez, pseudonym "Marcos". High ranking Cuban intelligence official in Mexico City in late 1963.
AMPORTFRD Executive Committee; it was known as AMCIGAR until November 1960.
AMPRINTUnknown identity. A cable from Director on October 9, 1963, stated that HQs recommended Ontrich (Nestor Sanchez) not to attempt to meet AMPRINT at the scheduled reception in London. [status: Unknown]
AMPUG-1Alfredo Izaguirre Revoi aka Alfredo Izaguirre de la Riva, Alfredo Izaguirre Rivas. Also used the alias Luis Ravelo. 201-273550.
AMPUTEE-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in May, 1961, stated that AMPUTEE-1 was to be used for general Cuban matters and would be retained "as a future technical asset for telephone tappings." [status: Unknown]
AMQUACKChe Guevera, guerrilla leader and minister in Castro's Cuba, killed in Bolivia in 1968. Aka AMQUACK-1.
AMQUAR-1Two cables on October 24, 1963, stated that AMQUAR-1's identity was Humberto Cancio Gonzalez.
AMQUIP-1Felipe Vidal Santiago.
AMQUIP-2Ivan Vidal Santiago, the brother of Felipe Vidal Santiago, AMQUIP-1. Ivan was a CIA agent spying on JURE/AMBANG during 1963. Dallas is reported in 1963 as the headquarters of one of JURE's three major groups. [status: Speculative]
AMRAIL-1Enrique Carrillo. A dispatch in June, 1961, from Stanley R. Zamka (David S. Morales) stated AMRAIL-1 was Identity F. The same dispatch stated that Identity F was Enrique Carrillo.
AMRAIN-1Ing. Raul Esparza Sr. Among the attachments of a dispatch in June, 1966, were letters from AMRAIN-1 and AMFRAME-1. The following pages contained letters from Ing. Raul Esparza Sr. and Dr. Rafael Rivas Vasquez (AMFRAME-1). Therefore, Esparza was AMRAIN-1.
AMRANGEA foreign intelligence project targeting Fidel Castro and other high-level officials in the Ministry of Industry.
AMRAPTCIA proprietary company or asset in the media and/or publications field. A Church Commission document in 1976 stated that AMRAPT was a CIA proprietary company in the media and/or publications field.
AMRASPFRD (Democratic Revolutionary Front). This crypt was changed in December 1960 for security reasons.
AMRAVEL-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in June, 1962, cited AMRAVEL-1's 201 number as 201-291225. [status: Unknown]
AMRAYON-4A Contact Report from Theodore D. Ostier, Paramilitary (PM) Case Officer in February, 1963, stated that Cecilio Argelio Martinez, of the 30th of November Movement, was formerly AMRAYON-4.
AMRAZOR-1Norman Diaz. WAVE source, a radio commentator, paid by the CRC, and "weather vane" in the Miami Cuban community in the 60s. [status: Probable]
AMRAZZ-1Joaquin Godoy y Solis. Informant, a leader within the MRP, associate of Antonio Veciana. Jack Stewart's penetration agent inside the MRP/Alpha-66/November 30 alliance from 1962-1966.
AMREEF-1AMREEF-1 may possibly have been Cira (aka Cirata) Lopez Cejas. AMREEF-1 acted as a liaison between the CIA Havana Station and Manuel Ray Rivero (AMBANG-1) in the latter part of 1960. [status: Speculative]
AMRIFT-1Ramon Sinobas.
AMRILL-1Unknown identity. AMRILL-1 was described in a July of 1960 cable as a Cuban Government official. By 1962, he is reporting as a knowledgeable informant on "the exile community" [status: Unknown]
AMRIPE-1Referred to as "Maggie". Part of the exfiltration attempts of November, 1963 from Cuba.
AMRIPE-2"Jose": Probably Jose Luis Pelleya. Involved in the attempt to exfiltrate AMCANOE-3 from Cuba on 11/22/63. Sent pouch to Mexico City on 11/21/63. [status: Probable]
AMRIPE-3Raul Roa Kouri. In 1963, he was the Cuban ambassador to Brazil, son of Cuban foreign minister Raul Roa Garcia. Also known as Raulito Roa.
AMRIPE-4Unknown identity. AMRIPE-4 was referred to as "Helen." Was referred to as being part of the AMGLEN-9 group (along with AMRIPE-4 and A-9). [status: Unknown]
AMRODCIA program designed to split the Castro regime, with a special focus on the Soviet-aligned Vice Minister of Defense Joaquin Ordoqui.
AMROD-3Annie Garcia de Brunet.
AMRUG-5Victor Paneque Batista, aka by the aliases "Comandante Diego", "Rene", and "Ricardo". MIRR coordinator answering to AMDITTO-23/Orlando Bosch during early sixties. Sent by his uncle, AMPALM-2/Laureano Batista, to set up the training camp in Lacombe, Louisiana in 1963.
AMRUM-1Jose Pepin Bosch. AMRUM-1 was a friend of Polo Miranda (Augusto Valdes Miranda). Miranda was in charge of Operation PEPE in 1962. [status: Probable]
AMRUNG-1Rogelio Gonzalez y Corso, code name "Francisco".
Name also referred to as Corzo and Corcho. Head of the internal resistance in Cuba until his capture in March 1961.
AMRUSTYUnknown identity. In a cable on January 27, 1965, AMRUSTY was referred to as "the conservative element." AMRUSTY was some type of CIA anti-Castro propaganda organization/asset/program. [status: Unknown]
AMRYE-1Anthony “Tony” Sforza.
AMSAIL-1Carlos Fernandez Trujillo, also known as Carlos B. Fernandez. He was a Miami attorney and an agent for the CIA that frequently traveled between Miami and Mexico City.
AMSAKIAMSAKI was a JMWAVE paramilitary operation originally scheduled for around November 24, 1963, but postponed until at least December 17th.
AMSALON-1Possibly Rolando Rodriguez, mixed up with the Bayo-Pawley operation and worked with Tico Herrera. AMSALON-1 was described as one of "several key AMWORLDERs" (along with AMHINT-27 and AMYUM-29) in a June 1964 CIA cable. [status: Speculative]
AMSANTAJoint FBI/CIA program to place willing FPCC members into Cuba to collect intelligence.
AMSATURALUSAMSATURALUS was the cryptonym for a joint CIA-AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) project to establish ratlines into Cuba.
AMSAUCE-3Unknown identity. AMSAUCE-3 transmitted a series of SW messages in November and December of 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMSCREAM-1AMSCREAM-1 may possibly have been Roberto Espin. AMSCREAM-1 was probably involved in the CIA's propaganda effort against the Cuban regime of Fidel Castro. [status: Speculative]
AMSCROLLUR, also known as Unidad Revolucionaria. Its organizing membership was described as impatient former members of the MRR, well-educated and with the skills needed to overthrow a government.
AMSEDGE-1Unknown identity. A January, 1963, Field Information Report described AMSEDGE-1 as a close relative of a Brigade leader. [status: Unknown]
AMSEED-3AMSEED-3 was Dionisio Pastrana Moreno. AMSEED-3 worked with Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria (AMDENIM-1) and AMBIG-3 (Ricardo Adelis Cobos).
AMSEELY-1Unknown identity. In January, 1963, AMSEELY-1 and AMSHAFT recruited Maria Juana Asuncion Comella (AMGLAD-1's widow), who worked in the underground in Cuba through 1961. [status: Unknown]
AMSERF-1Francisco (Frank) Bartes. CIA source Bartes headed the New Orleans Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC), and was also an FBI informant. Bartes' contact was Warren de Brueys.
AMSERVEUnknown identity. A note in a document stated that in November 1965, "the CI branch put A-1 (note: AMCLATTER-1 - Bernard Barker) to work interviewing refugees, although he was not made a part of the AMSERVE Team." [status: Unknown]
AMSESS-1Oscar Concepcion Mendoza
AMSEVER-2Double agent in Mexico City. Referred to as a "contract agent" and a "marginal agent". [status: Unknown]
AMSEVER-3Manuel Fernando Avila Aguirre, a double agent.
AMSHADY-1"Havana Rose", also known as Pepita Riera, a Cuban writer and broadcaster, who had a biweekly show on WMIE during 1963 where she discussed Cuban G-2 agents and informers.
AMSHAG-1Alberto Delbusto Hernandez. A dispatch in March, 1963, stated that AMSHAG-1's 201 number was 201-313128, which matches Alberto Delbusto Hernandez's 201 number in documents in 1979-1980.
AMSHAG-3Franciso Fesser, a military colleague of Carlos Prio. According to a dispatch in early December, 1963, AMSHAG-3 was an old member of the Autentico Party, and he was friends with Carlos Prio Socarras. [status: Probable]
AMSHALE-1Antonia Veciana, leader of Cuban exile group ALPHA-66. Veciana told HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi that he had worked with a "Maurice Bishop" who Fonzi came to believe was CIA officer David Phillips. Also known as Victor Fernandez, Victor Orcarlos.
AMSHATTERAMSHATTER was a JMWAVE anti-Castro Cuban team originally connected to AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria).
AMSHED-1Glysson Lawrence Mitchell. AMSHED-1 was the brother-in-law of AMPAN-18, associate of AMLEO-3 (Capt. Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez), Mitchell Livingston WerBell III, and Adolis Cobo (AMBIG-3). [status: Speculative]
AMSHOT-1Irving Richard Poyle. At the time of JFK's death, the CIA was planning a meeting with him in Mexico regarding the AMROD operation with officer Oliver Fortson (probably Tony Sforza).
AMSHRUG-1Unknown identity. A cable in December, 1963, mentioned that AMSHRUG-1 acted as the interpreter for JMWAVE case officer Zickgraff during the latter's meeting with AMSHAG-3. AMSHRUG-1 knew Carlos Prio Socarras, and that the latter apparently thought AMSHAG-3 was a "tough cookie and a good leader." [status: Unknown]
AMSIGH-2Clemente Inclan Werner, prisoner released in 1970 and then used as intermediary between the Cuban government and imprisoned anti-Castro agents. Referred to as "Mente" after his capture in 1963.
AMSKIF-4Joaquin Bembibre (sometimes Membibre in documents) Vasquez. Documents 104-10077-10151 and 104-10075-10201 appear to show that there was a AMSKIF-5, and possibly an AMSKIF-6 as well (104-10193-10307). [status: Speculative]
AMSKIF-6Unknown identity. According to a dispatch in December of 1960, AMSKIF-6 was allegedly in contact with legendary Cuban guerrilla and peasant leader, Osvaldo Ramirez. AMSKIF-6 was apparently attempting to initiate a maritime operation on the south coast of Las Villas. [status: Unknown]
AMSKIRLS-1Andres Zayas, aka "Justo", a UR leader inside Cuba.
AMSKIRLS-2Jorge Zayas, the editor of Avance in Cuba. After leaving Cuba, he became active with the Inter-American Press Association. [status: Speculative]
AMSLAW-1Pedro Julio Martinez Fraga y Fernandez
AMSLOUCH-1Lauri Olavi Matikainen, businessman, trained in use of wireless telegraphy communications. Worked with CIA, may have become a double agent for Cuban intelligence. He was an honorary Finnish consul in Havana in the early sixties. Also known as VASLOUCH-1.
AMSLOUCH-2Estrella Matikainen, wife of Lauri Olavi Matikainen (AMSLOUCH-1). Daughter Anneli Matikainen was AMSLOUCH-3.
AMSLOUCH-3Anneli Matikainen, daughter of Lauri Olavi Matikainen (AMSLOUCH-1) and Estrella Matikainen (AMSLOUCH-2).
AMSLOUCH-6Rafael Mirabal Fernandez. A cable in July, 1971, mentioning AMMUG-1 and AMSLOUCH-6, cites two 201 numbers, AMMUG-1's (201-749651) and 201-812117, which appears to be AMSLOUCH-6's.
AMSLOUCH-7AMSLOUCH-7 was probably Auora Bosen Fernandez. [status: Probable]
AMSMILE-1Ernesto Betancourt was a supporter and later influential staunch critic of Fidel Castro that worked for the Organization of American States.
AMSNAKE-1AMSNAKE-1 may possibly have been Raul de la Rua Castro, who was the chief engineer aboard the Cuban MV SIERRA MAESTRA until March 20, 1966, when he defected at Muroran, Japan. [status: Speculative]
AMSNAP-2Unknown identity. AMSNAP-3 was Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga (1922-2021), influential anti-Castro Cuban and future Watergate burglar. Was AMSNAP-2 personally connected to Martinez in any way, i.e. was he an associate? [status: Unknown]
AMSNAP-3Eugenio Rolando Martinez Careaga, one of the Watergate burglars.
AMSNEAKOperation either involving AMLASH-1 or planned around him in the mid-1960's. [status: Speculative]
AMSORREL-5AMSORREL-5 was Jose Nicolas Salado Mata. Cables in November and December of 1963 cited AMSORREL-5's 201 number as 201-311334. Cables in June, 1964, stated that Nicolas Salado had a 201 number of 201-311334.
AMSOURAn operation based in Pinar del Rio province, utilizing the American rancher Lawrence K. Lunt. Collection of military, political and economic intelligence. [status: Probable]
AMSOUR-1Lawrence Kirby Lunt.
AMSOUR-2Juan Gomez Blanco, working with Larry Lunt in Pinar del Rio, Cuba in the early 1960s.
[status: Probable]
AMSPAN-12AMSPAN-12 was Emile Hierrezuelo Lao, recruited in November 1962, and terminated in April 1966. A telepouch in September 1971 had the words "encrypted identity" after his name. The identity was given as AMSPAN-12.
AMSPAN-32Jose Antonio Rodriguez Sosa. A dispatch in November, 1962, on the cancellation of Operational Clearances included Jose Antonio Rodriguez Sosa, whose 201 number was 201-314484. This matches the 201 number of AMSPAN-32, as seen in a dispatch in May of 1967.
AMSPARKAMSPARK was a JMWAVE operation involving AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) in 1963-1964. It was based around an infiltration team for Oriente Province.
AMSPARK-2AMSPARK-2 may possibly have been Raul Sainz. A dispatch in June 26, 1964, mentioned a fight between AMSPARK-2, an area guide, and AMSPARK-3, over A-3's "Batistiano background." [status: Speculative]
AMSPELLThe Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, or DRE (Cuban Student Directorate). DRE delegate Carlos Bringuier had the famous altercation with Lee Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of 1963, and DRE members quickly spread information about Oswald after JFK's assassination.
AMSPICE-1Geraldine Shamma de Carrera aka Geraldine Shamman de Carrera, close colleague of Manuel Artime in 1960.
AMSPILLProject centered around a Cuban intelligence source (AMSPILL-1) who provided political and economic intelligence. The intelligence AMSPILL-1 provided "...dealt with Soviet personnel activity, Cuban military activity, shipping and health-related information."
AMSPORT-1Bichi Bernal, Cuban military attache in Japan who was recruited by the CIA and then defected. His cryptonym by 1965 was QUSPORT.
AMSPRAGThe AMSPRAG operation was scheduled at around the same time as Operation TILT in June of 1963. A cable on June 5, 1963, on TILT, stated that the vessel "Leda proceeds on Operation AMSPRAG." AMSPRAG was also a team.
AMSPRAWL-2A male official used by Mexico City Station to penetrate G-2 operations (Cuban Intelligence apparatus in Mexico) with "good access to Cuban Embassy personnel in Mexico City." [status: Probable]
AMSTAFFDGI (Direccion General de Inteligencia, also known as the General Directorate of Intelligence), Cuba's foreign intelligence service. [status: Probable]
AMSTALK-1Miguel Angel Diaz Isalgue
AMSTANDUnknown identity. A cable in January of 1965 from JMWAVE included AMSTAND as a slug, along with AMSWIRL-1 (Cesar Diosdado). [status: Unknown]
AMSTASH-1Manuel Viera Rodriguez, war name "Mario", head of action and sabotage unit in Havana in 1961-1962. Exfiltrated during August 1962.
AMSTAYAMSTAY was the cryptonym used in the late 1960's for JMWAVE. A cable in June of 1968 stated that AMSTAY was the identity for JMWAVE.
AMSTEM-1Rupert Alonza Alexander Gill. An undated memo stated that AMSTEM-1's 201 number was 201-280852. A CIA document on April 4, 1962, stated that Rupert Alonza Alexander Gill's 201 number was 201-280852.
AMSTET-1Jose Antonio "Nico" Garcia Lara, commercial attache in the Cuban embassy during 1962-63. A source of great value on the defection and recruitment front regarding Cubans.
AMSTOKE-1Lucas Roig, aka Pedro Lucas Roig Ortega, assistant commercial attache at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City who defected during June 1962. [status: Probable]
AMSTONE-1Ms. Valdes Hernandez, first name unknown. Daughter of Luis and Julia Valdes Hernandez. A Cuban double agent, trusted by the Castro regime.
AMSTOW-1Unknown identity. AMSTOW-1 was referred to in CIA documents as "Filipe" and "Felipe." AMSTOW-1 was the principal agent of the AMRYE-1 (Tony Sforza) stay behind net in Cuba in June 1961. [status: Unknown]
AMSTRAW-1DGI officer, Jose Miguel Fernandez Roa (also known as Miguel Roa). A cable in November of 1964 stated that Mexico City station wanted JMWAVE to send AMMUG-1 to the former to make an attempted defection attempt on AMSTRAW-1.
AMSTRUTThe operation and net of assets involved in the defection and recruitment of AMSTRUT-2 and, subsequently, her anti-Castro radio broadcasts.
AMSTRUT-1Virginia Vasco Leitao da Cunha, wife of the Brazilian Ambassador to Cuba.
AMSTRUT-2Juana de la Caridad Castro Ruz, sister of Fidel and Raul, who ran a radio program against her brothers' regime.
AMSTRUT-8Unknown identity. AMSTRUT-8 was part of the AMSTRUT operation. A cable in September 1971 stated that AMSTRUT-8 was the owner of Perforaciones S.A. [status: Unknown]
AMSTUFF-1Unknown identity. AMSTUFF-1 wrote a report following the arrest of Francisco Wilfredo Varona Alonso (AMCONCERT-1), in October 1961. [status: Unknown]
AMSTY-3Unknown identity. A cable in October 1963 stated that AMSAIL-1 (Carlos Fernandez Trujillo) had a high personal regard for AMSTY-3. [status: Unknown]
AMSUMNaval resistance group in Cuba during the first years of the Cuban Revolution. In 1962, became associated with UR in the United States.
AMSUM-1Juan Francisco Castellvi Prado. Unidad Revolucionaria (UR) asset. Brother-in-law of AMSUM-2, Antonio Ordonez Hernandez. [status: Probable]
AMSUM-2Antonio Ordonez Hernandez, brother-in-law of AMSUM-1, Juan Francisco Castellvi Prado. A dispatch in July, 1962, stated that Ordonez's 201 number was 201-323934. Also, a dispatch in March, 1963, stated that AMSUM-2's 201 number was 201-323934, matching Ordonez's.
AMSUM-3Possibly Guillermo Alvarez Boucle, born in September 1933 in Cienfuegos, Cuba. AMSUM-3 was formerly a chief petty officer in the Cuban Navy, and was employed with the merchant marine. [status: Speculative]
AMSUM-4Luis Carlos Pino Couto. Head of the AMSUM group in Cuba and listed as a potential security informant by the FBI.
AMSUMACOperation to ransom the Orozco brothers, AMTABBY-15 and AMTABBY-23. [status: Probable]
AMSUPER-1Dimas Domingo Figueredo Fernandez, CRC representative in Mexico City. [status: Probable]
AMSWEEPA foreign intelligence operation concerned with the collection of Cuban military and political information via shortwave and OWVL (one way voice link).
AMSWEEP-1 was Jose Pujol Roca and his wife was Maria Caridad Aurelia Buch Y Rodriguez.
AMSWIRL-1Customs agent Cesar Diosdado.
AMTABBYA major paramilitary operation consisting of numerous sabotage operations against on-island targets. At least some of these operations were reviewed and approved by the Special Group (Augmented).
AMTABBY-10Unknown identity. A cable in February 1963 noted that AMTABBY-10 used the alias Garcia, was from Pinar del Rio Province in Cuba, and his father was in jail. [status: Unknown]
AMTABBY-15Miguel Angel Orozco Crespo
AMTABBY-16Ramon Orozco Crespo, brother of Miguel Orozco. [status: Speculative]
AMTABBY-23Pedro Vera Ortiz [status: Probable]
AMTABBY-27An executive pilot with the IRD (Interrogation Research Division) number C-87513. Probably Rafael Garcia Pujol. Another possibility is Ramon Escarda Rubio. Both Garcia and Escarda were pilots. [status: Speculative]
AMTABBY-61Alfredo Fernandez Martinez. A CIA document in November, 1964, stated that Alfredo Fernandez Martinez had a C-Number of 737177. A dispatch in April, 1966, stated that AMTABBY-61's 201 number was 201-737177.
AMTABBY-64Luis Alberto Crespo del Valle (Luis Crespo). AMTABBY-64 was assigned the cryptonym, and 201-738537, in early December 1963. [status: Speculative]
AMTABBY-7Unknown identity. AMTABBY-7 was part of an AMTABBY cache team in December 1963. In addition, a dispatch in April 1966 noted that AMTABBY-7 had recently sold an FAL rifle to Herminio Diaz. [status: Unknown]
AMTAFFY-1AMTAFFY-1 may possibly have been Mary Louise Wilkinson, Miami News reporter in the 1960's. AMTAFFY-1 was possibly a female journalist/reporter (see 9/20/65 dispatch). Husband was Robert Wilkinson, a CIA officer. [status: Speculative]
AMTAUPA CIA mole operation inside JURE, focusing on anti-CIA activities. [status: Probable]
AMTAUP-1Dr. Ernesto Alanis Angulo. [status: Probable]
AMTAUP-10Juan Bautista Perez Luis, chief gardener at the naval base in Cuba. Arrested as part of an CIA espionage net in 1965.
AMTAUP-2Oscar Angulo Reyes.
AMTEASE-1Heriberto Corona Mendez, the CRC representative in Panama. Provided support to AMBARBS.
AMTEE-1Unknown identity. AMTEE-1 was JMWAVE's contact with Raul F. Herrero Morales. AMTEE-1 was also a contact of Captain Edwin P. Le May, a Miami yacht broker. [status: Unknown]
AMTEE-5Captain Edwin P. Le May. AMTEE-5 was described in a November of 1964 cable as a "competent American observer and yachtsman with good contacts in fishing circles." Le May was described in a cable in July, 1961, as a "yacht broker", and JMWAVE traces revealed he was in contact with AMTEE-1 and AMCASK-1. [status: Speculative]
AMTERRY-1Unknown identity. JMWAVE instructor, terminated in late 1967 due to budgetary considerations. AMTERRY-1 became AMOTIN-116 in 1968. [status: Unknown]
AMTHEME-1AMTHEME-1 was possibly Vicente Rodriguez Suarez, secretary to AMCORE-2 (Luis Conte Aguero) in 1963, former Cuban newspaperman, FBI informant, and an AMOT collaborator. [status: Speculative]
AMTHEO-1Manuel Suarez Carreno.
AMTHEO-2Unknown identity. AMTHEO-2 was described in a CIA document on March 24, 1966, as "a Cuban engineer, specializing in agronomy, who is now retired but previously was in the sugar-refining business." [status: Unknown]
AMTHIGHA political action/propaganda operation using WRUL - the radio station owned by the Mormon Church - to sponsor anti-Castro broadcasts aimed at Cuba.
AMTHORN-1Unknown identity. It appears from two cables in November of 1962 that Oliver Fortson (probably Tony Sforza), Counterintelligence (CI), was the case officer of AMTHORN-1. [status: Unknown]
AMTHRILL-1Julio Kouri Barreto, diplomat and brother-in-law of Cuban foreign minister Raul Roa Garcia.
AMTHROB-9Ramon Cubenas Conde. Member of UR, MDC, and latterly Comandos L. Died on October 27, 1964, in an apparent accident at sea near Key West. [status: Probable]
AMTHUGFidel Castro, the Cuban leader who took power in 1959 and whose demise the U.S. began unsuccessfully plotting soon thereafter. 201-97456.
AMTICK-1Unknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on December 5, 1963, stated that AMTICK-1 was to be passenger on a AMBANTY operation. [status: Unknown]
AMTIKI-1Believed to be Juan A. Paula Baez. The Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation states that his true name was Manuel F. Goudie.
AMTOAD-1Julian Arias Prado, 1960 defector from Cuba after a stint as consul at the embassy in Los Angeles. Lee Oswald visited this embassy during Arias' stint while stationed at EL Toro in 1959. He originally used the crypt LITAINT-5 until his cover was blown in 1960; when he moved to Brazil, he used the name Angel Aparicio Laurencio.
AMTOBY-12Unknown identity. AMTOBY-12 was a radio operator in AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) operations during 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMTOBY-13Unknown identity. AMTOBY-13 was a source on and a member of Comandos L. Long time friend of Comandos L member Francisco Illas Gonzalez (a 1965 CIA cable stated they had been friends for 15 years - since around 1950). [status: Unknown]
AMTOBY-16Unknown identity. A cable from JMWAVE on November 23, 1963, containing the slug AMHICK, stated that AMTOBY-16 had been exfiltrated on November 22nd, the day of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas. [status: Unknown]
AMTOD-1Laureano Batista Falla, also known as AMPALM-2.. Described here as a young Cuban exile trained in intelligence collection. The CIA described his reporting as "accurate but lacking depth". [status: Probable]
AMTOKEN-1Jose C. Fernandez Martin. He and the other AMTOKENs served under Captain Ernesto Despaigne as the CRC military staff. In September 1962 AMTOKEN-1 was being considered for advanced U.S. Army training. [status: Unknown]
AMTOPIC-2Luis Fernandez-Rocha. Secretary General of the Revolutionary Student Directorate (DRE). Was also AMHINT-53.
AMTORRIDOne of the two CIA assault teams that Bill Harvey sent into Cuba during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. [status: Probable]
AMTORRID-4Unknown identity. Luis Balbuena was a contact of AMTORRID-4 at Guantanamo Naval Base in 1961. Moreover, in January, 1963, AMTORRID-4 reported on Julio Aton Constanzo Palau in New York City, and his threats to commit sabotage. [status: Unknown]
AMTOUT-1Mario Lazo y Guiral. Lazo was a Havana lawyer who had strong links to US interests in Cuba prior to Castro's seizure of power in January of 1959. Lazo was the author in 1968 of Dagger in the Heart: American Policy Failures in Cuba. [status: Probable]
AMTRAILUnknown operation in 1963 with Mexican links. [status: Probable]
AMTRIBE-5AMTRIBE-5 was Marcelino Martinez Tapia. A cable on November 29, 1963, stated that IDEN A was AMTRIBE-5. A cable on November 30, 1963, mentioned that IDEN A was Marcelino Martinez Tapia.
AMTRIBE-7Dr. Augusto Gallardo. A cable on November 29, 1963, stated that IDEN B was AMTRIBE-7. A cable on November 30, 1963, mentioned that IDEN B was Dr. Augusto Gallardo.
AMTRIGON-1A dispatch in October of 1962 identified AMTRIGON-1 as Argimino Fonseca Fernandez, aka Argimiro Fonseca Fernandez.
AMTRIGON-2Probably Roberto Herrera, aka Tico Herrera, a guerrilla leader in the Escambray during 1960-1961 before he arrived in the US. AMTRIGON-2 was the team leader of the infiltration team aboard the Villaro vessel in May 1962. In 1963 AMTRIGON-2 was working for Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria (AMDENIM-1). [status: Probable]
AMTRIGON-8Miguel de los Santos Delgado Martinez, anti-Castro Cuban and member of the Villaro crew.
AMTRUNKOperation for military overthrow of Castro's government in 1963, promoted within White House circles but distrusted by CIA. Also known as Plan Leonardo.
AMTRUNK-1George Volsky aka Jorge Volsky. His name was originally Jerzy Stanislaw Ajbuszyc when he served in the Polish military under the British operational command during World War II. Volsky was his grandmother's name.
AMTRUNK-10AMTRUNK-10 was Ramon Tomas Guin Diaz.
AMTRUNK-11AMTRUNK-11 was Carlos Pedraza Aguilar. Pedraza was arrested in December 1965, then tried for alleged CIA activities, and given a 30 year prison sentence.
AMTRUNK-12AMTRUNK-12's brother was Rafael Suarez More. A candidate to be AMTRUNK-12 was Adolfina Suarez More, mentioned in a dispatch on AMTRUNK on October 18, 1963.
AMTRUNK-13Unknown identity. Close friend of AMTRUNK-19 (probably Jose Alberto Semidey Isalgue, cousin of Miguel Diaz Isalgue) [AMICE-14/AMSTALK-1], and Cubana pilot). [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-14Unknown identity. A cable on 31 October, 1963, stated that AMICE-14 believed AMTRUNK-14 was under the influence of AMICE-27. [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-15Pedro LNU. AMTRUNK-15 was also known as "Horacio" in a S/W message.
AMTRUNK-16Used alias "Juan Gonzalez". AMTRUNK-16 was a team guide, fisherman, and long-time friend of Frank Fundora Fraga. [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-18Candido Diaz.
AMTRUNK-19Jose Alberto Semidey Isalgue, cousin of Miguel Diaz Isalgue (AMICE-14/AMSTALK-1), and Cubana pilot. [status: Probable]
AMTRUNK-2Enrique Cayado Rivera, aka Enrique Javier Cavado
AMTRUNK-20Enrique Herrera Aro.
AMTRUNK-21Unknown identity. A POA was approved for AMTRUNK-21 on February 12, 1965, and A-21 was assigned the 201 number of 201-300063. [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-3Antonio Garcia Perez.
AMTRUNK-4A fisherman who defected to the US during Feb. 1963 and was used as a maritime guide. Identity unknown. [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-5Unknown identity. A cable in January 1965 stated that AMTRUNK-5 was a former guide, who was terminated in the middle of 1963. In addition, in a cable in February 1965, AMSWIRL-1 reported on January 29, 1965, that AMTRUNK-5 had been executed. [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-7AMTRUNK-7 was Pedro Diaz Torres, a fisherman and member of the Second National Front of the Escambray (SNFE). Used alias Carlos Menendez. A coastal guide with extensive maritime and weapons training.
AMTRUNK-8Used aliases Tomas Rodriguez and Rodrigo Fernandez Lopez. A cable in December 1963 stated that recent information from friends and family of AMTRUNK-7 and -8 indicated that AMTRUNK-8's father was in jail for helping Juan Milian. It added that AMTRUNK-8's father and Milian knew A-8 was infiltrated into Cuba in September 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMTRUNK-9AMTRUNK-9 was Modesto Orlando Orozco Basulto, aka Bebo. AMTRUNK-9 was described in a dispatch in September, 1963, as a former Commandante in the Rebel Army.
AMTURVYAn operation "designed for the purpose of conducting sabotage operations against Cuba. It consisted of a net of 13 AMTURVY assets whose primary function, apart from sabotage, was the preparation of target studies and analysis of sabotage operations."
AMTURVY-1Arturo Maria Jesus Varona Alonso, brother of AMCONCERT-1 (Francisco Wilfredo Varona Alonso). AMTURVY-1 was described as "a minor Cuban Government official and member of the militia who travels frequently in western Cuba." Also known as Cuquito.
AMTURVY-13Mario Salabarria Aguiar. A document in 1977 stated that Mario Salabarria Aguiar was AMTURVY-13 and his 201 number was 201-738504.
AMTURVY-2Unknown identity. AMTURVY-2 was described in a cable on November 22, 1963, as "a skilled Cuban communications technician whose government employment gives him normal access to information about Cuban communication networks." [status: Unknown]
AMTURVY-4Julio Salabarria Aquiar. His pseudonym or alias was Enrique Diaz Fernandez.
AMTYKEAMTYKE was a team of anti-Castro Cubans operating from Miami in 1963. The specific type of team that AMTYKE was appears to be unknown.
AMTYKE-10Manuel Dobal Mendez. A cable on November 28, 1963, mentioned that Manuel Dobal Mendez's 201 number was 201-337090. In addition, a cable on December 6, 1963, stated that AMTYKE-10's 201 number was 201-337090, matching Dobal's.
AMTYKE-7Manuel A. Rivero Coloma. A memo on November 16, 1961, stated that Rivero's 201 number was 201-291734. A dispatch in April of 1966 mentioned that AMTYKE-7's 201 number was 201-291734, matching Rivero's.
AMULARMost likely candidate is Alberto Diaz-Masvidal Garcia, an attorney with the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC between 1960-62.
The second most likely candidate is David Morales, who at least twice delivered messages between Cuba to William Pawley (QDDALE) and the CIA station in Miami in 1960.
[status: Speculative]
AMULLA-1Owner of Havana TV station. Probably Goar Mestre, owner of CMQ TV. [status: Probable]
AMUPAS-1Viola June Cobb, who informed for CIA under crypt AMUPAS-1 while working for Castro, and played a role in the Elena Garro de Paz story, with Mexican crypt LICOOKY-1.
AMUSEUnknown identity. A CIA document in July 1961 contained a handwritten note which mentioned Marcelino Garcia (Evelio Duque Miyar) and AMUSE. [status: Unknown]
AMUTTERAMUTTER was a CIA project in Cuba in late 1958 and early 1959. CIA officers, Harold Noemayr (Ross Crozier), and Nelson Raynock (Henry Hecksher), were mentioned in cables connected with AMUTTER.
AMVALUE-2Luis Amado Blanco. A cable in March, 1965, noted that Luis Amado Blanco had a 201 number of 201-276972. A cable in August of 1971 mentioned that AMVALUE-2's 201 number was 201-276972.
AMVANG-1Miguel Angel Quevedo, Cuban exile and owner and editor of the Bohemia Libre magazine in the 1960's. A cable on March 25, 1964, described AMVANG-1 as apparently acting as an "unofficial Manuel Ray representative" in Caracas. [status: Probable]
AMVANG-2Francisco Saralegui. A cable in March of 1961 stated that AMVANG-2 was a Cuban journalist. Saralegui worked closely with Miguel Angel Quevedo on the Bohemia Libre magazine in the 1960's. Also known as Bebo. [status: Speculative]
AMWAILAgrapucion Montecristi. Changed to AMJAG after breach of security in December 1960.
AMWAIL-1Justo Carrillo Hernandez, leader of Agrupacion Montecristi and a founding member of the Frente Civico Revolucionario (FRD), forerunner of the CRC.
AMWAIL-2Probably Amalio Fiallo, a key organizer of the FRD in 1960.
A cable in October of 1960 stated that Miro Cardona (AMBUD-1), Pepin Bosch (AMRUM-1), Benito Quevedo (publisher of Bohemia Libre), AMCHIRP-1 (Ramon Barquin Lopez) and AMWAIL-2 were the most prominent supporters of AMRASP/FRD. [status: Probable]
AMWAIL-3Jose Joaquin Sangenes Perdomo, also known as Joaquin Sanjenis. Used the alias of Sam Jennis. He also had the cryptonym of AMOT-2, and was the leader of the AMOTs. Was with Agrupacion Montecrist during 1960.
AMWAIL-5Manuel F. Goudie, also known as Juan Paula/AMTIKI-1.
AMWAIL-6Unknown identity. A cable in December, 1960, contained a handwritten note which stated that Victor Borden had ordered the arrest of AMWAIL-6 in February 1960. [status: Unknown]
AMWAIL-9Orlando Ray Rivero, brother of Manuel Ray Rivero (AMBANG-1), leader of JURE. AMWAIL-9 became AMJAG-8.
AMWARMA foreign intelligence operation that targeted Cubana Airlines and provided intelligence on travelers, negotiations, flight traffic, scheduled flights, and personnel at Rancho Boyeros Airport in Cuba.
AMWARM-1An on-island asset that investigated whether Castro played any role in the JFK assassination as well as any plots to assassinate Castro. A civilian aviation expert who is affiliated with the Ministry of Transportation and who has been trained for intelligence work. [status: Unknown]
AMWASP-1Gilberto R. Alemany, Cuban trade counsellor in Tokyo, who defected to the U.S. in August, 1965.
AMWAX-1Oscar Fernandez Viega. Interviewed in July 1964 by the FBI over a plot to assassinate Fidel Castro. Denied any knowledge of or participation in any plan to assassinate Castro.
AMWEECzech sources and entities in Cuba. [status: Probable]
AMWEE-1Massimo Muratori del Balso.
AMWEE-2Known as Igor. Entered the US on 11/22/63 with AMFAUNA-14 as part of the "AMHICK ratline".
AMWEE-4AMWEE-4 was Aldo Dericci.
AMWEE-9AMWEE-9 was Ricardo Bordo, a long-time friend of AMWHIP-1 (Carlos Tepedino Gonzalez).
AMWEST-1Unknown identity. In a June 1965 CIA cable AMWEST-1 admitted his involvement with the AMLASH group in Cuba. Furthermore, AMWEST-1 was described in a March 1966 cable as an intimate friend of Rolando Cubela Secades. [status: Unknown]
AMWHEN-1Unknown identity. A cable in November of 1971 mentioned that "target's evasiveness may reflect tightened measures for AMWHEN defection." [status: Unknown]
AMWHIP-1Carlos Tepedino Gonzalez, a Cuban exile living in the U.S. who was a "long-time friend" of Rolando Cubela (AMLASH). AMWHIP-1 arranged the 1961 meeting between a CIA case officer and Cubela, who was recruited to attempt to assassinate Fidel Castro.
AMWHIP-2AMWHIP-2 was Juan Ventura Valner, a Cuban exile who owned a jewelry shop and lived in Geneva. Made infrequent business trips to Rome.
AMWOLF-1AMWOLF-1 was Eduardo Araos Agero. AMWOLF-1's 201 number was 201-840126 (see July, 1972 cable). The Cuban Mugbook, Vol. III, stated that Araos' 201 number was 201-840126.
AMWOO-1Jose Enrique Dausa Alvarez. Member of the Directional Committee of the MRR. [status: Probable]
AMWORD-1Possibly an employee with Pepsi-Cola or Czarnikow-Rionda, the sugar brokers, working with UR. [status: Speculative]
AMWORD-3Mario Seiglie Montoro, interim secretary general of the Unidad Revolucionaria (AMSCROLL) at the time of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
AMWORLDAlso known as Second Naval Guerilla. Designed to support and unite several Cuban exile groups under the leadership of Manuel Artime (AMBIDDY-1). The overall mission of AMWORLD was to foment a popular uprising in Cuba that would cause Castro's downfall.
AMWORLD-2Sixto R. Mesa Aloma. Friend of Orlando Piedra, a leading Batistiano. Ally of Manuel Artime, a public accountant and the MRR Treasurer as of early 1964. A memo in 1973 which mentioned him included his 201 number in brackets (201-727405), along with "AMWORLD-2."
AMWORM-1Miguel Angel Leon, aka Miguel de Leon Rojas, aka "Cuco", former Cuban senator and aide to Manuel Artime. Used the alias of Domingo Beltard when he helped Tony Sforza and other CIA officers escape from Cuba in the wake of the Bay of Pigs.
AMWORRY-1Raul Roa, Jr., the Cuban Ambassador to Brazil, during the fall of 1963.
AMWREN-1Unknown identity. A memo in September 1961 from the Chief, Western Hemisphere Division, J.C. King, stated that AMWREN-1 was the "principal agent" of what remained of the CIA's intelligence net in Cuba. [status: Unknown]
AMWRIT-1Friend of photographer Andrew St. George. [status: Unknown]
AMYEAST-19Hans Tanner. AMYEAST-19 was a Swiss national, who in April 1961 was being used by the MDC as a courier to Cuba. [status: Probable]
AMYELL-1Ira I. Wolfer, an American businessman and anti-Castro activist, with links to Manuel Ray and Paul Bethel. A cable in November, 1960, on the plan to sabotage the main power plant in Havana, seemed to indicate that AMYELL-1 was an "American businessman with opposition contacts." [status: Speculative]
AMYUMMRR - Revolutionary Recovery Movement.
AMYUM-1Lino Bernabe Fernandez Martinez, psychiatrist from Sagua la Grande and MRR leader outside of Cuba. Also known as Ojeda.
AMYUM-14AMYUM-14 was the (or a) brother of Marcos Rodriguez Menendez.
AMYUM-17Unknown identity. Described as a (Government of Cuba) "GOC controlled agent" in a cable in December of 1963. [status: Unknown]
AMYUM-19Cesar Baro Esteva. Until he had a falling out with Manuel Artime/AMBIDDY-1, Baro was the number three man on the AMWORLD project. He had previously been head of the MRR.
AMYUM-29Unknown identity. AMYUM-29 was described along with AMHINT-27 (Manuel Baro Esteva) and AMSALON-1 as one of "several key AMWORLDERs." [status: Unknown]
AVDigraph for operations and assets in Uruguay.
AVALANCHEMontevideo Police Department. Philip Agee claimed in his book, Inside the Company: CIA Diary, that AVALANCHE was the cryptonym for the Montevideo Police Department. It was apparently a liaison service between Montevideo Police and the CIA's Montevideo, Uruguay, Station. [status: Probable]
AVALANCHE-6Unknown identity. A cable on November 23, 1963, stated that AVALANCHE-6 was a Uruguayan police official (probably based in the capital, Montevideo). [status: Unknown]
AVANTUnknown identity. A dispatch in March of 1961 stated that AVANT was the CIA Montevideo stations' KUCAGE (CIA Psychological and Paramilitary Operations Staff) principal agent. [status: Unknown]
AVBUZZ-1AVBUZZ-1 was either Francisco Ordonez or Victor Gutierrez Salmador.
AVBUZZ-11Dr. Hada Rosete, delegate to Uruguay of Consejo Revolucionario Cubano (Cuban Revolutionary Council - CRC).
AVBUZZ-4AVBUZZ-4 was either Francisco Ordonez or Victor Gutierrez Salmador.
AVCELT-1Unknown identity. AVCELT-1 was recruited in 1961 to be a courier for the CIA's intelligence net in Cuba. AVCELT-1 was a withheld diplomat. [status: Unknown]
AVENGEFULTelephone tapping operation by the CIA's Montevideo Station. AVENGEFUL was the source for a cable on November 23, 1963. It involved a telephone call to the Cuban Embassy in Montevideo. [status: Probable]
AVOIDANCEUnknown identity. Courier for the CIA Montevideo Station telephone-tapping operation. [status: Probable]
BEThe CIA digraph for events related to Poland. [status: Probable]
BECOMPLEXRyszard Lichocki.
BEDOXThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that BEDOX was the cryptonym for East Europe, Czechoslovakia, and Poland.
BEGOODFNU Kochanski.
BESMOOTHA project to monitor and translate foreign intelligence communications, process the material, and assess and recruit potential targets as intelligence sources.
BETIDEUnknown identity. A cable on December 10, 1963, stated that BETIDE's primary task was his intelligence assignment in Cuba, as opposed to his ministry of industry job, which had to be considered a cover. [status: Unknown]
BEVISIONProject using the Polish defector Michal Goleniewski [status: Unknown]
CABBAGE-1Unknown identity. A memo in May, 1961, stated that CABBAGE-1 was arrested on March 18, 1961 in Cuba, and was a contact of Bobby Geddes. [status: Unknown]
CAINFERThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that CAINFER-1 was the cryptonym for Werner Goettsch.
CAJEEP-2Rolland C. Swanson. A cable on April 10, 1961, stated that CAJEEP-2 was IDEN. A cable the same day stated that IDEN was Rolland C. Swanson.
CALLThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that CALL was the cable indicator for West German foreign intelligence.
CALLIGERISCarlos Castillo Armas, the titular leader of the overthrow of President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954.
CALLIKAKCALLIKAK was the CIA cryptonym for the mail and telephone intercept program established by the U.S. Army after the Second World War.
CAMANTILLACAMANTILLA was the American Friends of Russian Freedom. This group would resettle in Germany or prepare for immigration to the US anyone of interest to the clandestine services, but primarily defectors or ex-agents.
CAMOGThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that CAMOG was the cable indicator for operations and support activities in Munich not related to the BND.
CANDARE-3Unknown identity. CANDARE-3 was probably a West German CIA asset. [status: Unknown]
CANDICuban intelligence service clandestine drop in Mexico City
CAPRICE-1Possibly Oscar Mendoza Concepcion. Cuban intelligence agent, stationed in the Cuban embassy. [status: Speculative]
CARAVELCARAVEL was a cryptonym for the former Abwehr and SS officer, Paul Dickopf.
CARROTExfiltration operation in 1961, designed to rescue members of the Escambray Libre (EL) forces in the Sierra Maestra after the capture of their leader Plinio Prieto/AMPANIC-5.
CARTThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that CART was the cable indicator for counterespionage investigation reports.
CASAILORAnti-Castro sailors working through the Hamburg office of the CIA. [status: Probable]
CASAILOR-25Unknown identity. CASAILOR-25 was a very close friend of Isidro Contreras. [status: Unknown]
CASAILOR-35Unknown identity. [status: Unknown]
CASHAKER-1Unknown identity. CASHAKER-1 was described in a January of 1975 memo as "a cooperative senior editor of Stern" magazine. [status: Unknown]
CATHINKCATHINK was the cryptonym for the Collection Division, Collection and Dissemination Battalion, 513th Military Intelligence Group.
CATIDECATIDE was a cryptonym for the West German Foreign Intelligence Service (BND).
CAVATACAVATA was the cryptonym for the West German LfV, which were the Field Offices of the BfV (Office for the Protection of the
Constitution, Internal Security Service).
CAWHISPERCAWHISPER was a cryptonym for the LfV, which were the Field Offices of the BfV (Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Internal Security Service) in West Germany.
CIDigraph for Venezuela.
CIARK-1May have been the father of Rafael Rivas Vasquez. Described as a medium level Venezuelan Government official with contacts among Cuban exiles. [status: Speculative]
CIFENCECentral Documentation Service (SCD), described in a 1970 cable as a "newly established Venezuelan security service."
CIFENCE-4Luis Posada. This cryptonym was used after the use of AMCLEVE-15.
CIFENCE-5Unknown identity. A dispatch in November of 1969 stated that CIFENCE-5 was formerly CIVISTA-8, and that CIFENCE-5's 201 number was 201-287019. [status: Unknown]
CIGOAL-1Marcus Diaz Lanz. A dispatch in August of 1961 appeared to assign the 201 number of 201-286705 to AMOT-6 (probably Marcus Diaz Lanz). A cable in December, 1967, mentioned that CIGOAL-1's 201 number was 201-286705. [status: Probable]
CIHUMP-1Jose de Jesus Planas. Was appointed Assistant Secretary of Labor in the new Cuban labor movement in early January 1959. Also appointed to posts in this organization were Reinaldo Pico and Reinol Gonzalez Moure (Gonzalez).
CIMOTIF-1A member of the JURE Cuban exile group that fled Panama and traveled with Manolo (Manuel) Ray. [status: Probable]
CIRAKEFrente Sindical Democratico Anti-Comunista de America Latina. Organized by Eusebio Mujal. Its leader was Maxwell Raab, formerly in Eisenhower's cabinet. [status: Probable]
CIRAKE-1Jose Sobrino Duquez. CIRAKE-1's chief asset was Cuban right-wing journalist Salvador Romani.
CIRAKE-3Salvador Romani. A cable on March 6, 1964, from Caracas described CIRAKE-3 as a "foreign journalist in Venezuela who has extensive contacts in the Cuban exile community and who has been a reliable reporter on exile activities in the past."
[status: Probable]
CIRAKE-6Hermenegildo Restiouto Moriyon Triano. According to a cable in late September of 1960, Moriyon was a former Cuban senator from Organizacion Authentica, and was then currently living in Venezuela. [status: Probable]
CIRASHVenezuelan police agency DIGEPOL, which was transformed into the intelligence organization DISIP in 1969.
CIRASH-4Erasto Fernandez Betancourt, director of DIGEPOL. A cable in September of 1967 stated that Fernandez had a 201 number of 201-324359. A cable in January, 1968, mentioned that CIRASH-4's 201 number was 201-324359, matching Fernandez's.
CIRASH-6Orlando Garcia Vasquez. Involved in smuggling arms to Autentico party chief Carlos Prio in Cuba during the 1950s. Others investigated in this particular arms trade included Robert Ray McKeown. McKeown had at least one meeting with Jack Ruby, who also was involved in Cuban arms trade.
CIRATAL-1Unknown identity. A cable in September of 1962 stated that CIRASH-6 (Orlando Garcia Vasquez) was CIRATAL-1's advisor on Cuban matters. [status: Unknown]
CITASTECITASTE was Walter J. Donnelly, Vice President of United States Steel, and former Ambassador to Venezuela.
CITUTOR-1Rafael Tremols Fresneda, DRE member in Caracas.
CIWOODSIFA Armed Forces Intelligence Service, the intelligence agency of the Argentine air force.
CIWREN-2CIWREN-2 was possibly Juan Manuel Salvat Roque (AMHINT-2) when he was in Venezuela. [status: Speculative]
DEDigraph for operations and assets in Italy or Italian related. Sometimes linked to the Americas.
DEBACONA dispatch in October of 1960 stated that DEBACON was Chief of Detectives, Venice and was "thoroughly acquainted (with the) Trieste picture." [status: Unknown]
DEGRIP-1Dr. Benedotte Regnetta, an Italian, and Director of the Latin American Delegation of the FIAT Company. [status: Speculative]
DELORRYUnknown identity. DELORRY was an Italy based CIA agent. A cable in March of 1965 stated that it was Rome Station's view that DELORRY had "long-range potential, also outside Cuban ops." [status: Unknown]
DEPIGRAMDEPIGRAM was a male Italian Interpol representative, and a source and spotter for the Corsicans. In 1960, a CIA official recommended that he be "eliminated" - "cut out of the operation" after choosing QJ-WIN. [status: Unknown]
DESIGNET-1Dr. Benedotte Regnetta, an Italian, and Director of the Latin American Delegation of the FIAT Company. Regnetta was possibly also assigned the cryptonym DEGRIP-1. [status: Speculative]
DEVIGILCIA station in Italy. [status: Probable]
DEVISTA-1DEVISTA-1 was probably Carlo Coccioli. DEVISTA-1 was described as a "Italian leftist-known journalist" in an October 1963 cable. [status: Probable]
DIThe CIA nation designation for operations in Soviet controlled Czechoslovakia.
DICIRCUITA communications circuit between the CIA's Berlin Operation Base and Czechoslovakia. [status: Speculative]
DIZTAGThe nation of Czechoslovakia
DMThe CIA nation designation for operations related to Yugoslavia, which defined itself as a "neutral" in the USSR-China battle for hegemony in the communist world. [status: Probable]
DMLETProbably Yugoslavia. [status: Probable]
DMLIVIDMajor Djurorie Dujare Djurovic.
DMPETALEsperanza Semadeni Vernis, Yugoslav informant to the Mexico City Station.
DTDORICIndicator for covert action to be used in book distribution programs directed at intellectuals in communist and socialist countries.
DTEMBARGOUnknown identity. A memo from J. C. King, Chief, Western Hemisphere Division (WHO), in May of 1961, mentioned that DTEMBARGO was a WHD foundation. [status: Unknown]
DTFROGSThe nation of El Salvador.
DTGODOWNThe American wing of the Congress for Cultural Freedom
DTLEAFAGELiterary project to counter Soviet propaganda. [status: Probable]
DTMIKADOA Japanese operation. The subject - businessman Gordon McClendon. Subject knew it was a CIA matter.
DTPILLARAsia Foundation.
DTROBALOFort Clayton, Panama, used by CIA as a secret interrogation center.
ECDigraph for operations and assets in Ecuador. [status: Probable]
ECACTORECACTOR was probably a CIA Quito Station anti-Communist political-action program, which funded and supported selected leaders of the Conservative Party and the Social Christian Movement. [status: Probable]
ECJACKAccording to Philip Agee in his book, Inside the Company, CIA Diary, ECJACK was Lieutenant Colonel Roger Paredes, head of the Ecuadorean Military Intelligence Service (SIME).
ECSIGIL-1ECSIGIL-1 was probably Mario Cardenas. [status: Probable]
ECSIGIL-2Luis Vargas led an anti-Castro guerrilla group in the Escambray in the early 60s, and may be the same person who became a penetration within the group surrounding Quito Communist leader Rafael Echevarria Flores and Ecuador's Communist Party in the succeeding years. [status: Probable]
EMDigraph for operations and assets in the Dominican Republic. [status: Probable]
EMANTHEM-1I. Irving Davidson, public relations officer. [status: Speculative]
EMARGOSYAn operation in the Dominican Republic in 1966, related to the US invasion. [status: Probable]
EMBARB-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in August 1965 reported that EMBARB-1, along with Teofilo Babun and Luis Humberto Vidana Guasch, were acting as the go-betweens for General Imbert's Junta in the Dominican Republic and the recruiting of Cuban exiles in Miami. [status: Unknown]
EMDECK-4Agent at the center of the planning for the assassination of Rafael Trujillo in 1962. [status: Unknown]
EMDEEDDelivery of pistols, carbines, submachine guns and ammo from the CIA to the Dominican Republic for the purpose of assassinating Rafael Trujillo in 1961. [status: Probable]
EMFENCE-2Amadeo Barletta, Jr., manager of General Motors in Santo Domingo, and was formerly manager of Ambar Motors in Havana.
EMGEM-1Colonel Jacinto Martinez, army colonel in charge of military activities, northern sector of Dominican Republic, including Puerto Plata.
EMGRILL-1EMGRILL-1 was probably Juan Bosch, President of the Dominican Republic from February to September of 1963. [status: Probable]
EMSHAM-1Vladimir Secen. A memo in December of 1970 described Secen as an occasional source of information for the CIA on Caribbean matters between 1963 and 1966. [status: Probable]
EMSUMACPossibly a Dominican Republic intelligence agency. [status: Speculative]
ERDigraph for operations and assets in Nicaragua.
ERACERB-1Luis Debayle Somoza, President of Nicaragua. [status: Probable]
ERACORN-1Probably General Anastasio Somoza. [status: Speculative]
ERGOO-1Probably Noel Pallais Debayle, a CIA asset/agent in Nicaragua and a relative of the Somoza brothers. [status: Speculative]
ERLOOP-1Ernesto Despaigne, assistant to Miro Cardona, and then assistant to Luis Somoza, the dictator of Nicaragua. ERLOOP-1 was recruiting men in Miami to come to Nicaragua to fight against Castro in mid-1963. [status: Speculative]
ERRATICERRATIC was General Jose Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, and future President of Guatemala (2 March 1958 – 31 March 1963).
ERRATIC-3Unknown identity. A dispatch on October 24, 1960, from Chief of Station (COS), Managua, stated that ERRATIC-3's brother-in-law was "a Catholic priest self-exiled from Cuba." [status: Unknown]
ERYTHROID-1General Gustavo Montiel. Approved sending ERYTHROID-3/Captain Franklin Anthony Wheelock Garcia, to investigate Alvarado's claim that Oswald threatened to kill JFK while in Mexico City. Sought clearance for Rafael Garcia Bongo, Sr. to install FM radio equipment for the ERYTHROID program.
ERYTHROID-12Unknown identity. ERYTHROID-12 was a close friend of Cuban exile, Miguel de Leon (AMWORM-1) in March 1966. [status: Unknown]
ERYTHROID-3Captain Franklin Anthony Wheelock Garcia, chief of the Anti-Communist Section, Office of National Security, Nicaragua. [status: Probable]
ESDigraph for operations and assets in Guatemala.
ESCHELUnknown identity. ESCHEL was a probably a Guatemalan CIA informant, who appeared to have access to information from the Guardia Honor and Base Militar. [status: Unknown]
ESCOBILLAESCOBILLA was probably Doctor Hector Goicolea, junta cabinet minister for the economy in July, 1954, and brother of future Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Domingo Goicolea. According to a report on May 12, 1954, ESCOBILLA was a local businessman. [status: Probable]
ESCONSONUnknown identity. ESCONSON was both an Guatemalan agent, and a KUFIRE (Intelligence) agent coverage project in Guatemala in 1953-54. [status: Unknown]
ESCONSON-1Unknown identity. A memo from J. C. King in September of 1953 mentioned that "ESCONSON I will write a 'psychological barometer' report on local conditions, PW activities. This report will be sent Headquarters each week." [status: Unknown]
ESCONSON-2Unknown identity. A document in December, 1953, stated that ESCONSON-2 was the principal agent of the ESCONSON project, was Guatemalan and served for several years as a member of the secret police. [status: Unknown]
ESCONSON-7Unknown identity. A report on June 11, 1954, described ESCONSON-7 as a person with contacts in labor circles. [status: Unknown]
ESCROWUnknown identity. A memo in December of 1953 described ESCROW as having "an extensive number of contacts in high government Spanish-Communist and Spanish-Republican circles" in Guatemala. [status: Unknown]
ESKAKA-7Miguel Casas Rodriguez Limonta, a member of the CRC as late as 1963 and a compatriot of the agent known as AMBELLOW-1. A student leader, described as a skilled propagandist.
ESLARD-1Juan Jose Arevalo Bermejo.
ESLIME-1A Central American Communist, recruited during 1965. [status: Unknown]
ESMAJOR-20Brother of then Guatemalan President, Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro (from July 1, 1966 to July 1, 1970). A memo in September of 1968 referred to ESMAJOR-20 as the president's brother.
ESMERALDITEUnknown identity. According to Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, ESMERALDITE was a labor informant affiliated with AFL-sponsored labor movement. [status: Unknown]
ESODICESODIC was a retired Guatemalan Colonel, along with his older brother, ESODIC-1, who was possibly Colonel Antonio Estrada Sanabria. [status: Unknown]
ESODIC-1Colonel Antonio Estrada Sanabria is probably the one who said that "ESODIC-1 is my man." A dispatch on April 1, 1954, stated that "in the ESODICs we have two retired Colonels..." [status: Unknown]
ESOLEO-1Roberto Alejos, Guatemalan rancher and businessman. CIA used his land to train Cuban exiles before the Bay of Pigs invasion in April of 1961.
ESOTERICUnknown identity. A dispatch in March, 1954, stated that ESOTERIC was formerly known as ESCONSON. [status: Unknown]
ESPARTOUnknown identity. A KUFIRE (Intelligence) dispatch on 10 March, 1954, mentioned that Kenneth S. Givloch (Birch O'Neal) was the case officer of ESPARTO and ESPARTO-1. [status: Unknown]
ESPERANCEUnknown identity. A cable on 30 May, 1954, mentioned that ESPERANCE was a former U.S. Air Force officer. [status: Unknown]
ESPERANCE-1Unknown identity. A cable on April 2, 1954, stated that ESPERANCE advised that ESPERANCE-1 was his representative in sales equipment to DAN, and they both had frequent contact with Mario Sosa, who generally handled purchases. [status: Unknown]
ESPERANCE-3Unknown identity. A dispatch on May 6, 1954, stated that "by instructions from and arrangement with Page (probably Henry Hecksher), ESPERANCE-3 is to be used in the KING Program under and through Clower (Joseph Sancho)." [status: Unknown]
ESQUIREUnknown identity. A cable in December of 1953 stated that ESQUIRE was "of the wealthy class in which he has many contacts." The cable also mentioned that ESQUIRE indicated he favored Calligeris (Carlos Castillo Armas). [status: Unknown]
ESSENCEESSENCE was probably Lionel Sisniega Otero, Secretary General of CEUA in August 1954. ESSENCE was a Guatemalan anti-Communist student leader. [status: Probable]
ESTIMATORUnknown identity. ESTIMATOR was probably a telecommunications engineer, who was probably requested by CIA to visit a military base, the Presidential Palace and the Foreign Ministry in Guatemala. [status: Unknown]
ESVEHICLE-1General Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, president of Guatemala from 1958 to March 1963.
EVDigraph for operations and assets in Haiti. [status: Probable]
EVAL-3Secretary of CIA officer Nestor Sanchez.
[status: Probable]
EVHORN-1Unknown identity. EVHORN-1 was probably a male journalist from Haiti, who was requested by HQs to do a story on alleged anti-Castro activity in the Dominican Republic in September, 1964. [status: Unknown]
EVLEMON-5Joseph E. Frayne, tenant of Clemard Charles [status: Probable]
EVLUCID-1Probably Leon Cantave [status: Probable]
EVLUSH-1Appears to be General Leon Cantave. Cantave and his wife were involved, along with Rolando Masferrer Rojas and others, in a proposed invasion of Haiti in August-September 1963. [status: Speculative]
EVMINCE-1Paul Johnson, co-director of the Haitian-American Institute in Port-au-Prince for the US Embassy. [status: Probable]
FJDEFLECTUnknown location. FJDEFLECT was often mentioned along with FJHOPEFUL (Fort Clayton, Panama) in Operation PBSUCCESS documents. FJDEFLECT was possibly an air base. [status: Unknown]
FJDUSTCable indicator for CIA security.
FJHEARSAYThe Coordinating Secretariat of National Unions of Students (COSEC). Later in the 60s, it became known as the International Student Conference. This organization had contacts with and support from friends within the CIA and was generally supportive of anti-Communist positions.
FJHOPEFULFJHOPEFUL was Fort Clayton, Panama, used by CIA as a secret interrogation center, and military base during Operation PBSUCCESS.
FJMACHINEFJMACHINE was the cryptonym for the Free Europe Exile Relations (FEER), a Division of the Free Europe Committee, Inc. James McCargar was European Director of FEER (1955-58).
FJPASTIMEFJPASTIME was the cable indicator for military support flights.
FUDigraph for operations and assets in Chile. [status: Probable]
FUBABE-1Unknown identity. A cable on January 23, 1969, stated that FUBABE-1 "was secretary to (note: Emilio) Maspero in Chile and considered quite-favored disciple of Maspero." [status: Unknown]
FUBELTOperation to prevent Salvador Allende from coming to power in Chile, or to unseat him.
FUBIAS-5201-288337. Asked to step down in 1965. [status: Unknown]
FUBIAS-7Enrique Villarrea, worked on the FUBIAS Project in 1965. It appeared to contain some kind of DRE involvement. Villarrea worked closely with Reinaldo Pico Ramon (AMICE-31) in the early months of 1965 in particular.
FULMINATOR-1David Atlee Phillips, during a portion of the 1950s.
FUSEEA Chilean CIA media company, referred to within the CIA as "a proprietary". [status: Probable]
GPCrypts related to JFK, including JFK's alleged assassin. Also used for government officials in the State Department.
GPAZUREEnno Hobbing, head of the Latin American Information Center in New York. He also worked for the CIA and answered to officer Albert Haney. [status: Probable]
GPBEFITDescribed as "a QKOPERA (CCF) asset." Probably Juan Rulfo, active with the AEM (Asociacion de Escritores - Mexican Writers Association); possibly Ramon Xirau, a poet working with CIA officer Henry Lopez at Dialogos. [status: Probable]
GPDROLLClinton E. Knox, US Ambassador to Haiti from 1969-1973. A CIA cable in March 1970 talked about GPDROLL traveling between Washington and Miami on a plane in a discussion with lobbyist I. Irving Davidson.
GPFLOORLee Harvey Oswald (post-assassination designation). It is usually used as a "slug" to describe the contents of a memo as "Oswald-related".
GPFOCUSRobert F. Kennedy, JFK's brother and Attorney General in the JFK administration.
GPIDEALPresident Kennedy.
GPLOGICLyndon B. Johnson
GPOTHERUnknown identity. A cable in November of 1961 from Leopoldville mentioned that GPOTHER was going to be informed of the contents of the cable, in case he wished to pass it on to the United Nations (UN). [status: Unknown]
GPPHOTOGeneral Maxwell Taylor, chair of the Cuba study group after the Bay of Pigs and later the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
GUIDE-164George de Mohrenschildt was the source to GUIDE-164, which appears to be a guideline setup by the Domestic Contacts Service. Given this designation by the Domestic Contact Service as he prepared a series of reports on Yugoslavia in 1957 for the International Cooperation Administration.
GUIDE-223Most likely Robert E. Webster, who became a American defector to the USSR after the end of the American Exhibition in Moscow in Sept. 1959. Webster defected two weeks before Oswald in 1959, and returned two weeks before Oswald in 1962. Both Webster and Oswald were described as 5 foot 10, weight 165 pounds. [status: Probable]
GUIDE-302Gary Coit, the Domestic Contacts officer that would make contact with Priscilla Johnson. [status: Speculative]
GUIDE-303Manny Chavez. [status: Probable]
GUIDE-325SR/6 Betty Stacey may have been the recipient from this guideline - contacts received information from sources on US defectors Joseph Dutkanicz, Bernon Mitchell and William Martin during the summer of 1960 - the reports were issued in late 1960. It is doubtful that Stacey is [status: Probable]
HT??? [status: Unknown]
HTAUTOMATCamera system for project Oxcart, the CIA's SR-71 program and U-2 photography. James McCord, CIA's Security Research Staff officer and a Watergate burglar, was part of this project. [status: Probable]
HTBASTEA pitch for defection made by a CIA officer at the United Nations. In later years, the term became used for the United Nations itself. [status: Probable]
HTLINGUALCIA mail opening and mail cover program, operated from 1952 to 1973. It was a joint operation of the CI Staff and the Deputy Director of Security/Investigations and Operational Support. The mail of Lee Harvey Oswald while in the USSR was among the targets of this program.
HTPLUMEThe nation of Panama.
HUDigraph for operations and assets in Costa Rica.
HUBUMP-1Unknown identity. A memo in December of 1964 from CIA COS, Costa Rica, stated that Raimundo Quidiello Castillo, a local JURE representative, had informed HUBUMP-1 that he was being blackmailed by Manuel Antonio Strasburger, a former business partner. [status: Unknown]
HUFABRICHUFABRIC was the cryptonym for a Costa Rican intelligence agency, uncertain which one. [status: Probable]
HUGALLY-1Unknown identity. A Field Information Report of February of 1968 described HUGALLY-1 of Costa Rica as a high-level member of the National Liberation Party (PLN) who has access to and the confidence of top leaders of his party." [status: Unknown]
HULAKE-1Flores Fernando Vega Lopez, San Juan source on the activities of Manuel Artime during 1963. Also referred to as Flores Fernandez Vega Lopez. [status: Probable]
HUMAILJose Figueras, former President of Costa Rica. HUMAIL was probably a CIA asset/agent in Costa Rica. A cable in May 1960 stated that HUMAIL and President Betancourt were successful in resolving issues between Tony Varona and Sanchez Arango.
HUMAIL-1Eduardo Alfredo Espinosa de los Monteres
HUMAP-9Lt. Colonel Fernando Figuls Quiros, head of Costa Rica's Security Agency and aide to the President.
HYDigraph for operations and assets in Panama.
HYABA Panamanian with an unknown identity. In a October 1963 CIA cable, HYAB was described as a long term asset. In addition, a 1967 dispatch stated that HYAB had a series of meetings with Oleg Nechiporenko in the latter half of 1963 and into 1964, with money being exchanged between the two. [status: Unknown]
HYDROLAlfonso Rudolph Wichtrich.
HYHULA-1Either Dr. Marcos A. Roble or Dr. Mario J. de Obaldia, both Panamanians. [status: Speculative]
HYIF-1Unknown identity. A CIA document on August 24, 1962, appeared to state that HYIF-1 was a Panamanian close to President Chiari. [status: Unknown]
HYLILY-1Heriberto Corona Mendez, CRC representative in Panama. Became AMTEASE-1.
HYSAGE-1Thelma King, Panamanian legislator and double or triple agent. She indicated to CIA officer Jake Esterline on 11/22/63 that she knew Oswald and said that "Castro would never do that". Had dual loyalties to Cuba and the United States.
JMAll locations and people related to the program challenging the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro. [status: Probable]
JMADDRetalhuleu Air Base, used for air training at the time of the Bay of Pigs. Also known as Rayo Base or as MADD.
JMARCOverall Cuban operations, including the Bay of Pigs project, before this cryptonym became compromised in December 1960. It was then changed to JMATE.
JMASHForward operating base - CIA, Miami. Original name for JMWAVE. JMASH used until December 1960, when a security compromise forced change in name.
JMATEThe Bay of Pigs project, as well as Cuban operations overall. Known as JMARC before this cryptonym became compromised in December 1960 - it was changed to JMATE. After the Bay of Pigs, the name continued to be used for Cuban operations well into 1962.
JMBARCIA maritime covert operations group located at Key West, Florida. The Tejana was based at JMBAR in 1961. A cable in November of 1961 stated that G. Ferro was the local agent of the owner of JMBAR. [status: Probable]
JMBELLJMWAVE communications center in the Miami area. [status: Probable]
JMBLUGJohn S Peurifoy was appointed by President Truman to serve as the Ambassador of Guatemala, he occupied the post during the 1954 overthrow of Guatemala by CIA supported military opposition forces.
JMBLUG-1Unknown identity. JMBLUG was the U.S. ambassador to Guatemala, John S. Peurifoy, in 1954. Whiting Willauer, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras, is a potential candidate to be JMBLUG-1. [status: Unknown]
JMBLUG-2Unknown identity. JMBLUG-2 (along with JMBLUG-1) was briefed by CIA officer Earle N. Bannister (probably John Doherty), in April of 1954, on Project PBSUCCESS. [status: Unknown]
JMBLUG-7Unknown identity. JMBLUG-7 reported on Major Enrique Trinidad Oliva (SECANT) in February of 1954, and on SMILAX (Colonel Enrique Parinello de Leon, Guatemalan Army Chief of Staff) in June of that year. [status: Unknown]
JMCAPEUnknown location. Mentioned by R. E. Whedbee, DC/WH/4, in regard to JMRIMM in a June of 1961 memo. [status: Unknown]
JMCLEARAir Operations during the Bay of Pigs. [status: Probable]
JMCLIPPERThe National Catholic Welfare Conference (1919-66), which then became the US Catholic Conference. (1966-2001). In 2001, it merged with the National Conference of Catholic Bishops - now the two groups are the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. [status: Probable]
JMCLOSETProgram working with potential allies who are using embassies as sanctuary. [status: Speculative]
JMCOBRAAlso known as Station WH/Miami, one of the CIA's two stations in Miami in the late 60s-70s. The other one was known as JMFALCON.
JMDUSKThe security division within JMWAVE. There was a portion of the JMWAVE grounds that was reserved for the buildings of these officers. They had their own separate payroll. They had the ability to "backstop" (provide cover) and provide clearance to classified information. [status: Speculative]
JMFIGThe Opa-locka air station, where Cuban immigrants were screened at the Caribbean Admissions Center prior to entry into the United States.
JMFROGCIA base in Puerto Rico.
JMFURYThe airstrike designed to take out Castro's air force at the outset of the Bay of Pigs invasion.
JMGINCuban travel surveillance activities [status: Probable]
JMGOLDA JMWAVE unit within the CIA base in Havana itself. This base was forced to disband when diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba ceased in January 1961. [status: Probable]
JMHARPSome of these dissidents were held as "prisoners" after a revolt within the Guatemalan Army during November 1960. Another memo describes them as CRC expeditionary force "detainees" - anti-Castro exiles at foreign bases that could not join the Bay of Pigs invasion for military disciplinary reasons. These detainees broke into the AMOT and CRC intelligence files in the wake of the Bay of Pigs. [status: Probable]
JMHOPEA radio station within range of Havana, probably Radio Swan, based on one of the Swan Islands near Cuba and off the coast of Honduras. [status: Probable]
JMMOVEThe Belle Chasse Louisiana Ammunition Dump. A CIA controlled training camp from Feb-April 1961 used for special explosives and underwater training for Cuban exiles involved in the Bay of Pigs landing.
JMNETRouting indicator for the Latin American Division. It may refer to Miami. [status: Probable]
JMOARSMANThe Panama training site prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion.
JMOCEANThe Melmar Corporation in Miami, Florida, successor to Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc.
JMPALMOperational and intelligence information that began with a focus on Haiti in 1963, and expanded to cover concerning Caribbean exile politics and the Caribbean political situation. Countries involved included Haiti, Venezuela, and the Dominican Republic. Operations were based at the JMWAVE station.
JMPICKUseppa Island. Site used for the initial screening of the first Cuban volunteers to be prepared as trainers and leaders for insertion into Cuba to contact and organize on island resistance groups. the first - on island resistance. Manuel Artime, accompanied by CIA paramilitary officer Carl Jenkins, took the first ten volunteers to the island in June, 1960 [status: Probable]
JMRAKEPeruvian anticommunist assets [status: Probable]
JMRANDFort Randolph in Panama appears to have been the training headquarters for the Bay of Pigs operation. The instructors were trained here. [status: Probable]
JMRIMMCommunications facility in the Miami area. [status: Probable]
JMROCCIA base in Uruguay. The JMROC project was mentioned in relation to the travel of President Johnson to Punta del Este, Uruguay, in 1967.
JMRYEFort Gulick in the Panama Canal Zone, used to train the initial volunteer group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles prior to the establishment of the infantry training camp in Guatemala. [status: Probable]
JMSAILUnknown identity. Cables in 1963 with the slug JMSAIL mentioned Costa Rica. Therefore, JMSAIL was possibly a location in Costa Rica. [status: Unknown]
JMSPURInvestigation of traces (or "spoor") of former programs or records that for political reasons (Kennedy assassination, Watergate) became extremely sensitive. [status: Probable]
JMTEAKJose Alberto Cardoza Aguilar, exiled Guatemalan Communist (with the PGT party) living in Mexico City with fellow exile Jose Luis Balcarcel Ordonez - the latter was a contact of June Cobb/LICOOKY-1 in October 1963.
JMTIDEThe air base used to launch the initial air strike on Cuba during the Bay of Pigs. Located at Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.
JMTIGERUnknown identity. A dispatch in September of 1966 from the Chief of Station (COS), Guatemala City, stated that photographs of several JMTIGER personalities were included. [status: Unknown]
JMTRAVAn infantry training base for the Bay of Pigs invasion. On a plot of land ten miles away from Finca Helvetia, a Guatemalan coffee plantation near Retalhuleu. Both plots of land were owned by businessman Roberto Alejos.
JMTRAXBase in Guatemala to train the soldiers for the Bay of Pigs.
JMWAVECIA Station in Miami, training facility for anti-Cuban operations, existing on what is now the site of the Miami Zoo.
JMYAKWhat the CIA referred to as "(Philip) Agee's plan to resign (from the CIA in the late sixties) and the kidnapping of his children"
JMZIPLatin American Division routing indicator.
KLDigraph for operations in Bolivia. [status: Probable]
KLAMBROSIA-29Maria Lydia Duran Rocha de Alzerreca was a secretarial employee of the Bolivian Ministry of Government.
KLANVILA CIA project to monitor the Bolivian government using agents within its own civil service ranks. Among those used was at least one secretary of a Bolivian government minister.
KMEGGCUPUnknown identity. In 1952 KMEGGCUP was probably the leader of a group opposed to the regime of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman in Guatemala. [status: Unknown]
KMFLUSHThe nation of Nicaragua.
KMFORGETA program where stories planted by the agency in one country would be clipped and mailed to media in other countries, and such efforts enhanced the likelihood that the stories would be seen by an American correspondent and transmitted home.
KMLASKINGWorld Assembly of Youth, an anti-Communist organization run by the CIA since 1954.
KMPAJAMAThe nation of Mexico. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) 1952-1954: Guatemala cited KMPAJAMA as being Mexico.
KMPLEBEThe nation of Peru.
KMULCERThe nation of Italy.
KUDivisions of the CIA itself.
KUCAGECIA Psychological and Paramilitary Operations Staff.
KUCLUBCIA Office of Communications.
KUCURLSpecial Operations Division, formed in late 1962. [status: Probable]
KUDESKCounter Intelligence (CI) division of CIA.
KUDOVEClandestine services of CIA, used synomymously with the work conducted under the leadership of the Deputy Director of Plans.
KUENASTKUENAST was the cryptonym in November 1963 for the West German LfV, which were the Field Offices of the BfV (Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Internal Security Service). Described as the equivalent of the FBI in West Germany.
KUFIREIntelligence. A cable in February of 1954 stated that Twicker (Howard Hunt) replaced Langtry as KUGOWN (Psychological and Paramilitary Staff) Chief, and had arrived to be KUFIRE Chief.
KUFULGENTRelated to DTDORIC [status: Unknown]
KUGOWNPsychological and Paramilitary Staff. Related to Operation KUGOWN, a propaganda effort designed to inform on the extent communism had infiltrated Guatemala following the 1954 overthrow. KUGOWN was later changed to KUWOLF.
KUHOOKCIA Paramilitary Operations Staff.
KUJAZZThe CIA Office of National Estimates.
KUJUMPThe Domestic Contact Division, a/k/a Domestic Contact Service during the 1960s. Also known as the Office of Operations, or "OO", and other titles. Responsible for soliciting domestic sources for foreign intelligence information - their primary work was to contact and debrief Americans returning from overseas.
KUKNOBThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that KUKNOB was the CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI).
KULAMPUnknown identity. In cables between 1964 and 1966, KULAMP was mentioned in regard to AMBARB-54 and Robert K. Brown. [status: Unknown]
KULOOKDomestic Collections Division
KULYNXKULYNX was possibly the cryptonym for a CIA meteorological branch, perhaps including a Map Library Division, or general cartographical element. [status: Speculative]
KUMONKCIA Office of Political Analysis (OPA).
KUPALMSystem of electronic records, including a biographic registry.
KUPLUMUnknown identity. Two dispatches on resettlement cases were sent in 1959 from KUPLUM to the Chief of Station (COS), Germany, [status: Unknown]
KURIOTCIA Technical Services Division (TSD).
KUROARTraining Branch. [status: Probable]
KUSODACIA Office of Security.
KUTUBEForeign Intelligence (FI) division of CIA in the sixties. By 1975, known as the Operations division.
KUTUBE/DCIA "Staff D" responsible for SIGINT (Signals Intelligence - electronic intercepts), where the ZR/RIFLE "executive action" (assassination) program was housed.
KUTWINKUTWIN was the cryptonym for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the CIA.
KUVESTUnknown identity. KUVEST was possibly some sort of CIA funding organization or mechanism. [status: Speculative]
KUWOLFPsychological and Paramilitary Staff. Replaced the earlier name, KUGOWN.
LCA program or operation designed to separate truth from falsity. [status: Speculative]
LCDATAThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that LCDATA was the cryptonym for the CIA Office of General Counsel (OGC).
LCFLAKEThe nation of Greece.
LCFLUTTERPolygraph ("lie detector") testing, sometimes referred to simply as "FLUTTER".
LCHARVESTLCHARVEST (TPFAST, TPTERRY, VLVIGOR) involved operations against Peoples Republic of China (PRC) scientists and efforts to monitor PRC state
LCIMPROVECounter-espionage involving Soviet intelligence services, worldwide.
LCMAYFOWLA sensitive CIA Headquarters operation in the latter half of the 1950s. [status: Probable]
LCPANGSThe nation of Costa Rica.
LCPIPITProgram utilizing journalists as informants or sources, based in Paris. The pipit is a songbird that blends in easily with its environment. [status: Probable]
LIOperations, organizations, and individuals related to Mexico City.
LIANCHORA program to create an Agency-controlled "leftist" press service to distribute political articles in Latin American countries.
LIBETHENITE-4Unknown identity. LIBETHENITE-4 was described in a report in June of 1954 as "a Guatemalan refugee with close contacts in Central American circles." [status: Unknown]
LIBIGHTMail opening operation in Mexico City, with Soviet and/or Cuban targets.
LIBORIOMRP plan to overthrow the Cuban government in the autumn of 1961. Assisted by CIA agent AMCOAX-1/Jose Pujals Mederos. AMBLOOD was also part of this operation.
LIBRIFORMA CIA source of unique information regarding the Czechoslovakian Embassy located in Mexico City. [status: Probable]
LICALLAOne of three photo surveillance sites under the LIEMPTY umbrella project. LILYRIC was an apartment which provided a view of the back of the Soviet Embassy compound in Mexico City. The other two photo sites were LIMITED and LILYRIC.
LICANNY-1The manager of a Mexican travel agency, one of the five representatives of Intourist in Mexico City. [status: Unknown]
LICAPERProposed joint installation during 1963-64 with the Mexican Ministry of Interior, Federal Security Service (DFS), approved in principle by Headquarters but not implemented because for local security and economic reasons in March 1964.
LICASA-1An agent in Mexico City whose production was rated "among the most valuable". His sources were from the Soviet Bloc, with a large portion from Cuba. He worked with the station from roughly 1958 to 1969. [status: Unknown]
LICENTO-1Unknown identity. Mexico City travel agency employee. LICENTO-1 was spotted by LICOOKY-1 in August of 1963. [status: Unknown]
LICHANT-1Unwitting asset Manuel Calvillo, who the HSCA failed to locate in its attempt to corroborate Elena Garro de Paz's story regarding Oswald in Mexico City.
LICHAP-1Involved in creating false visas. Described as dean of the Havana travel agents. [status: Unknown]
LICHERRYUnknown identity. LICHERRY was a Spanish Republican Basque political exile in Mexico who reported on activities of Spanish exiles from 1949 to 1958. [status: Unknown]
LICHEWLeo C. Redlich, US citizen and professor at the University of Mexico, a contract agent serving as the outside case officer between 1962-1968 for covert action projects LINLUCK and LICOAX among others.
LICOAXStudent group in Mexico City, used by Agency for political action and intelligence. [status: Unknown]
LICOMETThe Cuban Refugee Reception and Orientation Center in Mexico.
LICOMET-1Carlos Fernandez Trujillo. A cable in March of 1965 stated that LICOMET-1 was formerly known as AMSAIL-1. This was until about 1964.
LICOMET-2Dimas Domingo Figueredo Ferrandes, who was involved in the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC) in Mexico.
LICOOKY-1Viola June Cobb, who informed for CIA under crypt AMUPAS-1 while working for Castro. As LICOOKY-1 in Mexico, involved in both the FPCC campaign and monitoring Mexican playwright Elena Garro de Paz.
Used Clarinda E. Sharp when corresponding with FPCC and Guatemalan friends. Involved with LIHUFF.
LICOOKY-2Unknown identity. LICOOKY-2 was a Mexico City travel agency employee who worked on the LICOOKY Project. Possibly Howard Etsinger. [status: Unknown]
LICOOLMicrophone/transmitters. Used at the Soviet embassy and the Cuban embassy. Last installation was in 1960 with the Soviets, and 1961 with the Cubans. After that point, the decision was made to prepare a separate project for each audio installation.
LICOWL-1A CIA double agent employed against the Soviets in Mexico City who owned a store near the Soviet Embassy.
[status: Probable]
LICOZYProgram that embedded double agents against the KGB in Mexico.
LICOZY-3Steve Kenin, or Kenin's twin brother Larry. Both men were motorcyclists in Mexico City. At least one of them allegedly met Lee Oswald and their name is misspelled in documents as "Kennan" or "Keenan". Double agent of the Mexico City CIA station against the KGB. [status: Probable]
LICOZY-5David Ornelas of the Mundus Tours company in Mexico. Double agent of the Mexico City CIA station against the KGB. [status: Probable]
LICRAB-1A still unidentified law student, whose primary task was to wiretap KGB officer Sergey Konstantinov. According to Mexico City station monitor Boris Tarasoff, Sergey Konstantinov may have the Soviet officer who allegedly spoke to Lee Oswald on 9/28/63, because he was one of the two Soviet embassy officers who had a strong command of English. [status: Unknown]
LICRAFT-1Jorge Antonio Abasolo Garcia. Former Cuban Government official and engineer.
LICROAK-1LICROAK-1 was Goodwin Shapiro.
LICRUET-1LICRUET-1 was John H. Barber.
LICRUX-1LICRUX-1 was Joseph Montllor.
LICUFF-1A Soviet access agent whose cryptonym was assigned on 11/4/63. This is possibly Ricardo Poery Cervantes, a leftist journalist in Mexico. [status: Probable]
LIELEGANTRodolfo Echeverria, Mexican lawyer and Presidential adviser in charge of the Mexican DFS (Treasury Dept. intelligence), father of President Luis Echeverria. Both men played a role in the LIENVOY telephone tap operation. [status: Probable]
LIELOPEProject which supported and directed the activities of those who traveled to the United States from Mexico who were engaged in trade union activities.
LIEMBRACEA Mexico City-based surveillance project, under the umbrella LIPSTICK project. LIEMBRACE included a surveillance team, a radio repairman, and a phototruck team.
LIEMBRACE-11Yolanda del Valle Gonzalez, engaged to LIEMBRACE-4.
LIEMBRACE-4This surveillance agent was caught up in the fracas of the 1968 attack on the Mexico City students. [status: Unknown]
LIEMPTYUmbrella surveillance project in Mexico City, formerly code-named LIPSTICK. Included a variety of sub-projects under it.
LIEMPTY-1Ramon Joseph Alvarez Durant aka Raymond Gerende, who ran the three photographic basehouses focused on the Soviet compound in Mexico City. He was previously known as LIPSTICK-20.
LIEMPTY-14LILYRIC surveillance was run by a meticulous woman known as LIEMPTY-14. LIEMPTY-14’s daily logs and reports were reportedly "detailed and complete”. LILYRIC provided the best vantage point for photos of visitors, as it was aimed at the Soviet embassy front gate. LIEMPTY-14's identity is unknown.
LIEMPTY-19Hester Roos De Alvarez
LIEMPTY-2Juan Nepomuseno Frias Ramirez, using the pseudonym of Oliver Scantling and the cryptonym of LIEMPTY-2 in Mexico City.
LIEMPTY-3Business associate of Guillermo Salazar Polanco, spent time trying to recruit AEIMPULSE to defect and to set up a listening post on Soviet officials Kazantsev and Konstantinov in Mexico City. [status: Unknown]
LIEMPTY-5Sister of Raymond Gerende. She assisted with the processing of the photographic take in Mexico City in her husband's darkroom during the early sixties. [status: Unknown]
LIEMPTY-6LIMITED was the best of the three surveillance sites focused on the Soviet compound, as it was fixed on both the vehicle entrance and the pedestrian entrance. Run by an older man known as LIEMPTY-6 who lived in the basehouse with his family, the LIMITED take yielded no pictures of Oswald. LIEMPTY-6's identity is unknown.
LIEMPTY-9He was the head of the LILYRIC photosurveillance basehouse focusing on the Soviet compound in Mexico City. His name is unknown. [status: Unknown]
LIENTRAPMobile surveillance photo truck with several support agents used to track Soviet operatives in Mexico City. Used to provide photographic coverage of important station targets which do not justify a more permanent photographic base.
LIENVOYCIA telephone tapping program in Mexico City, targeting Cuban and Soviet embassies and run in conjunction with the Mexican DFS. Netted phone calls allegedly of Oswald. See also LIFEAT.
LIENVOY-16Anita Tarasoff. When it was discovered that her husband, transcriber Boris Tarasoff, knew Russian and English but virtually no Spanish, his wife was pressed into service to help him. [status: Speculative]
LIENVOY-2Luis Echeverria Alvarez - described as "a Mexican supervisor field agent", #4 in the command flowchart, and right under intercept center chief and CIA officer Charles Flick [status: Probable]
LIERGOMexican Government's Minister of Social Security. A memo on the CIA's Mexico City Station, in March of 1962, stated that LIERGO was Iden D. The next page in the file mentioned that Iden D was the Minister of Social Security.
LIERODECIA photosurveillance and tapping operation targeting the Cuban embassy compound in Mexico City (see refs for confusion on this). It is the LIERODE operation which allegedly failed to obtain photos of Oswald due to a camera breakdown.
LIEVICTMURO, a right-wing Catholic student group in Mexico. The student arm of the Catholic fascist secret society known as Los Tecos. [status: Probable]
LIFAILOrlando Pedro Rodriguez Alvarez, nephew of Santiago Alvarez.
LIFEATCIA telephone tapping program on a number of phone lines in Mexico City, aimed primarily at the home phone lines of Soviet and Cuban personnel. Other targets included the Yugoslav Embassy, and more. Project grew to include TELEX systems and microphone placements. See also LIENVOY.
LIFEUD-1Unidentified individual who retired from the LIFEAT program in 1963, played a valuable role in protecting LIFEAT. [status: Unknown]
LIFEUD-2Lineman for the Mexico City telephone company. [status: Unknown]
LIFEUD-22Alberto Cesar Rodriguez Gallego, the main photographer in the LIERODE basehouse covering the Cuban embassy in Mexico City.
LIFEUD-6Olga A. Parfinik. Documents state that Parfinik had the same 201 number as LIFEUD-6 (201-117978). Parfinik was a contract agent and worked as a processor/translator in the LIFEAT Project. Parfinik may have been a pseudonym.
LIFIGUnknown identity. A cable in August of 1961 described LIFIG as a "documentary person with good connections at Prensa Latina." [status: Unknown]
LIFIREA joint program with the Mexican security forces. The Mexico City CIA station worked with Mexican federal officials to obtain passenger manifests of all commercial flights, passport photographs of travelers to Cuba, and could sometimes even follow a passenger to the hotel with their surveillance truck.
LIFIZZLIFIZZ put out various publications. One of them was Espejo magazine, a right-wing weekly periodical in Mexico that received CIA funding. [status: Probable]
LIFTERLIFTER was the cryptonym for Antonio Garcia Moreno, Mexican labor leader and official of the Confederacion de Trabajadores de America Latina (CTAL), and a long-time CIA asset.
LIFTER-8Unknown identity. According to Anne Goodpasture's History of Mexico City Station, LIFTER-8 was acquainted with Haitian exiles, Gerard Pierre Charles and his wife, Suzy Castor de Pierre Charles. [status: Unknown]
LIGAFFA covert anti-communist propaganda program in Mexico in 1963, using a variety of legal and illegal tactics. [status: Probable]
LIHABITA base used to conduct photographic surveillance targeting the Soviet allied Czechoslovakian Embassy in Mexico City.
LIHACKListening posts used by the CIA in Mexico. [status: Unknown]
LIHUFFInstituto de Investigaciones Sociales y Economicas (IISE), A. C., an anti-communist organization in Mexico with emphasis on students, economics, civil pressure and propaganda. Financed by the Mexico City station.
LIHUFF-1Alfonso Rudolph Wichtrich, Executive VP, American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico. The cut-out for LIHUFF-2.
LIHUFF-2Augustin Navarro.
LIJERSEYPhysical surveillance team operating in Mexico City. Renamed LIRICE in 1962.
LIJERSEY-12The best source among the photographic assets in Mexico City. [status: Unknown]
LIKAYAK-2Ran a postal intercept operation in Mexico City with 22 agents between 1957 to 1969.
LILINKAn operation in Mexico City to provide non-official cover for CIA officers with infra-red communications system to the CIA station in the Embassy.
LILISPA funding mechanism for covert action projects in Mexico.
LILISP-XIdentification of the funds available for operational development activities for any type of covert action capability. [status: Unknown]
LILYRICOne of three photo surveillance sites under the LIEMPTY umbrella project, the only one of the three that photographed license plates of all vehicles entering the compound. LILYRIC was a 3rd story apartment across the street from the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, south of the LIMITED installation. The other two photo sites were LIMITED and LICALLA.
LIMASK-1Long-time agent in Mexico City. Answered to AMSUPER-1 (probably Dimas Domingo Figueredo Fernandez) in the GYROSE (routing indicator for Task Force W's internal communications within the CIA regarding Cuba) Debriefing Unit. Member of AMBUD (Cuban Revolutionary Council - CRC). [status: Unknown]
LIMERICKSoviet Embassy in Mexico City.
LIMESAExtremely sensitive monitoring operation targeting Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, run by FI/D.
LIMEWGeorge Munro, often used the psuedonym Jeremy Benadum. An ex-FBI agent that was one of Mexico City CIA station chief Win Scott's chief lieutenants. Munro helped run the LITEMPO program.
LIMITEDOne of three photo surveillance sites under the LIEMPTY umbrella project. LIMITED was a fixed site right across the street from the front gate of the Soviet Embassy. The other two photo sites were LILYRIC and LICALLA.
LIMOTORAn "eyes and ears" project using American students at Mexico City universities to observe the operations of the Soviet intelligence service and to determine which American students were Soviet targets.
LIMOTOR-19Female CIA agent or asset. Known as Barbara C. Hufig, probably a pseudonym. LIMOTOR-19 was a highly productive source for the CIA in Mexico City in the 1960's. [status: Unknown]
LIMUDMail intercept operation in Mexico.
LIMUSTA collection of four housing units used in the LIMESA project as part of a sensitive FI/D operation. One of these units housed the LICALLA photographic surveillance on the Soviet embassy.
LINCOLNCIA's Guatemalan covert operations headquarters, a forward base in Florida.
LINEB-1Jorge Fernandez Mascaro, aka Jorge Diaz Mercado, aka Jorge de Moya may have been the double agent working for the CIA and the FBI as well as the USSR. Based in Mexico City, but would travel within the United States. [status: Speculative]
LINILE-1One of the known five double agents working for the Mexico City station in 1963. [status: Unknown]
LINIMENTThe Czechoslovakian Embassy in Mexico City
LINLUCKCarlos Manuel Pellecer, a leading Communist in Guatemala in the 1950s - left the party in the 60s, became partners with June Cobb and wrote a book attacking Communism. His information was used by the CIA to launch the AMROD operation against Cuba in 1963.
LINOODLEPress placement and publications program in Mexico City.
LINOZZLEThis person was a Pentagon contact of the CIA with access to reports on Cuban agent reliability. [status: Probable]
LIONHEARTUnknown individual in Mexico who identified members of the Mexican Communist Party (PCM) from photographs. [status: Unknown]
LIONIONPhotosurveillance project targeting Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, also referred to as LIERODE. The purported failure of the LIONION installation to capture a picture of Lee Oswald in late September 1963 was a matter of concern and some disbelief in the HSCA's investigation.
LIONION-1Alberto Rodriguez Gallego, part of LIONION photography project targeting Cuban embassy.
LIONION-2The mother of LIONION-1. She assisted him in caretaking the technical surveillance operation against the Cuban embassy in Mexico City.
LIONIZERLIONIZER was a cryptonym for the Committee for the Liberation of Guatemala, and was a Guatemalan refugee group in Mexico. A memo in April of 1954 mentioned the Committee and had LIONIZER in brackets.
LIOOZE-1Pablo Agustin Aldama Acosta, chief of Cuban intelligence in Mexico, and a double agent.
LIOSAGECarl Migdail, US News and World Report staffer. Friend of David Phillips and Mexico City station chief Win Scott.
LIOVAL-1John Emil Blankeneagel, American friend of Soviet consul Pavel Yatskov in Mexico City.
LIPAWNAudio surveillance on Soviets in Mexico City. [status: Probable]
LIPLUGListening post in Mexico City aimed at two Soviets, GRU officer Vadim Aleksandrovich Sheynok and Yuriy Mikhaylov.
LIPSTICKThis Mexico City-based project was an "umbrella type project...consisted of multiline phone taps, three photographic sites, a mobile surveillance team and a mail intercept operation." Under this project were LIMITED, LILYRIC, and LICALLA, LIEMBRACE, LIENTRAP, and possibly other projects. Renamed LIEMPTY.
LIPSTICK-19Juan Nepomuseno Frias Ramirez, using the pseudonym of Oliver Scantling in Mexico City. He had this crypt until 1958.
LIPSTICK-20The initial cryptonym for Raymond Joseph Alvarez Durant aka Raymond H. Gerende, assigned in the 1950s. He later became LIEMPTY-1.
LIQUIFIER-7Student leader with LIEVICT and ZRAFRAID in 1963 in Mexico City. Sometimes referred to as simply LIQUIFIER. [status: Probable]
LIRAMAGustavo Diaz Ordaz, president of Mexico from 1964-1970.
LIRANCHAn OOA (operations approval?) project formed in 1964.
LIRAVINEMid-1960s project "for the purpose of consolidating into one administrative group a number of active Cuban informants,". Most productive were the LITAMILs and the LITAINTs.
LIREAMDialogos, a left wing intellectual publication funded by the CIA in the 1960s. The editor was known in the CIA as Edward Tichborn - his true name was Henry Lopez.
LIREBEL-1Assisted Guatemalan exiles in Mexico during the 1960s. [status: Unknown]
LIREBEL-2Source of information on Guatemalan Communists in Mexico City in the mid-to-late 60s [status: Unknown]
LIRESORT-1Dr. Benedotte Regnetta, an Italian, and Director of the Latin American Delegation of the FIAT Company. Formerly DEGRIP-1. [status: Speculative]
LIRICESurveillance project targeting the Communist Party in Mexico City. Some of its agents were arrested and their CIA case officer detained by the Mexican Security Service and subsequently allowed to leave the country. Originally named LIJERSEY.
LIRINGStudy and recruitment of Cuban officers working at the Cuban embassy compound in Mexico City. [status: Probable]
LIRING-1Ramiro Jesus Abreu Quintana. Debriefed the triple agent AMKNOB-1 in 1966, during the trial of Rolando Cubela. Third Secretary in the Cuban Embassy in Mexico in the mid-60s. [status: Probable]
LIRING-10Reynaldo Cepeda, Cuban intelligence officer in Mexico City.
LIRING-2Consul at Cuban embassy that returned to Cuba at the end of 1966. [status: Unknown]
LIRING-3Carlos Jurado-Delmar, also known as Carlos Jurado J. Delmar and Carlos Delmar Jurado. Shortly after Garrison's JFK investigation became public in early 1967, Jurado allegedly began having sexual relations with Silvia Duran, and she allegedly told him that she had sexual relations with Lee Harvey Oswald.
LIRING-4Chichay Jurado. Worked as a secretary for LIRING-1 in Cuban Embassy in Mexico City in 66-67 period. Wife of LIRING-3, Carlos Jurado.
LIRING-9Enrique M. Cicard Librada
LIROMANCE A CIA Mexico City Station audio surveillance operation; the listening device was installed inside the furniture in the Cuban embassy in Mexico City.
LIRULE-1Unknown identity. Used by the CIA as a penetration agent of the Mexican Communist Party (PCM). [status: Unknown]
LISAMPANLISAMPAN was a multiaudio project covering the Cuban Embassy and the residence of the Cuban ambassador in Mexico, installed in late 1964. It was a unilateral project that did not rely on the Mexican telephone company.
LISASSY-1Amaro Alvarez Tormo, officer of AMSTRUT-2 (Juanita Castro) group in Mexico. A dispatch in December of 1965 stated that Amaro Alvarez Tormo's 201 number was 201-300923. A cable in October, 1966, mentioned that LISASSY-1's 201 number was 201-300923.
LISICLE-1Dr. Cevallos. Mexico City Station History by Anne Goodpasture stated LISICLE-1 had the 201 number of 201-350663. LISICLE-1 was described as a "marginal agent." [status: Speculative]
LISIRENA mass propaganda approach to Communism in Mexico, headed by a group of businessmen known as the "Committee of Nine", overtly as the "Centro Nacional de Estudios Sociales".
LISIREN-3LISIREN-3 was Alfredo Medina Vidiella, Mexico City station asset. Stayed at the Ochsner Clinic in early November 1963.
LISIREN-5Unknown identity. LISIREN-5 was described in Anne Goodpasture's history of the Mexico City Station as a close personal friend of CIA Director, John McCone. [status: Unknown]
LISPURA magazine proposed by the Mexico City station that was rejected by the ambassador as "too dangerous". HQ wanted to fund this magazine. [status: Speculative]
LISTEED-2Double agent with connections in San Diego that was working Soviet commercial attache Vladimir Fedorovich Kuznetsov in Mexico City. One of five double agents that the US relied on Mexico City in November 1963. [status: Unknown]
LITABBYA photographic base used by Mexico City Station to obtain intelligence on foreign officials and related individuals.
LITAG-1Jaime Varela Canosa, naval attache at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City until he defected in March 1960.
LITAINTHarassment efforts directed at the Cuban compound in Mexico City in the 1960s.
LITAINT-1Manuel Villafana Martinez, also known as Angel Lorenzo Saavedra Correa - a Cuban Military and Air Attaché who defected to the US during March-April 1960. He fought at the Bay of Pigs and with Comandos Mambises in 1963.
LITAINT-2LITAINT-2 was Diaz Ramirez or a name with similar spelling. LITAINT-2's identity was handwritten on a cable from Mexico City on January 5, 1961. Ran a harassment program and a trash cover of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City during 1962-1963.
LITAINT-5Julian Arias Prado, a member of Task Force W's Debriefing Unit in Mexico City in 1962; active with LITAINT since 1960 after resigning as Cuban vice consul in Los Angeles and moving into Mexico. Later known as AMTOAD-1 when he moved to Brazil during 1962.
LITAINT-7Antonio Montanes, Second secretary at the Cuban embassy in Mexico who made a dramatic defection speech that "received wide play in the Mex. press".
LITALK-1Agent that worked with both DFS officer Fernando Gutierrez and Mexican government official Luis Echavarria. [status: Unknown]
LITALUS-1Surveillance agent in Mexico City who had Thomas Hazlett as his case officer for several years. [status: Unknown]
LITALUS-2Agent conducting surveillance in Mexico City. His case officer in 1963 was Thomas Hazlett aka Clyde Shryock. [status: Unknown]
LITALUS-3This recruited agent was the first to plant microphones inside the Cuban embassy. [status: Unknown]
LITAMILCuban operations.
LITAMIL-1Manuel Machado Llosas, a Cuban businessman in Mexico and treasurer of the July 26 movement in Mexico.
LITAMIL-13Source for LITAMIL-2, used in late 1963 in the MHVIPER program for economic warfare on Cuba. 201-329618. [status: Unknown]
LITAMIL-14Unknown identity. Described as an AMOT asset. [status: Unknown]
LITAMIL-17Alfredo Alberu Souto, brother of Luis Alberu Souto (LITAMIL-9), Cuban Cultural Attache in Mexico City.
LITAMIL-2Either Orlando Cardenas or Rafael Silvio Pena Perez. LITAMIL-2 was born in 1918. Resided in the US from 1936 to 1941. Had diplomatic plates in 1960. Purchased arms and equipment, established a clandestine radio station in Mexico prior to Castro's successful revolt. Recruited as a cut-out for LITAMIL-3. War name "Ulises".
[status: Probable]
LITAMIL-3Ricardo Vidal Dominguez. Informant within the Cuban diplomatic corps who tried to convince consul Eusebio Azcue to defect during September 1963. He himself had a history as consul in the Cuban embassy in Mexico City, 1959-1961.
LITAMIL-7Consuelo Esperon Perez, a secretary at the Cuban Embassy, received operational approval as an agent of Task Force W, Mexico City during 1962-1963.
LITAMIL-9Luis Alberu Souto, Cuban Cultural Attache in Mexico City, working as a double-agent for the CIA. According to one CIA document, LITAMIL-9 made photo identifications for the LIONION surveillance project.
LITARDY-1Unknown identity. LITARDY-1 was described in a June 1960 dispatch as a double-agent. [status: Unknown]
LITEARThe Mexico City station's only political action project, with a proved capability of printing and distributing propaganda on a large scale.
LITEASE-1An American double agent in Mexico City that convinced Vladimir Koznetsov to use her as an agent in late 1963. [status: Unknown]
LITEMPOOperation support and security backstopping for the Mexico City operations, commencing in 1960. Involved a liaison relationship with the Mexican government.
LITEMPO-1Emilio Bolanos, a nephew of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Minister of Gobernación and then President of Mexico from 1964-1970.
LITEMPO-12Miguel Nazar Haro, aka Angus J. Laverdure aka Juan Noriega - a Mexico City station agent close to Win Scott between 1960-1971 who became head of the DFS in 1976 before his US conviction in the 1980s for smuggling stolen cars. [status: Probable]
LITEMPO-2Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, President of Mexico from 1964 to 1970. He was president in 1968 during the famous Tlatelcolco massacre. Diaz Ortiz was part of Mexico City station chief Win Scott's LITEMPO program. Later known as LIRAMA.
LITEMPO-4Fernando Gutierrez Barrios, head of the Mexican secret police (DFS) from 1964 to 1970, and later held other Mexican government posts. Gutierrez Barrios was part of Mexico City station chief Win Scott's LITEMPO program.
LITEMPO-8Luis Echeverria Alvarez, acting secretary of Gobernacion in 1963; Mexican Interior Minister in 1964; President from 1970-76; and the liaison contact with the Mexico City station during chief Win Scott's tenure.
LITENSORAdolfo Lopez Mateos, President of Mexico in 1963.
LITRAMP-2Unknown identity. A dispatch of November 6, 1963, stated that LITRAMP-2 had continued to publish at least one major anti-Communist editorial daily during the July-September 1963 period. The same dispatch also mentioned that LITRAMP-2's newspaper had an "exceedingly good circulation". It is likely that LITRAMP-2 was a editor/leading journalist/owner of this publication in the Monterrey area of Mexico. [status: Unknown]
LNAGONBureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. This cryptonym was used during the seventies.
LNBUZZThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that LNBUZZ was the cryptonym for the U.S. Government.
LNCOLLARDrug Enforcement Agency (DEA) - formed in the early 1970s.
LNCUFFUS embassy, legation or consulate.
LNEASELNEASE was the cryptonym for the US Air Force, Office of Special Investigations (USAF/OSI).
LNERGOFBI, used during the late 60s and 70s.
LNGOLDThe US Department of State.
LNHARPU.S. Government
LNPUREUS Embassy or Consulate.
LNYUMAThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that LNYUMA was a cryptonym for the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS).
MHMatters relating to internal US security.
MHABYSSMHABYSS was a cryptonym on the subject of narcotics related to internal U.S. security.
MHAPRONWorldwide program for the penetration of the power centers and armed forces of the Cuban regime.
MHBOUNDMHBOUND was established during approximately 1958 as an outgrowth of the Project, a small CI operation "to maintain surveillance of activities to prevent hostile penetration and sabotage" during the construction of the new CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia.
MHCHAOSProgram (1966-74) to gather intelligence on possible foreign connections of US protest organizations. To that end, it would gather and evaluate all available information about foreign links to racial, antiwar and other protest activity in the United States.
MHCHILDA program encompassing a variety of so-called "babysitting" chores, focusing on the HSCA. [status: Probable]
MHDOWELA descriptor for Ramparts' revelations in 1967 about the CIA's subsidies to the National Student Association, unions, businesses, foundations, and various
other groups in the public sphere.
[status: Probable]
MHDOZENNational Security Agency
MHMOOSEMHMOOSE was the cryptonym for CIA documents transmitting Counter Intelligence (CI) information pertinent to Secret Service requirements.
MHMUTUALAn insurance program for non-staff covert CIA agents to receive death and disability payments.
MHORDERThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that MHORDER was the cryptonym for activities of hostile intelligence services against the US Government and other governments.
MHRAVELUnknown identity. A dispatch on November 8, 1967, stated that Raymond H. Gerende (Ramon Joseph Alvarez Durant) had been employed by the Mexican MHRAVEL committee in September and October of that year. [status: Unknown]
MHSAVVY-1Probably Juan Paula. Formerly AMTIKI-1. The Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation states that his true name was Manuel F. Goudie. [status: Probable]
MHSPAWNThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that MHSPAWN was the cable indicator for covert action propaganda.
MHSPIKEUnknown identity. MHSPIKE was included as a slug in cables in the files of Luis Posada, Rolando Otero and Ricardo Morales Navarette. [status: Unknown]
MHSPLASHMedia coverage and revelations of sensitive operations of interest to the CIA. [status: Probable]
MHVIPEREconomic denial program focusing on sabotage of all Cuban traffic involving buying, selling, and shipment of parts and supplies.
MKAn operation of the CIA's Office of Technical Services Division (TSD) in the fifties and sixties - now known as the Office of Technical Services.
MKCHARITYEquipment basehouse in Mexico City, supported by the CIA's Technical Services Division. It was located in the home of technical security officer Harvey Mulford.
MKCOSMOSA CIA training camp, almost certainly involved in technical services. [status: Probable]
MKNAOMIA joint project between the CIA and the Army's Special Operations Division involving the use of chemical and biological agents for a variety of purposes including both incapacitation and elimination. Program operational between 1952 and 1970.
MKTOPAZAppears to be a specialist unit within the CIA's Technical Services Division, with functions that include preparation of false documents and related cover/backstop identity materials.
MKTRAPThe technical nomenclature of a hot-mike telephone installation. Beginning in 1962, such a device was installed at the Cuban embassy in Mexico City.
MKULTRAMKULTRA was the principal CIA program involving the research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior.
ODDepartments or agencies of the U.S. government.
ODACIDU.S. State Department.
ODALOEU.S. Secret Service.
ODBEATDefense Intelligence Agency. [status: Probable]
ODBOONU.S. Customs Agency.
ODCOILFederal Bureau of Narcotics
ODEARLU.S. Department of Defense.
ODENVYFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
ODFOAMU.S. Secret Service.
ODINCHNational Security Agency.
ODMARKDepartment of Commerce. [status: Probable]
ODOPALThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that ODOPAL was the cryptonym for the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps.
ODTESTUS Army Intelligence, or another US military intelligence agency. [status: Probable]
ODUNITU.S. Air Force.
ODURGEU.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
ODWIFEAgency for International Development.
ODYOKEUnited States government. It sometimes specifically means "The White House". Note to see if it is referring to an individual or entity in charge for a particular set of decisions on behalf of the US government.
PBRelated to entire countries, or possibly countries in North America or Western Hemisphere. [status: Speculative]
PBBANDThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that PBBAND was the cable indictor for CIA Office of Current Intelligence (OCI) material.
PBCHORDPBCHORD was the cryptonym for the Munich Office of the American Committee for the Liberation of Peoples of Russia (AMCOMLIB), which was a part of Project QKACTIVE.
PBFORTUNEThe initial covert action program approved by Truman in 1952, designed to oust Jacob Arbenz and his government in Guatemala. Succeeded by PBSUCCESS in 1953-54.
PBGREGALEOperation using Clare Booth Luce and other socialites and personalities as contributors in a Latin American publication during 1958. [status: Probable]
PBGROVELAn Guatemalan operation - probably a funding source - using David Phillips in the early 1950s. [status: Unknown]
PBHASSOCKProbably an element within West German intelligence. PBHASSOCK was mentioned in a number of documents from at least February of 1957 to March of 1964. [status: Unknown]
PBHISTORY"Central Intelligence Agency project to gather and analyze documents from the Arbenz government in Guatemala that would incriminate Arbenz as a Communist."
PBIMPULSEA hot-mike telephone, used in Mexico City.
PBPRIMEUnited States of America.
PBRAMPARTPBRAMPART was the cryptonym for G-2 U.S. Army Europe (G-2 USAREUR) plan for staybehind in the former American zone.
PBSUCCESSProject to overthrow - "without bloodshed, if possible" - the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954. Assassination teams were trained.
PBSWINGU.S. Embassy, consulate, consul general, or official installation.
PBWIZARDEarly fifties project involving attorney Edward P. Morgan, former FBI agent who blew the whistle on the Castro assassination plots in the late sixties. This project used Morgan as a conduit for the CIA to secretly donate money to John Hopkins University and the School for Advanced International Studies. [status: Probable]
QDAnti-Castro activists working directly with William Pawley. [status: Speculative]
QDBIASPedro Diaz Lanz.
QDCHARMarcos Diaz Lanz, brother of Pedro Diaz Lanz.
QDCOVERicardo de la Lorie, aka Ricardo Luis de la Lorie-Bals, aka Ricardo Lorie Valls.
QDDALEWilliam D. Pawley. A former diplomat, he had also owned major sugar interests in Cuba, as well as Havana's bus, trolley and gas systems.
QDELFPossibly Hal Hendrix, Source with a great deal of background on Miami journalists. Identity still unknown. [status: Probable]
QJAccording to Edward Ryan in a memo in October, 1978, QJ was a digraph for a Luxembourg Station source, agent or operation.
QJBANNER-1Unknown identity. QJBANNER-1 worked with QJWIN (Jose Marie Andre Mankel) and CIA officers Arnold Silver and Oliver Silsby.
QJFINKUnknown identity. According to a cable in April of 1964 QJFINK was an old friend of Robreno (AMLASH-2), and also claimed to know AMLASH-1 (Rolando Cubela Secades) well. [status: Unknown]
QJWINQJWIN plans were created to develop foreign agents for spotting recruits to conduct sabotage operations and intelligence code seizures.
QJWIN-1He was known as Jose Marie Andre Mankel, run by the Luxembourg station.
QKAn organization that wittingly or unwittingly is involved in psychological warfare.
QKACTIVEA proprietary radio broadcasting entity turned over to the Department of State for support and subsequently placed under the control of the Board of International Broadcasters. Aided the
political organization and activation of Soviet emigres, to secure the cooperation of Soviet citizens in the struggle of the Western democracies against the rulers of the USSR in the postwar era.
QKDAWNUnknown identity. QKDAWN was mentioned in the
Official History of the Bay of Pigs Operation, Volumes I and II. [status: Unknown]
QKENCHANTQKENCHANT was an indicator used by Central Cover Staff and the Office of Security with a program for clearing businesses and other entities with access to classified material. With a QKENCHANT clearance, an individual or entity could be used as a "cut-out".
QKFEARFULA CIA project that supported the International Commission of Jurists in the Hague.
QKFLOWAGEUnited States Information Agency/USIA
QKGLACEPropaganda issued by political organizations. [status: Probable]
QKHILLTOPA cryptonym assigned in 1954 to a project to study Chinese Communist brainwashing techniques and to develop interrogation techniques.
QKIVORYNational Committee for a Free Europe and its subcommittees.
QKLOCKAGEInternational Commission of Jurists [status: Probable]
QKMAGNETThe US Coast Guard. [status: Probable]
QKOPERACongress of Cultural Freedom, sponsoring Western intellectuals, artists, and musicians - some knew about their CIA benefactors, while others did not.
It was set up as a "foundation type proprietary" that supported individuals and international organizations involved with cultural matters.
QUDigraph for operations and assets in Spain. Sometimes connected to Spanish related assets in Cuba. [status: Probable]
QUANTUMSpanish Government liaison with anti-Castro groups and individuals. [status: Probable]
QUANTUM-44Unknown identity. QUANTUM-44 appeared to be a Spanish-based CIA asset from at least October 1960 to December 1963. [status: Unknown]
QUANTUM-50QUANTUM-50 was probably Alejandro Vergara Maury, information attaché at the Spanish embassy in Havana. QUANTUM-50 appears to have informed Manuel Artime (AMBIDDY-1) about the location of his father in Cuba in around June 1964. [status: Probable]
QUANTUM-51Possibly Jaime Caldevilla, or Ricardo Alfonso Villalva aka Ricardo Oquendo. A member of the Spanish embassy in Havana throughout the sixties until he was ejected in 1966 for assisting US intelligence. [status: Speculative]
QUANTUM-52QUANTUM-52 was possibly Carmen Jimenez Gomez, an employee at the Spanish Embassy in Havana. A dispatch in July of 1962 stated "the known fact that QUANTUM-51 and QUANTUM-52 consider AMFAUNA-1 reliable suggests that he at least was not a (REDACTION) Communist." [status: Speculative]
QUANTUM-55QUANTUM-55 was probably Father Amando Llorente. QUANTUM-55 was an acquaintance of Blanca Martinez de Hoya, AMSPELL National Coordinator for Civil Resistance. Martinez in turn was a personal friend of AMCOG-3, Ramon Grau San Martin. [status: Probable]
QUDOZEUnknown identity. According to a March, 1966 cable, QUDOZE was a member of the Cuban Embassy in Madrid, and he was described as a "usually reliable source and his information is believed to be accurate."
QUGROWL-2Unknown identity. QUGROWL-2 was an asset/agent/source of the CIA Madrid Station from at least September, 1964, to April, 1968. [status: Unknown]
QUGROWL-4Gaston Baquero. A cable from on December 5, 1963, stated that a Cuban journalist in line 3 paragraph 1 was QUGROWL-4, a Madrid Station asset. The reference was WAVE 8447. A cable on December 3, 1963, citing this reference mentioned Gaston Basquero in line 3, paragraph 1.
QUGROWL-8Unknown identity. A cable in October of 1964 described QUGROWL-8 as a "highly respected MRR member." Q-8 was female. [status: Unknown]
QUHOPS-1Jose Luis Gonzalez Gallarreta, an AMLASH operative that provided Rolando Cubela with a telescopic rifle, a silencer, and other equipment designed for the assassination of Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro.
QUMALT-1Odon Alvarez de la Campa, foreign relations secretary for the Cuban government beginning in November 1960, taking over from Reynol Gonzalez (AMCALL-1). He later defected to the US in Madrid in 1964.
QUOTAProbably the Spanish Direccion General de Seguridad (DGS-Directorate General of Security). A cable on March 21, 1966, stated that QUOTA and the QUOTA Project were the source of paragraph 2 of the Information Intelligence Cable, which mentioned the DGS. [status: Probable]
QUSPORT-1Bichi Bernal, Cuban military attache in Japan who was recruited by the CIA and then defected.
QUSPOT-2Jorge Carlos Robreno Marieguez (AMLASH-2). A cable in October of 1964, mentioning QUSPOT-2, had the name Jorge Carlos Marieguez handwritten at the bottom, with AMLASH-1's 201 number, and also what appears to be the mistaken 201 number of AMLASH-2. [status: Probable]
QUSWIFT-1Earl Williamson, Chief of Madrid Station in the nation of Spain [status: Probable]
QUSWIFT-7Miguelina Teurbe-Tollon Collado, nicknamed "Tota", a woman in Paris that worked with the AMLASH group after her partner was killed in a Cuban prison.
QUWEBDebriefing center in Spain.
REDBIRDThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that REDBIRD was the cryptonym for operations involving the illegal return of defectors and emigres to the USSR as agents.
REDCAPREDCAP was a program of operational exploitation of Soviet personnel. Included within its objectives was inducement of Soviets to defect from their official posts, or to extract information from them in the course of attempting to convince them to defect.
REDCOATInformation indicator for the Soviet/Eastern European Division.
REDSKINCIA source program based in legal travelers to the Iron Curtain countries.
REDSOXIllegal operations mounted into the USSR.
REDTOPCIA Soviet Division.
REDWOODAction indicator for the Soviet/Eastern European Division.
RESISTANCEThis project was designed to provide security to CIA recruiters on college campuses.
SKDigraph for Puerto Rico. [status: Probable]
SKDASH-1SKDASH-1 was Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Munoz Marin. Munoz was handwritten above SKDASH-1 in a cable on August 22, 1963.
SKDIKE-1SKDIKE-1 was Louis (or Luis) Laboy, secretary of Puerto Rican Governor, Luis Munoz Marin. Louis Laboy was handwritten in the line above SKDIKE-1 in a cable on August 22, 1963.
SKEWER-1Luis A. Ferre, former governor of Puerto Rico.
SKILLETWhiting Willauer, U.S. Ambassador to Honduras.
SKIMMERThe "Group," CIA cover organization supporting Carlos Castillo Armas.
SKIN-1Probably Miguel Antonio Sanchez Ramos, former political chief of Dominican military intelligence (SIM). Sanchez and SKIN-1 were both involved in working with Fermin Alvarez Silva and spying on Veciana during 1962. [status: Probable]
SLABBA-1Oscar Gonzalez Lugones, secretary in the Cuban embassy in Holland.
SLALOM-1Unknown identity. According to Frank C. Esquivel, WH/COG/FI, SLALOM-1 was close to Nestor Ramirez, a CURAPESCA representative. Cables in 1975 stated that SLALOM-1 was in New York. [status: Unknown]
SLANK-1Cuban intelligence officer Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez, who defected to U.S. via Canada in April 1964, and was interrogated about Oswald in addition to other matters. Originally AMMUG-1, he became SLANK-1 during the 1970s.
SLAPSTICK-1Unknown identity. Two dispatches in 1977 concerned SLAPSTICK-1 viewing photographs of an unidentified man who visited the Cuban and Soviet Embassies in Mexico City in 1963. [status: Unknown]
SLASH-1Roberto Rodriguez Llompart. Close friend of defector and former Cuban intelligence officer, Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez (AMMUG-1) and target for defection by the CIA in the 1970's. Originally AMETROPIA-1.
SLCAPRICE-1SLCAPRICE-1 was Oscar Concepcion Mendoza, Cuban intelligence agent, stationed in the Cuban embassy. A memo by Felipe Acevedo in October of 1976 stated that S-1 was Oscar Concepcion Mendoza.
SLEEPERThis project used a Cuban official within the Communist Party to gather intelligence. [status: Probable]
SLFAT-1DGI officer, Ramon Cesar Cuenca Montato, G-2 chief of Matanzas Province.
SLFREE-1Irving Richard Poyle, jailed in Cuba between 1964-1973. At the time of JFK's death, the CIA was planning a meeting with him in Mexico regarding the AMROD operation with officer Oliver Fortson, whose actual identity remains uncertain.
SLIGO-31Unknown identity. A dispatch in November of 1972 stated that SLIGO-31 was a friend of Rogelio Cisneros (AMBANG-4). The dispatch also mentioned that Cisneros was a close friend of Rigoberto Sandoval. [status: Unknown]
SLINCTelegram indicator for CIA's Guatemalan covert operations headquarters in Florida.
SLIPSTREAMCuban defector - he identified the "Mystery Man" in Mexico City as Juriy (Yuri) Maskelov and Guillermo Alonso Pujol/AMECRU-1 as a Cuban intelligence agent. [status: Unknown]
SLLARCENY-1Man who claims he learned about three groups that worked together to kill JFK. [status: Unknown]
SLSTEEL-1SLSTEEL-1 was probably Jose Enrique Camejo Argudin, UN representative. [status: Probable]
SMThe CIA nation designation for the United Kingdom. [status: Probable]
SMABETThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that SMABET was the cryptonym for the Canadian Department of External Affairs.
SMABLESMABLE was the cryptonym for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
SMABOVESMABOVE was the cryptonym for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Security and Intelligence.
SMABOVE-9John Starnes, Director General of Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Security Service.
SMACT-1A male liaison official and source of intelligence that provided information about NSA defector William Martin's travel plans.
SMADDSMADD was a cryptonym for the nation of Canada.
SMILAXSMILAX was the cryptonym for Colonel Enrique Parinello de Leon, Guatemalan Army Chief of Staff. A dispatch from Graham L. Page (probably Henry Hecksher) in April of 1954 stated that SMILAX was a target for exploitation.
SMOOTHERSThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that SMOOTHER was the cryptonym for British Military Intelligence.
SMOTHMI-6, the British intelligence agency that provides the British government with foreign intelligence.
STANDELSTANDEL was the cryptonym for Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, President of Guatemala. Arbenz was overthrown in the 1954 coup.
STANDEL-1STANDEL-1 was the cryptonym for Colonel Carlos Enrique Diaz.
STEBONY-1Richard Gibson, expatriate US Marxist in 1965, former head of FPCC in USA from 1961-1962.
STESCALADEThe bugging or attempted bugging of the New China News Agency in Havana by David Christ and his Office of Technical Security colleagues in 1960. [status: Probable]
STFADELESS-6Yang Ting-Pao, US-educated and a member of the International Union of Architects that met in Havana during Sept-Oct 1963. [status: Probable]
STGANGAudio operations targeting Chinese Communists in Mexico City.
STGOAL-1Unknown identity. A cable on October 17, 1963, described STGOAL-1 as a Chicom delegate to the International Union of Architects Conference in Mexico City. [status: Unknown]
STORAXSTORAX was probably the cryptonym for President Anastasio Somoza, ruler of Nicaragua during Operation PBSUCCESS. A cable on April 6, 1954, mentioned that a "planned assassination attempt on STORAX also reported." [status: Probable]
UNOperations or agents based in France.
UNBOUNDFrench security/intelligence service, probably SDECE. [status: Probable]
UNCAIRDUNCAIRD was probably the cryptonym for UNESCO. [status: Probable]
UNCRISPResearcher Malcolm Blunt thinks there might be a USIA link to this program. [status: Unknown]
UNIONAn official French service. Possibly SDECE.
UNION-11Unknown identity. UNION-11 visited Cuba in August of 1962, and was apparently sending radio messages to the French Embassy (UNION) for the leader of the UR. UNION-11 was investigating rumors of an impending uprising. [status: Unknown]
UNMOVEDUnknown identity. UNMOVED was described in a dispatch in November of 1949 as "a long-time friend" of John McVickar. [status: Unknown]
UNPAPIST-1Unknown identity. According to a June 1965 CIA dispatch, UNPAPIST-1 acted as PA for UNRUMBLE-2 (Pedro Ruiz Quintero, a Cuban medical student) while the latter was in Paris. [status: Unknown]
UNPOLKAUNPOLKA was the cryptonym for the French journalist, Victor Franco (1930 - February 18, 2018). A cable on October 6, 1976, stated that Castro took umbrage at UNPOLKA's 1962 book on Cuba "La Revolution Sensuelle" (The Sensual Revolution).
UNRUMBLEParisian operation focused on Cuba. [status: Unknown]
UNRUMBLE-1UNRUMBLE-1 was Salvador Ginori, a U.S. medical student in Paris.
UNRUMBLE-2Pedro Ruiz Quintero, a Cuban medical student living in Paris.
UNRUMBLE-3UNRUMBLE-3 was Rinaldo Lago Carbonell, Cuban law student in Paris.
UNRUMBLE-6Parisian agent communicating by shortwave with Manuel Ray of JURE. [status: Unknown]
UNSIERRAUNSIERRA may have been a joint CIA-French intelligence (possibly SDECE) surveillance operation focused on the Cuban Embassy in Paris. A memo in April of 1977, by Chris Hopkins (LAD/JFK Task Force), referred to UNSIERRA as "defunct" and stated that the files were located in archives in Warrenton. [status: Speculative]
UNSNAFU-11Unknown identity. A cable on December 13, 1962, stated that UNRUMBLE-2 (Pedro Ruiz Quintero) said that UNSNAFU-11's brother and possibly UNRUMBLE-5 were dangerous Cubans in Paris outside the embassy. [status: Unknown]
UNSNAFU-12Marta Frayde. A memo in April of 1977 stated that UNSNAFU-12 was "Marta Frayde, a Cuban alternate delegate to UNESCO and an unwitting FI source at that time."
UNSNAFU-13A cable in 1965 stated that UNSNAFU-13 was Emilia Trasancos, wife of Luis Enrique Trasancos (UNSNAFU-9).
UNSNAFU-14UNSNAFU-14 was Juan David Posada, Cuban cultural attaché to Uruguay and France. A cable on April 27, 1964, had Juan David Posada handwritten above UNSNAFU-14 with a line pointing to the latter.
UNSNAFU-19Cuban Ambassador to Paris, Antonio Maria Carrillo Carreras. A May, 1965, cable included the 201 numbers of UNSNAFU-9 and 19. The 201 number for UNSNAFU-19 was 201-349956. A 1969 dispatch stated that Antonio Carrillo Carreras had a 201 number of 201-349956.
UNSNAFU-5Angel Luis Fernandez Ruiz, worked at Cuban Embassy in Paris. Also known as "El Ingles".
UNSNAFU-7Unknown identity. A cable at the end of December 1964 stated that the CIA's Paris Station had an interest in penetrating UNSNAFU-7 offices. [status: Unknown]
UNSNAFU-8Manuel Ramon Morales Menendez. Worked as an attaché at the consulate in the Cuban Embassy in Paris, France, from at least December, 1962, to his dismissal around February, 1965.
UNSNAFU-9Luis Enrique Trasancos, a CIA penetration agent at the Cuban embassy in Paris.
UNSOBER-1Unknown identity. UNSOBER-1 was a CIA asset and French journalist in 1974. CIA hoped to use UNSOBER-1 to obtain an interview with General Pinochet, and provide generally favorable coverage of his Chilean regime. [status: Unknown]
UNSTARDescribed as a "French diplomat" stationed in Cuba, who in the days after 11/22/63 allegedly claimed that JFK was killed due to a joint plot by the Chinese government and Castro. [status: Speculative]
UNTROPHYUnknown identity. A Information Field Report from Paris in April of 1963 described UNTROPHY as "a French official with good contacts in the Ministry of Interior (C)." [status: Unknown]
WIDigraph for the Belgian Congo - which became Zaire from 1971-1997 - now the Congo.
WIFLAT-3Unknown identity. A cable from Leopoldville in March of 1961 stated that the pressures on WIROGUE (David Tzitzichvili) from WIFLAT-3, Kazadi and Pierrot were becoming greater all the time. [status: Unknown]
WILDCATBernardo de Torres. Chief of Intelligence of Brigade 2506. Identified himself as "Pentagon intelligence". Described by the ARRB as an "FBI double agent." Also known as Gaeton Fonzi's informant "Carlos". Died in 2018.
WILDCAT-5Unknown identity. A cable in May of 1961 stated that WILDCAT-5 had requested a name check for WIROGUE (David Tzitzichvili) on behalf of WIROOT. [status: Unknown]
WIPEGASUSCIA project/operation in the Congo in the 1960's. CIA officer William A. Robertson ("Rip") went on a tour of duty to the Congo in 1964. CIA agent/asset Ricardo Morales Navarrete (AMDESK-1) was briefly involved in this project.
WIQUIT-1Unknown identity. A cable in 1966 stated that "HQs notes that name Alastair Wicks has not appeared in recent SECAROB-1 (probably Major Michael Hoare) reporting of WIQUIT-1 plotting." [status: Unknown]
WIROAKPatrice Lumumba, first Prime Minister of the newly independent Republic of the Congo, from June until September of 1960.
WIROGUEThis project used a foreign agent to recruit assets for sabotage, intelligence gathering, and proposed assassinations.
WIROGUE-1David Tzitzichvili aka David de Panaskhet, also known as AEASPIC.
WIROOTPossibly a Congolese intelligence or military service. [status: Speculative]
WISTATIC-1WISTATIC-1 was possibly Alastair Wicks. According to a cable on 9 March, 1967, SECAROB-1 (probably Major Michael Hoare) stated that WISTATIC-1 knew "the Congo as few men did", and "that he was a sensitive man without courage." [status: Speculative]
WITHRUSHProject using Cuban pilots in the Congo.
WIZARD-4Unknown identity. WIZARD-4 was possibly a officer, or a civil employee, based in an unknown air force in the Congo in the 1960's. [status: Speculative]
WODivisions of the CIA itself (see also KU).
WOACREThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that WOACRE was the cryptonym for the CIA Technical Services Division.
WOBONEThe CIA's Office of Security
WOCORKUnited States - used in the 1970s.
WODISHDomestic Contact Service
WODUALAmerican or United States, but not "US government".
WOFIRMCIA - a cryptonym used in the 1970s.
WOHIVEThe Office of Strategic Services
WOHORNThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that WOHORN was the cryptonym for CIA Office of National Estimates (ONE).
WOLADYAmerican or United States, but not US government.
WOMACEDDO - Directorate of Operations (formerly Directorate of Plans).
WOMUSECIA Counterintelligence Center.
WOVIEWCIA's Covert Action Staff. Cord Meyer was its chief at the time of the release of the 1967 memo "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report".
WSWarfare - more in the context of sabotage than weaponry. Examples would include psychological warfare, political warfare, and economic warfare, in the Cold War context. [status: Probable]
WSACROBATCo-organizers on a literacy seminar. Identity unknown. [status: Unknown]
WSBURNTThe nation of Guatemala.
WSCHILDU.S. National Student Association
WURefers to companies that are vetted and accommodating to the CIA. [status: Probable]
WUBONBONBook publishing project - one of the Domestic Operations Division propaganda programs supervised by E. Howard Hunt.
WUBRINYWUBRINY included Haitian operations - but it may have been broader in scope. [status: Probable]
WUBRINY-1John Train, a member of the investment firm of Train, Cabot and Associates, New York (which may have been WUSALINE). [status: Speculative]
WUCLASSIC-88Adrian Fisher Sherman, Jr.
WUINDIGO-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in 1968 mentioned that WUINDIGO-1 had been recruited by the CIA in 1959. W-1 had apparently "successfully performed difficult operational tasks" in countries such as China, Laos, Vietnam, Brazil, and the USSR. [status: Unknown]
WUMUTUALA mutual fund, used as a proprietary corporation by the CIA. [status: Probable]
WUOUTDONEEl Paso Natural Gas Company.
WUPUNDITAccording to Dan Hardway's HSCA notes, WUPUNDIT operations in 1964 included Praeger, Freedom Fund, Inc. (conduit), Seaman's Service Institute, a Praeger Spanish affiliate, and Continental Press, Inc.
WURABBITAccording to notes by Dan Hardway, the WURABBIT project dealt with Continental Press, Inc., a news service based in Washington, D.C. It provided news analysis, comics, editorials to foreign publications.
WUSALIFYA holding corporation that includes the CIA proprietary known as WUSALINE as a subsidiary. This corporation may have been the Train, Cabot & Associates investment firm. [status: Speculative]
WUSALINEA proprietary investment and investment consulting firm. WUSALINE may have invested in a number of companies. One of them may have been Zapata Off-shore Drilling Company. George Bush was its CEO from 1956 to 1964. A proprietary corporation housed and managed by the investment firm of Train, Cabot and Associates, New York, aka WUSALIFY. [status: Speculative]
WUSLAB-1Unknown identity. WUSLAB-1 was a CIA Bolivian asset from at least March of 1970 to December of 1975. [status: Unknown]
WUTACTICWUTACTIC was described as "a DO proprietary company" in a memo on September 19, 1968.
WUTARDYA developmental and target opportunity project. Sub-projects were targeted abroad. [status: Unknown]
ZRReferring to projects emanating from Staff D (signals and communications intelligence). Related, in an elastic sense, to CIA foreign intercept and code-breaking activities conducted to collect data for the NSA. [status: Speculative]
ZRACORNLumumba assassination project in the Congo. [status: Unknown]
ZRACUTEZRACUTE was a CIA proprietary company or asset in Panama City.
ZRAFRAIDThe Psychology Congress that held its biennial meeting in December 1963 in Mexico City. [status: Probable]
ZRALERTUse of hypnotism by CounterIntelligence staff in "certain operational situations."
ZRAVOIDU.S. Border Patrol. [status: Probable]
ZRAWARDLatin American Information Center, which later became the Business Council in 1963 and the Council of the Americas in 1970.
ZRBEACHSignals intelligence intercepts by the CIA that are passed on to the NSA.
ZRBRIEFUnknown identity. Location or organization used in Operation PBSUCCESS. [status: Unknown]
ZRCABLECuban leadership. [status: Speculative]
ZRCHESTA Staff D project which put Technical Services Division/Audio chief David Christ and his team into Cuba to tap the New China News Agency circuits and obtain information for breaking their commercial codes. [status: Speculative]
ZRCLIFFSouthern Air Transport Inc., a CIA "proprietary" aviation company in Miami.
ZREAGERThe Instituto Inter Americano de Estudios Politicos in Costa Rica, known in English and as the Institute for Political Education.
A project to "develop young potential political leaders."
ZRERASERelated to Cuban affairs. Also related to FI/D safehouse LIMESA in some way. [status: Speculative]
ZRGRACEThe operation that hunted for the NSA defectors, Martin and Mitchell. [status: Unknown]
ZRJETZRJET was possibly the cryptonym for an airplane connected to CIA's Division D. [status: Speculative]
ZRJEWELA paramilitary training program in 1961 that included Rip Robertson, Grayston Lynch, and Lucien Conein.
ZRJOINTAlternate name for LIENVOY.
ZRKNICKThe communications monitoring operation against Cuban agents in Latin America. To avoid violating the rule prohibiting CIA operations inside the US, the FBI would obtain the take in these instances and then share the results with CIA.
ZRMAJORA project for the exploitation of political consultants.
ZRMETALWashington, DC.
ZRPENNYActivity to counter Cuban student participation in communist-sponsored world youth festival in Helsinki in 1962.
ZRPRIMAProgram to penetrate the foreign technical personnel being hired by Castro to work in Havana.
ZRRAGTIMEUnknown identity. According to a Church Committee document in 1976, ZRRAGTIME was part of the ZR series of programs, alongside ZRRIFLE and ZRACORN. These programs were often sponsored by the CIA's Technical Services Division. [status: Unknown]
ZRRIFLEProgram to recruit foreign criminal assets for various illegal activities including burglary, wire taps, strong arm work and thefts in support of ZR code breaking work. Later used by William Harvey as a cover for an Executive Action assassinations program.
ZRSIGNA program using American labor organizer and CIA agent Serafino Romualdi. [status: Probable]
ZRSOLOAn alternate name for the Mexico City listening posts of LIFEAT.
ZRTAFFYRussian intelligence services overt information.
[status: Probable]
ZRTORCHCommunications between CIA officers and defectors or potential defectors. [status: Probable]
ZRWAGONA program of overseas dockside sabotage operations, including the recruitment of seamen. The target was commercial shipments to Cuba. [status: Probable]
ZRWAHOOThinly based intelligence reports on Latin American subjects in the Western Hemisphere, collected outside regular channels that need to be checked out more thoroughly. [status: Probable]
ADAMADAM was the field cryptonym for Guatemala City during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that ADAM was Guatemala City.
AJAJAAJAJA was the cable indicator for CIA Near East Division.
AKULEAKULE was the cryptonym for the CIA Latin American Division.
ANTLERSA highly sensitive CIA project to move a defector from Europe to the US "...without leaving any trace of
his true identity."
AQUATICAQUATIC was an Office of Technical Security program that deployed a variety of intrusive techniques. Documented usage against Cuban diplomatic facilities in Mexico City.
AQUATONEThe production and development of planes and equipment designed particularly for intelligence purposes. A joint procurement project by both the CIA and the Air Force. The objective was to obtain coverage of high priority targets in the USSR.
ARTICHOKEThe study and use of special interrogation methods and techniques. These special interrogation methods have been known to include the use of drugs and hypnosis, and "total isolation", a form of psychological harassment. Under the control of the Office of Security and the Office of Scientific Intelligence.
ASCHAMAllen Dulles, CIA chief for many years until the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs in 1961. Robert A. Ascham was a frequent pseudonym for Dulles.
ATHENAUnknown identity. A project or a team. A memo from Bruce B. Cheever, in August, 1963, on a Special Group meeting, stated that the ATHENA team had probably been doubled. [status: Unknown]
ATTICPyotr Popov, who provided information on the Soviet Union to CI/SIG.
BARRThe communications designator for the the JMBAR facility at Key West. [status: Probable]
BEVISION Project using the Polish defector Michael Goleniewski [status: Unknown]
BGACTRESSBGACTRESS was a cryptonym for the CIA International Organizations Division (IOD).
BGFIENDThis program, later known as OBOPUS (1949-58) was initially a joint US-British covert action program designed to overthrow the Soviet dominated regime of Enver Hoxha in Albania and evolved into establishing and exploiting National Committee for Free Albania (NCFA), propaganda media, infiltration agents, and economic warfare.
BGGYPSYThe nation of Russia and Russian connected operations. BGGYPSY was also cited as Communist in the declassified CIA files on Nazi and Japanese war crimes.
BGMORNINGA program related to LIFEAT, Mexico City, and the Soviet spy Rudolf Abel
BIDigraph for operations and assets in Argentina. [status: Probable]
BINAURALCIA officer Anthony Sileo, aka Antonio Silio, also known as Keith Bongirno, who prepared the monthly CRC propaganda activities progress report for several months in 1962, a one man watchdog committee for the Station to make sure funds were used properly. Also known as "'Richardo Belfort." and "Mr. Johns". [status: Probable]
BINGOOperation BINGO was scheduled to take place before or around the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion, in April of 1961. Coincided with Operations JEAN IV, MEGANO and TEABAG. It was a JMWAVE infiltration mission.
BIOGENESISArgentine federal police. Principal liaison service of the Buenos Aires CIA station and used for telephone-tapping and other joint operations.
BKCROWNCIA. This cryptonym was adopted in the early 1970s.
BKHERALDBKHERALD was the cryptonym for the CIA. Used in the 1970s.
BLANKETA program that would permit the subject to receive information about National Security Council 5412/2 matters on a need-to-know basis.
BLUEBIRDDealing primarily with interrogation and control techniques. This project became ARTICHOKE, and later MKULTRA.
BOLABOLA I and II were JMWAVE operations involving JURE in November and December of 1963.
BONDBOND was the field cryptonym for Puerto Barrios during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that BOND was Puerto Barrios.
BUTANEA surveillance project created at the direction of the Director of Central Intelligence to determine the activities and contacts of Victor Marchetti a former CIA employee with current Agency employees.
BYEMANProgram for clearance for a CIA officer to conduct general security support duties
CADigraph for West Germany [status: Probable]
CABEZONEThe Defector Reception Center (DRC) in Frankfurt, Germany that was employed to conduct secret interrogations, debriefings, and a variety of operations with defectors, double agents, and other unfortunates who had fallen into US hands. Located within Camp King.
CACTUSA teletype action indicator covering teletype communications between the CIA and the FBI dealing with the New Left, Black Militants and related matters.
CAESARCAESAR was the field cryptonym for Quetzaltenango during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that CAESAR was Quetzaltenango.
CARAMELA late 1963 operation, related to operations CONTACT and CUSHION. [status: Unknown]
CEDARDRE paramilitary (PM) team in 1962. A dispatch in June of 1962 mentioned "the selection and assessment of the CEDAR team of four to be sent to ISOLATION (CIA's Camp Peary, aka "The Farm") for training and subsequent infiltration."
CELOTEX-1Physical surveillance by CIA of Washington Post reporter for four month period in early 70s.
CELOTEX-2Surveillance of DC journalist Jack Anderson and his staff.
CHALICECHALICE was a series of JMWAVE operations from the middle of 1963. CHALICE-3 (or III) was due to be carried out around the same time as Operation TILT and AMSPRAG in June, 1963.
CHAPPIEProject involving anti-Castro air operations. [status: Probable]
CHICKADEEAccording to the ARRB, CHICKADEE was the cryptonym for the information handling channel for non-documentary material generated by Oleg Penkovsky.
CLEOPATRASabotage operation involving anti-Castro Cubans in December of 1963, in the aftermath of the assassination of President Kennedy.
CLIPIn 1960, CIA initiated a program under the codename "CLIP" to engage in more aggressive action to establish an organization among anti-Castro exiles capable of replacing the Castro government. In May, 1960, CIA furnished the names of the men who would become the nucleus of the FRD. CLIP became the FRD, first known as AMRASP, then AMIRON.
COCHISEAccording to a cable in March of 1966, COCHISE II and III were operations undertaken by AMOTs in November 1961, and January 1962, respectively. They involved the emplacement of cache material in Cuba.
CORALClearance for military matters; it may be related to decisions about life-or-death situations, based on the high level paramilitary and intelligence people who received this clearance. It could be related to the coral beaches of the Caribbean. [status: Speculative]
CORONACORONA was a satellite system project. A memo from CIA Director, John McCone, in May of 1964 stated that "the CORONA satellite system was judged to be 'not sufficient to give us useful photography."'
CUDGELSabotage operation scheduled for late November of 1963, but was postponed. A cable on November 21, 1963, stated that the AMLILACs were standing by for Operation CUDGEL.
CUSHIONCUSHION operation was scheduled for December of 1963. A cable from JMWAVE on December 5, 1963, indicated the target of this operation was a transformer yard in Cuba.
CYFRAIL-1Unknown identity. CYFRAIL-1's damage report was sent by Chief of Station (COS), Vientiane, to Chief, Far East Division. [status: Unknown]
DAINOLDDesmond FitzGerald, chief of Special Affairs Section (SAS) during 1963, the successor group to Bill Harvey's Task Force W.
DAMSONDRE intelligence team in 1962. A dispatch in July of 1962 stated that "after the loss of two radio is doubtful whether AMSPELL (the DRE) can train and infiltrate the DAMSON team within the next 90 days."
DNThe CIA nation designation for South Korea. [status: Probable]
DOCDOC was the field cryptonym for Mazatenango during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that DOC was Mazatenango.
DRJIBE-1A memo from Raymond Rocca, C/CI/R&A, in January of 1969 stated that DRJIBE-1 was Thomas L. Roberts, a former member of Herbert Itkin's law firm.
DS-2137Anatoliy Golitsyn, formerly known as Anatoliy Klimov. Soviet intelligence officer who defected in December 1961. Valued source of James Angleton.
DTRACCOONInternational Institute of Labor Relations.
DUDigraph for operations and assets in Peru. [status: Probable]
DUCKJMWAVE UDT sabotage operation planned for December of 1963, in the immediate aftermath of the assassination of President Kennedy.
DULAUREL-1A female Peruvian media professional that assisted Soviet intelligence officers which included Nikolay Sergeyevich Leonov. [status: Speculative]
DYMAROONThe United States Department of State.
DYVOURRouting indicator for Mexico. [status: Probable]
EASYCHAIRA laser beam device transmitting conversations between Nixon and others in the Oval Office for at least several months in 1970. [status: Probable]
EASY_CHAIRA CIA program used to spy on the Soviets beginning in the 1950s. The operation relied on a surveillance device that used a laser beam to detect sound vibrations in a distant object.
EDDIEEDDIE was the field cryptonym for El Quiche during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that EDDIE was El Quiche.
FANTASMALeaflet drop campaign organized by Paul Bethel, Frank Fiorini and others.
FEDERINICode name used by Frank Sturgis in the sixties in his anti-Castro activities.
FOXTROTReferences to cases involving double agent Jose Carbonell Marrero as well as other double agents. They were central in the ZRKNICK probe conducted by FBI and CIA. FOXTROT was a case name used both by FBI and CIA. [status: Unknown]
FRANKFRANK was the field cryptonym for Jutiapa, Guatemala, during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that FRANK was Jutiapa.
GFGESTETNERHerbert Manell, chief of anti-Soviet operations in Mexico City station from 1959-1964.
GIDigraph for operations and assets in Colombia. [status: Probable]
GIAGAR-7A member of the GIAGAR group established to support viable anti-Castro activities in Columbia. [status: Probable]
GICITRON-4Manuel Machado Llosas. Formerly LITAMIL-1.
GIFOLAEunice Odio.
GIRDINGAmerican Fund for Free Jurists, New York.
GOLIATHDescription of the CIA during late fifties and sixties, with an emphasis on its domestic intelligence activities. Probably refers to the Domestic Contacts Division. [status: Probable]
GOOSECREEKSlugline used when requests are made for traces or other assistance from Staff D. [status: Speculative]
GOSSGOSS was the field cryptonym for the town of Coban, Guatemala, during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that GOSS was Coban.
GRGR was probably the digraph for operations and assets in Austria. [status: Probable]
GRALLSPICEGRALLSPICE was probably the cryptonym for Sergei Lvonich Shebalin. A CIA Studies in Intelligence article, in 1999, by Kevin C. Ruffner, stated that GRALLSPICE was Sergei Lvonich Shebalin. [status: Probable]
GRATLASThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that GRATLAS was the cryptonym for the Vienna Operations Base in Stiftsdaserne.
GRENGULFThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that GRENGULF was a cryptonym for the Austrian State Police.
GRIPDr. Benedotte Regnetta, an Italian, and Director of the Latin American Delegation of the FIAT Company. A memorandum in December, 1961, stated that Regnetta held a constructive meeting with a delegation of anti-Castro Cubans in Miami. Regnetta was also an old resident of Mexico, and he offered to make available his financial and diplomatic contacts to the Cuban POW committee. The memo also mentioned that Regnetta was conducting negotiations with the Government of Cuba at that time. [status: Speculative]
GROOVYGROOVY was a cable indicator for Austrian intelligence operations. Slugline used as early as the 1950s.
GTDANCERPeople related to the JFK case. [status: Speculative]
GYROSERouting indicator for Task Force W's internal communications within the CIA regarding Cuba.
HANKHANK was the field cryptonym for Zacapa (Guatemalan base), during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that HANK was Zacapa.
HARVARDHARVARD (1951-65) was designed initially to provide safehouse and operational aid facilities for CIA activities in Germany. In 1952, the HARVARD mission was expanded to include the rehabilitation and resettlement of defectors, agents, and agent-trainees.
HATHORHATHOR was a OSS/SSU cryptonym for Paul Dickopf, former Abwehr and SS officer.
HBEPITOMEThe Officers Foundation for Youth and Student Affairs. The FYSA worked with the International Organizations Division, which later was folded into the Covert Action Division. The FYSA's funding mechanism was known as SGGUESSER, and provided funds to the International Student Conference.
HBFAIRYThe nation of France. [status: Probable]
HBGROPINGWest German Federal Government. The CIA's file on the Unidad Revolucionaria (UR) mentioned that Gabriel Andres Albuerne Fernandez defected in HBGROPING and was a "CIA developmental asset."
HBILKAPossibly a CIA project linked to JBGREED in the Far East involving air support in the mid-1960's. [status: Speculative]
HIWAYThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that HIWAY was the cable indicator for Hungarian intelligence operations.
HONETOLCIA investigation of moles from 1964-1970. Sometimes referred to as "The Great Molehunt".
Fourteen officers closely investigated by CI chief James Angleton and his colleagues. No findings of espionage, but their careers were ruined.
HORNETHORNET teams were used during Operation PBSUCCESS in Guatemala. They were usually small teams of five to ten men engaged in harassment tactics.
IDENTITYA phrase used for sensitive subject matter.
IGNITEIGNITE was a Oriente infiltration team of AMDENIM-1's (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) in 1964. It was a new operation to infiltrate the AMSPARK team leader and also to establish a ratline and legal resident radio operator capability in north eastern Oriente.
IGORA pre-Bay of Pigs operation. [status: Probable]
IJDECANTERA Second Directorate KGB officer providing information to the CIA whose bona fides were prior firmly established.
IKEIKE was the field cryptonym for San Jose during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that IKE was San Jose.
INANITIONMystery figures passing on information about Richard Gibson and Lee Harvey Oswald. [status: Unknown]
INDEVOUT-3Jose Enrique Camejo Argudin, UN representative. A cable in March, 1966, on AMBRAY-1 and 2, mentioned Camejo Argudin as being based in Geneva with the UN. Argudin was described by AMBRAY-1 as being very anti-Communist. Also, a cable in September, 1964, gave his full name as Jose Enrique Camejo Argudin. [status: Probable]
ISOLATIONCIA's Camp Peary, also known as "The Farm".
ISOMETRICCIA facility location under military cover. ISOMETRIC was probably a training base somewhere in the U.S. A draft cable on Ricardo Morales Navarette mentioned that "he had received training in Miami, as well as ISOMETRIC and MKCOSMOS." [status: Probable]
ISOTROPICISOLATION'S (Camp Peary) sister facility, known as "The Point", located in Hertford, North Carolina. [status: Speculative]
IUPAGANUnknown identity. IUPAGAN was part of the IUQUEST air proprietary entity. [status: Unknown]
IUSTEERPossibly Fausto Ignacio Gomez Gomez, a friend of Frank Sturgis that served as a pilot in the Congo in the mid-60s. 201-283488) Other possibilities are pilots Mario or Francisco Ginebra Groero Perez, or Eduardo Whitehouse who served in the Congo. Roberto de Cardenas served under him. He could have been with WITHRUSH, the Cuban pilots the Congo in the sixties. [status: Speculative]
JAGUARMI-5, the domestic branch of the British Intelligence Service. [status: Probable]
JBECHOUnknown identity. The cryptonym JBECHO was used in a number of CIA documents in the 1960's. [status: Unknown]
JBHURRIEDTransmissions from Staff D to the intelligence community. [status: Probable]
JEANJEAN was a series of operations from JMWAVE that took place before the Bay of Pigs invasion in April of 1961.
JEANINEJEANINE was a maritime caching operation from JMWAVE which was due to take place in December of 1963.
JKLANCECodename for the CIA, adopted by the Agency during 1970. This codename invoked JFK's initials and his Secret Service codename LANCER, in the wake of charges made by New Orleans DA Jim Garrison and others of CIA involvement in the JFK assassination.
JOLLYBOAT-1Tony Sforza. A cable from Havana on August 15, 1960, mentioned Olien (James Noel) and JOLLYBOAT-1.
JORGEOperation JORGE II was a mission to infiltrate DRE leaders into Cuba just before the Bay of Pigs invasion in April of 1961.
JUDigraph for operations and assets in El Salvador. [status: Probable]
JUBATEUnknown identity. A report in December, 1953, by Charles F. Rennell appeared to indicate that JUBATE was a Guatemalan banking official. JUBATE probably had some link or connection with El Salvador. [status: Unknown]
JUDASA plan to kill Castro during 1963-1964. CIA officers stated that this was not its operation, and tried to learn more about it. [status: Probable]
JUGATIONUnknown identity. A report on Operation PBSUCCESS in circa November of 1954 described JUGATION as a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The nation was probably El Salvador. [status: Unknown]
JURANTUnknown identity. JURANT was described in a June of 1954 telegram as a "high DTFROGS (El Salvador) representative." [status: Unknown]
JYVAPOROUSBelarusian KGB in the 1990s
KAPOKCable indicator for the highest level of document sensitivity. KAPOK is above RYBAT, which is above EYES ONLY.
KDACOUSTIC-1Rafael Mirabal Fernandez. A memo in February of 1976, on SLANK-1 (Vladimir Lahera Rodriguez), stated that Rafael Mirabal Fernandez was KDACOUSTIC-1 (201-812117).
KDACROBAT-1Probably Bernardo de Torres. KDACROBAT-1 reported on Cuban exiles involved in narcotics in Mexico. Bernardo de Torres appeared to be an informant of KDACROBAT-1. The two men are probably one and the same. [status: Probable]
KDAFGHAN-1KDAFGHAN-1 is almost certainly Alberto Rodriguez Gallego, the Cuban embassy photographic officer previously known as LIONION-1. [status: Probable]
KDFACTORA compartmentalized foreign intelligence project originally approved in 1958 as LIEMPTY before it was renamed in 1970. Its role was to provide financial and material support for visual and photographic surveillance operations targeting the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City.
KENTKENT was the field cryptonym for Carias Viejas, Honduras, during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that KENT was Carias Viejas.
KEYWAYCIA Europe Division
KISHIN-1Adalid Delgadillo Menacho, a Captain of the Bolivian police force. CIA agent from 1960-63. A Bolivian security service penetrator, and later a low level Bolivian university cell Communist Party penetration.
KOBIRDThe CIA's East Asia Division.
KOLAKOLA station was probably involved in communications intelligence/intercepts. A memo from William K. Harvey in November of 1962 stated that the KOLA station was located in Miami. [status: Probable]
K_PROGRAMAccording to Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954, Guatemala, the K-Program were operations aimed at intelligence and defection of Guatemalan military; after May 11, 1954, redirected at military defections.
LADILLINGERBarbara Murphy Manell - the contract officer at the Soviet desk in Mexico City that wrote the 10/8/63 memo identifying Oswald as telephoning the Soviet embassy on October 1. [status: Unknown]
LARKSPURLARKSPUR was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) cryptonym for Sergio Mainetto. LARKSPUR appeared to be connected to DEVISTA-1 in a series of documents during 1965.
LAROBDouble agent of FBI and USSR. A saIes representative for American Airlines, may be 201-729524, identity remains unknown. [status: Unknown]
LARRYLARRY was the field cryptonym for Entre Rios, Guatemala, during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that LARRY was Entre Rios.
LAURICLEAn action indicator for Staff D operations.
LNYAPACustoms - in the early 1970s.
LPCORSETA foundation, used in some way to advance the purposes of the CIA.
LPDICTUMLPDICTUM/LPSPICE was an investment company. As of September 1973, it had invested over $100,000 in Petrolcos Mexicanos, S.A. Mexico. LPDICTUM/WUSALINE was also a investment company. Both companies were dissolved between 1965-1975, but their officers may have maintained links with the CIA [status: Probable]
LPGLOBEA CIA proprietary providing administrative support for deep cover operations officers abroad, using CCS cover. [status: Probable]
LPHIDDENAn extremely sensitive operation run by the Office of Security in 1954. Private investigator Robert A. Maheu was paid by a competitor of Aristotle Onassis in 1954 to carry out a campaign of wiretaps and dirty tricks against the Greek shipping tycoon - with the knowledge and approval of the CIA and then-vice president Richard M. Nixon. [status: Unknown]
LPMEDLEYLPMEDLEY was possibly a cryptonym for an operation opening mail to and from USSR. [status: Speculative]
LPOVERConover Mast Publications
LWNOSTALGICIt appears to be a code referring to a new look at an old case, such as looking at the Soviet view of Oswald's visit to the USSR thirty years later. [status: Speculative]
LYREThe LYRE team was associated with AMDENIM-1 (Alberto Fernandez Hechevarria) and AMEPOCH-6. Specific role and purpose unknown.
MARTEOperation to seize Baracoa and launch a false flag attack on Guantanamo during the Bay of Pigs.
MEGANOMEGANO was a series of JMWAVE infiltration operations that took place, or were planned to take place, before the Bay of Pigs invasion in April, 1961.
MERRIMACAn Office of Security penetration and surveillance project designed to monitor dissident groups and potential threats to Agency personnel and operations.
MOCKINGBIRDThe case of the two newspaper reporters, probably Allen and Scott. A project of the CIA's Office of Security.
MONGOOSEAlso known as "The Cuba Project", a major covert action program aimed at overthrowing the Castro regime in Cuba from November 1961 to October 1962. The Chief of Operations was Gen. Edward Lansdale, who coordinated the activities among the CIA, the State Department, and the Defense Department.
MOONDUSTProject MOON DUST was an operation to recover objects and debris from space vehicles that had survived re-entry from space to earth. However, there have been many rumors about the project which connected it to the UFO phenomenon. [status: Probable]
MPCHEEKUnknown identity. MPCHEEK was probably related to an operation involving the Mexico City station in the early 1970's. It was possibly related to Soviet activity in that city. [status: Unknown]
MPWATCHUnknown. Found in same slugline as DYVOUR, the action indicator for Mexico. [status: Unknown]
MXWINDFALL-1JFK researcher Ken Rahn
NEMON-1Marvin Kantor, a Russian-speaking University of Copenhagen student between 1957-61 who made long visits to Minsk in 1958 and again in 1959, leaving in September 1959, shortly before Oswald's arrival. Like Oswald, he was the only American in Minsk at the time.
NEMOV-1Marvin Kantor, a Russian-speaking student who defected to Minsk, and left shortly before Oswald's arrival. Like Oswald, he was the only American in Minsk at the time. [status: Unknown]
NINI was probably the digraph for operations and assets in Belgium or Belgian related. [status: Probable]
NIACTAn abbreviation for "Night action", a communications indicator requiring action by the recipient at any hour day or night.
NICKNICK was the field cryptonym for Gualan, Guatemala, during Operation PBSUCCESS. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), 1952-1954: Guatemala, stated that NICK was Gualan.
NIELOPEGustavo Arcos. Close friend of LITAMIL-1. Contact of Rolando Cubela in September 1963. By 1965, he was part of his network.
NIEXITA description for a communications pouch traveling between foreign embassies in Cuba and Mexico. [status: Probable]
NIEXIT-1NIEXIT-1 was possibly Fernandez Shaw, an employee of the Spanish Embassy, Washington, D.C., in February of 1965. A cable on November 27, 1963, stated Henri was NIEXIT-1. [status: Speculative]
NIEXIT-3A CIA agent, name still unknown, serving as a communications circuit between Mexico and Cuba as a foreign embassy FI asset. [status: Probable]
NIGALENIGALE was probably a cryptonym related to Belgium. [status: Probable]
NIGHTINGALEMay be related to the anti-Soviet emigre forces known as NTS. [status: Unknown]
NONIACTNo night action. [status: Unknown]
NOTLOXThe radio channel used by CIA to communicate with MRR inside Cuba.
NVCANOPYFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that NVCANOPY was the cryptonym for the FBI.
NVIDEAThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that NVIDEA was the cryptonym for the U.S. Department of State.
NVTAGFBI in the 1990s. [status: Probable]
NWBOLTONCIA in the 1990s.
NYXISA program focusing on the Soviet satellite countries.
OCELOTFelix Zabala. This is actually an FBI cryptonym which the CIA reported on using the OCELOT cryptonym.
OLYMPUSA PW effort with the DRE. The plan was to parachute into an airdrop zone and set up propaganda programs for the guerilla movement.
OMEGAAn exile group plan to invade Cuba, in the 1963-1964 time period, with Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo as the military chief.
OOLONGRelated to CIA internal communications. [status: Probable]
OPERATION40Counter-intelligence team which was to be integrated into the brigade and charged with the occupation and temporary administration of liberated territories. Comprised of AMFASTs and AMOTs. Military leader was Vicente Leon Leon who died at Bay of Pigs; overall leader was Joaquin Sangenes.
OPERATION_EAGLEA series of operations involving the CIA, Cuban exiles in the 1960's, and also a Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) operation in 1970.
OPERATION_RAPHAELA plan to kill Fidel Castro and maybe others during July 1962. Not to be confused with the attempt to kill education minister Carlos Rafael Rodriguez on 9/13/61, or at other times. [status: Probable]
OPIMOperational immediate
OQKODIAKTraining base in Saipan.
OWVLOne way, coded radio telegraphy link. Required sender/receiver one time PAD for decoding message.
OXCARTThe SR-71 Blackbird, developed in the mid-60s.
PACTProject PACT was a world-wide project of interest to high ranking officials in the CIA, State and Defense Departments in the 1950's.
PALPA CIA station that has its own mailing address, probably within Langley, frequently copied on issues involving literary figures. [status: Probable]
PANCHOPANCHO was a cryptonym for Carlos Castillo Armas. Castillo Armas was President of the Guatemalan Junta from July 8, 1954, and President of Guatemala from September 2, 1954 to July 26, 1957.
PARAGONThe domestic surveillance of Thelma King, a Latin American revolutionary whose group possessed alleged ties to a prominent CIA detractor. The CIA's Office of Security also conducted domestic surveillance of several of King's contacts in multiple US cities.
PASSAVOYCol. Wendell C. Johnson, retired Army colonel, was hired in 1961 as a contract agent. He was the liaison between the CRC and several other agencies, including CIA. [status: Probable]
PATHFINDERA plan to assassinate Castro that might have been turned to other purposes, such as killing JFK.
PATTYOperation to kill Fidel Castro and Raul Castro on 7/26/61, and then fire on Guantanamo Naval Base under the cover of Cuban uniforms, with the hope of provoking a US invasion of Cuba.
PAWNEE-3REDSKIN student in Helsinki during the summer of 1959. Friendly with Gregoriy Golub, the Soviet consul in Helsinki. Her Finnish was not as good as that of another REDSKIN student, PAWNEE-5. PAWNEE-3's identity is unknown.
PAWNEE-5She may have been Lydia Biddle. A REDSKIN student in Helsinki during the summer of 1959. Flirted with Gregoriy Golub, the Soviet consul in Helsinki. During September 1959, Golub began to offer "instant visas" for foreigners seeking to enter the USSR through Helsinki. Lee Oswald was one of the first to use this new arrangement. [status: Speculative]
PDBOORIvan Gavrilovich Alferov, formerly assigned the cryptonym AEBOOR.
PDDONORYuriy Ivanovich Nosenko, using the pseudonym George Martin Rosnek. He was a highly controversial Russian defector who caused a deep split among CIA leaders regarding his credibility.
PECTATEPECTATE was probably a project in Beirut, in 1957-58, in the television/radio broadcasting sphere. [status: Probable]
PEKLOKRadio communications circuit used by the MRR before NOTLOX.
PEPEExfiltration-infiltration Cuban operation in 1962, run by Dr. Augusto Valdes Miranda aka Polo Miranda.
PETERPANPeter Pan was a psychological operation designed to convince middle-class families to send their children to the United States. The CIA denies any involvement.
PHOENIXOperation Phoenix was the coordination of all military, police and intelligence agencies in South Vietnam, in pursuit of civilian members of the VCI [Vietcong]. To this end the CIA created the Phoenix program’s Intelligence and Operations Coordinating Centers (IOCCs) at region, province and district levels.
PIPELINEThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that PIPELINE was the cryptonym for a Defector Project.
PLMHABYSSPersons or events that provide "low points" in the CIA's history. Many of these events are drug-related, and a couple of them involve Bernardo de Torres. Offered from the viewpoint of the Office of Security. [status: Speculative]
PLMHCONGAPLMHCONGA was the cryptonym for all significant cable traffic relating to the 1975 Congressional Pike Committee's investigation of CIA. This investigation was led by Rep. Otis Pike.
PLUTOThis operation appears to be a Pentagon plan for air operations, and not strictly speaking a CIA cryptonym. It appears to be only a part of the CIA-led Operation Zapata, which entailed the landing of troops on the Zapata Peninsula in Central Cuba. [status: Probable]
PLVWBLANKETDescriptor for embarrassing information about the CIA that has or will enter the public arena. [status: Probable]
PLVWCADETHighly sensitive information that would be embarrassing to CIA if it were to be exposed. [status: Probable]
PMCADREPMCADRE was possibly a training project in Guatemala in 1960, prior to the Bay of Pigs invasion, in April, 1961. [status: Speculative]
PNINFINITEPNINFINITE was the cryptonym for the CIA in the 1990's.
QMTURGIDOne of the Watergate burglars, and probably Howard Hunt. [status: Probable]
QRACTIVERadio Liberty - CIA proprietary, began in 1953 broadcasting to the Soviet Union in Russian and fifteen other languages.
QREBONYRichard Gibson during the later sixties.
QRPHONE-1Richard Gibson
QUANTUM-30Unknown identity. A cable from Madrid on March 11, 1966, stated that "QUANTUM/30 brought up AMLASH (Rolando Cubela Secades) affair at lunch with Olien (James Noel) 10 Mar." [status: Unknown]
RAMRODRelated to aircraft missions. [status: Probable]
RCPLANETWorld Federation of Democratic Youth, a Communist controlled student and youth organization. [status: Probable]
REDLEGThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that REDLEG was a cryptonym for CIA Soviet Division.
RNEYEDROPUnknown identity. A cable in July of 1964 stated that Headquarters had, through new subject, RNEYEDROP, "very enthusiastic plans for election coverage," and requested Paris advise of RNEYEDROP's date of arrival in Chile and length of stay. [status: Unknown]
RNLABILEUnknown identity. RNLABILE was a CIA asset from at least 1954 to 1960. RNLABILE was probably a journalist, editor, or publisher in Mexico City. [status: Unknown]
RNRADULARSacha Volman, a Costa Rican "leftist democrat", head of the Labor Relations Institute in New York City, and long-time CIA agent.
ROBOTThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that ROBOT was the cryptonym for Josef Mueller, former Abwehr operative and OSS and CIA asset.
ROCKETOperation ROCKET involved the infiltration of Ramon Morejon and Rogelio Roig in July of 1961.
RTACTIONThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that RTACTION was the cryptonym for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
RUDigraph for operations and assets in Jamaica. [status: Probable]
RUFUSRUFUS was a cryptonym for Carlos Castillo Armas, the titular leader of the overthrow of President Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954.
RVROCKDescription of CIA in late sixties-early seventies.
RXZIMContested cryptonym for Lee Harvey Oswald. Cited by CIA officer James Wilcott. Not corroborated. [status: Speculative]
RYBATA high level of secrecy required to protect the message. As of 1969, if
a document was marked as "RYBAT", CIA employees were not allowed to photocopy it.
SADOUBT-1Unknown identity. A cable on October 30, 1963, stated that SADOUBT-1 had reported that he had heard from a ranking official of the Cuban Ministry of the Interior while in Paris that Rolando Cubela and Angel Quevedo had resigned from the army after difficulties with Raul Castro. [status: Unknown]
SAFFRON-1Described as "a firm supporter of Calligeris". Calligeris was the pseudonym for Guatemalan junta leader Carlos Castillo Armas. [status: Unknown]
SARANACParamilitary training site in Nicaragua.
SCOMBERSCOMBER was the Consejo. A PBSUCCESS Progress Report on 15 June, 1954, stated that "LINCOLN currently plans to accredit Wellbank as the SCOMBER (Consejo) representative with President Osorio of El Salvador."
SCRANTONTraining base for radio operators near Nicaragua, a subproject under PBSUCCESS.
SEALProject containing Information concerning Office of Security operational support for covert action relative to the Bay of Pigs invasion. Project continued for years after the Bay of Pigs.
SECANTSECANT was the cryptonym for Major Enrique Trinidad Oliva. A CIA document in December, 1953, stated that SECANT was a retired Guatemalan Army Major residing in Guatemala City.
SECAROB-1Major Michael Hoare. A cable in August of 1964 described SECAROB-1 as a "ex-Katanga mercenary." Hoare died in February 2020, aged 100 years.
[status: Probable]
SECAROB-2SECAROB-2 was probably Phyllis Sims, second wife of Michael Hoare. Hoare married Sims in 1961, and they had two children. Phyllis Sims died in 2009. [status: Probable]
SEMANTICSEMANTIC was probably Domingo Goicolea Villacorta. A cable on June 1, 1954, clarified that it was only SEMANTIC's brother, Hector, who had sought refuge in the Salvadoran Embassy, and not in the Ecuadoran Embassy. [status: Probable]
SEQUINUnknown identity. A report in December, 1953, stated that SEQUIN was a principal agent for the intelligence nets operating in Guatemala. [status: Unknown]
SGHOUSEAn accounting program used to provide vouchered funds for administrative purposes.
SGRANGERSGRANGER was probably the cryptonym for Latin America. [status: Probable]
SGUATCIA station in Guatemala.
SHERWOODCIA radio broadcasting program based in Nicaragua begun on May 1, 1954.
SIPOSY-1Unknown identity. Close friend of Conchita Fernandez. [status: Unknown]
SLHORIZON-1A Cuban official visiting Jamaica in 1977 and informed that Pedro Diaz Lanz may have been an assassin of JFK. [status: Unknown]
SOCCERSOCCER was probably Charles Siemon, brother-in-law of Guatemalan President Arbenz, and a former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps (CIC) officer. CIA HQs staff member, Daniel N. Gabowski, was probably SOCCER's cut-out and case officer. [status: Probable]
SOMERSETUnknown identity. SOMERSET was a location used during Operation PBSUCCESS. It was probably an air base located in Nicaragua. [status: Probable]
SROBAUnknown identity. A memo in February of 1954 on compromised documents mentioned that SROBA was one of the cryptonyms and pseudonyms exposed to President Somoza. [status: Unknown]
SRPOINTERThe name for HTLINGUAL mail opening project within the CIA's Office of Security. [status: Unknown]
STThe CIA nation designation for operations related to China. [status: Probable]
STFAITHLESS-6Yang Ting-Pao, US-educated and a member of the International Union of Architects that met in Havana during Sept-Oct 1963. [status: Probable]
SUGARRichard Gibson, chair of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee from 1961-1962, and then an expatriate in Europe. His work for the CIA began no later than 1965.
SULTAGA wireless transmission link between JMWAVE's Bell Signal Center and Cuba in the early 1960s.
SUMACSUMAC was the cryptonym for Guillermo Toriello Garrido, Guatemalan Foreign Minister under Arbenz. A cable on June 29, 1954, stated that SUMAC had resigned.
SUMAC-2SUMAC-2 was the cryptonym for Lieutenant Colonel Jose Angel Sanchez Barillas.
SUPERIORSUPERIOR may possibly have been the cryptonym for Juan Cordova Cerna, lawyer for United Fruit Company in Guatemala, and supporter of Carlos Castillo Armas. [status: Speculative]
SWDigraph for operations and assets in Honduras. [status: Probable]
SWALLOWUnknown identity. A cable on 30 May, 1954, stated that Graham L. Page (probably Henry Hecksher) met and debriefed SWALLOW, with the latter agreeing that SMILAX was the only member of the high command who could be trusted. [status: Unknown]
SWITCHBACKAccording to the ARRB, Operation SWITCHBACK was designed to transfer the CIA's paramilitary capability to the Pentagon (undertaken after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion).
SWLUCK-1Unknown identity. SWLUCK-1 was a Honduras asset who informed on the Honduras Communist Party. [status: Unknown]
SYMPATHIZERIt sounds like a wiretap system that picked up Maria Snethlage, an ostensible left-winger living near the Hague, as well as the Third Secretary for the Cuban embassy at the Hague. The SYMPATHIZER source also reported on Lee Harvey Oswald's transit through the Netherlands in 1962, while Oswald and his family were moving from Minsk to Fort Worth. [status: Speculative]
SYMPATHIZER-11"Visser", first name unknown. Perhaps it is
Hendrik J. Visser, a translator, sub-inspector first class of the Netherlands-Antilles police force.
SYNCARPThe "Junta", Castillo Armas' political organization headed by Cordova Cerna.
TARBRUSHA black propaganda program run by the Mexico City station during the 1950s-1960s.
TEKLOKAgent inside Cuba in 1961 attempting to kill Fidel Castro, war name "Luis Jorge". [status: Unknown]
THTH was probably the digraph for operations and assets in Greece. [status: Probable]
THROWOFF-3THROWOFF-3 was a cryptonym for Destan Berisha. According to a cable in January of 1954 Berisha also used the cryptonym of BLUEJAY-12.
TITI was probably the digraph for operations and assets in Sweden. [status: Probable]
TICRYSTAL-1Jan Erik Kronholm, a Swedish national.
TILTOperation designed to smuggle two Soviet missile technicians to make the claim that Soviet missiles remained in Cuba in 1963. Also known as the Bayo-Pawley raid.
TIPSTAFFSwedish intelligence service. [status: Probable]
TODHUNTERDDCI Marshall S. Carter. A cable on June 5, 1963, referred to TODHUNTER, while a duplicate copy of the same memo replaced TODHUNTER with DDCI. The DDCI at this time was Marshall Carter.
TOPAZIn Leon Uris' book Topaz, this was the pseudonym for Phillipe Thyraud de Vosjoli, member of the French intelligence service SDECE.
TPCovert monitoring [status: Probable]
TPAJAXBritish and United States coup against the democratic regime of Iranian Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadegh, in 1953.
TPELIDEAt least through 4/64, used by the Mexico City station as a generic term for "embassy" and also used for a CIA team conducting surveillance. Caused confusion within CIA ranks. [status: Probable]
TPFASTTPFAST was a cryptonym for operations against China, as was LCHARVEST.
TPFEELINGTPFEELING may have been similar to QKIVORY (National Committee for a Free Europe and its subcommittees). [status: Speculative]
TPFOCUSUnknown identity. A memo in June of 1968, on the Garrison investigation of President Kennedy's assassination, stated that on December 13, 1950, William Clarens Wood was granted a CSC for utilization as a staff agent with Project TPFOCUS. [status: Unknown]
TPGLAREUnknown identity. A cable on September 20, 1956, stated that W. Koplowitz would meet with Edward Freers to discuss certain matters in connection with project TPGLARE. Freers was among those who dealt with Lee Harvey Oswald's apparent attempt to defect to the Soviet Union in 1959. [status: Unknown]
TPMURILLOThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that TPMURILLO provided personnel to conduct research on the Soviet Union based on information in overt sources with special emphasis on Soviet services, personnel, and operations.
TPRANSACKThe International Federation of Journalists. This organization is also known by its Spanish language acronym, FIOPP.
TPTONICRadio Free Europe, aimed at the Eastern European countries.
TUNEST-1Unknown identity. A dispatch in March of 1962 stated that the Paris Station planned to use TUNEST-1 as an outside Principal Agent in an operation involving Pedro Ruiz Quintero (UNRUMBLE-2) and Rinaldo Lago Carbonell. [status: Unknown]
TURNIPOperation Turnip was linked to Operations Carrot and Rutabaga, Bowline in 1961, before the Bay of Pigs invasion in April of that year.
TWIXTRobert Maheu's first project with the CIA, assigning him to work against the interests of Greek industrialist Aristotle Onassis. Maheu was retained by the CIA to aid Onassis' competitor Stavros Nairchos after Onassis cut a deal to control 90% of Saudi Arabia's oil.
TYPICRouting indicator for Cuban operations.
TZFRESHPossibly Brazilian intelligence. [status: Speculative]
UOACEUOACE was a Western Hemisphere project that provided funds for salary, travel and miscellaneous operations in Mexico in the 1960s.
UOAMBER-2Miguel Geullerion Truyul-Gemeiro.
UOAMBER-3Santiago Alvarez, Jr.
UOAMBER-4Vladimir Secen. A memo in December, 1970, stated that Secen was of operational interest to CIA as an occasional source of information on Caribbean matters between 1963 and 1966. [status: Probable]
UOAMBER-5Unknown identity. UOAMBER-5 appeared to have Virginia Ginebra, Vice Consul in the Dominican Consulate in Miami, as a contact/source in November 1964. [status: Unknown]
UOAMBER-6Probably Pedro Valdivia Masferrer. UOAMBER-6 was described as a Cuban national, a former Latin American military officer, and a diplomat. Lived in Haiti and the Dominican Republic prior to December 1964. [status: Probable]
UPHILLWest German Foreign Intelligence Service (BND), which formed out of what was previously known as the Gehlen Org.
UTILITYReinhard Gehlen, Nazi intelligence chief on the Eastern Front during the Second World War, and subsequent chief of the BND, the West German intelligence service.
VAVA was probably the digraph for assets and operations in Finland, or related to Finland. [status: Probable]
VALINKVALINK was possibly a Finnish intelligence or policing service. [status: Speculative]
VALINK-6Tracked Lee Oswald in 1959 and Rolando Cubela in 1962. [status: Unknown]
VASLOUCH-1VASLOUCH-1 was Lauri Olavi Matikainen, businessman, trained in use of wireless telegraphy communications.
VASLOUCH-2VASLOUCH-2 was Estrella Matikainen, wife of Lauri Olavi Matikainen (VASLOUCH-1). Daughter Anneli Matikainen was VASLOUCH-3.
VASLOUCH-3VASLOUCH-3 was Anneli Matikainen, daughter of Lauri Olavi Matikainen (VASLOUCH-1) and Estrella Matikainen (VASLOUCH-2).
VENOMA CIA project monitoring the actions of the violent anti-Castro groups, located in Miami. [status: Speculative]
VWMAGNA-1Unknown identity. VWMAGNA-1 was a female in contact with Cuban Government officials and who reported on Luis Conte Aguero in 1975. [status: Unknown]
WASHTUBPhony arms cache planted by CIA in Nicaragua during 1954.
WKSCARLETWKSCARLET was possibly the Venezuelan DISIP (General Sectoral Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services). DIGEPOL was DISIP's predecessor. [status: Speculative]
WKSCARLET-1Unknown identity. A cable in January of 1974 stated that "while station has no information as to who will replace WKSCARLET-1, rumors have it that Erasto Fernandez may get job for first three months of new administration in order 'clean' out WKSCARLET." [status: Unknown]
WKSCARLET-3Luis Posada
WKSCARLET-9Unknown identity. A cable in October of 1976 stated that WKSCARLET-9 had a Cuban background. [status: Unknown]
WKTANGO-1Orlando Garcia Vasquez, head of DISIP intelligence service in Venezuela.
WNINTELWarning Notice - Intelligence sources and methods. Intelligence information to identify or would reasonably permit identification of an intelligence source or method that is
susceptible to countermeasures that could nullify or reduce its effectiveness.
YEASTSlugline used for Operation Yeast, a landing plan for a small group during the Bay of Pigs.
YOACREGuantanamo Naval Base.
YOBELTUniversity of Miami. [status: Probable]
YOBULKA photographing scan facility of boats and planes. Possibly based at CIA headquarters. [status: Speculative]
YOCOUGHYOCOUGH was the cryptonym for Ace Cartography Company - later Ace Marine Survey, Inc.
YOTARTUnknown identity. YOTART was some type of maritime support proprietary company. [status: Unknown]
ZACABINThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that ZACABIN was the cryptonym for CIA Office of Special Operations (OSO).
ZACACTUSThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that ZACACTUS was the cryptonym for CIA Office of Policy Coordination (OPC).
ZENITHA private, civilian corporation known as Zenith Technical Enterprises - serving as the commercial cover for the CIA's JM/WAVE station in Miami.
ZIPPERThe declassified CIA Files on Nazi and Japanese Imperial Government war crimes stated that ZIPPER was a cryptonym for the Gehlen Organization.
ZODIACInternal CIA system for processing travel information regarding all Soviet satellite nationals that travel into or from the United States.
ZOMBIEA list maintained within the CIA's Records Integration Division of all non-Soviet/satellite nationals who travel to the Soviet bloc.
ZORROA cache operation conducted by a four man team to provide weapons and explosives for Rolando Cubela inside Cuba.
ZPSECANTZPSECANT was probably Major Enrique Trinidad Oliva. A CIA memo in 1975 mentioned that in early July, 1954, Carlos Castillo Armas became President of the junta, which included Enrique Oliva and Elfigo Monzon as the other two members. [status: Probable]
ZPSEMANTICZPSEMANTIC was probably Domingo Goicolea Villacorta. A cable on June 1, 1954, clarified that it was only SEMANTIC's brother, Hector, who had sought refuge in the Salvadoran Embassy, and not in the Ecuadoran Embassy [status: Probable]