CIA documents are peppered with "cryptonyms" - AMLASH, JMWAVE, ODENVY, PBPRIME, AMCLATTER-1, etc.
In many cases, the persons, organizations, or projects to which these codenames refer is public information.
In others, it can be inferred from context. This page provides a handy look-up chart for decoding crypts
seen in CIA documents. Source references are provided to corroborate the provided definitions. Bookmark
this page for use as you read CIA documents.
If you have information about one of these cryptonyms, or one not listed here, contact us at
Contributors to recent updates include: Bill Simpich • Gavin McDonald • David Boylan
More Information
For more information on a given crypt, just type it into the MFF's search engine. Note that these
crypts appear with variations - the dash before a number is sometimes a slash (AMBIDDY-1 = AMBIDDY/1),
and also a slash sometimes after the first two letters (AMLASH = AM/LASH). Also, sometimes a crypt may
appear with or without a following -1 (AMQUACK = AMQUACK-1) - though be careful, sometimes there is an
overall project name, with individual agents assigned the project name plus -1, -2, etc.