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Photo Archive

The Photo Archive contains hundreds of photographs related to the Presidency of John F. Kennedy and to the assassination investigations. Collections include:

»  JFK Library Photos - Photos of John and Jacqueline Kennedy, JFK's advisors, and the Kennedy White House.

»  NARA Evidence Photos - High-detail color photos of physical evidence stored at the National Archives.

»  HSCA Public Hearings Exhibits - Selected photographic exhibits from the public hearings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

»  HSCA "Mugbook" - The HSCA compiled a set of photographs of various persons associated with the JFK assassination case.

»  Warren Commission Document Photos - Selected photographs from the 50,000 page Warren Commission Documents collection.

»  Grand Jury Request Exhibits - Photographs relating to the issue of a "second gun" in the RFK assassination.

»   RFK Assassination Photos - Photographs of the night of RFK's assassination and other related material.

Video Archive

The Video Archive features interview clips with authors and experts, as well as special productions. Collections include:

»  MFF Productions - These videos, produced by Tyler Weaver of the MFF, include documentaries on various aspects of modern political history, interviews with Authors and Experts, as well as the Withheld In Full & Unredacted - The Video Interviews series.

»  JFK Video - This selection of clips contains archival footage of JFK speeches, motorcade films, and news reports of the assassination, as well as links to a number of documentaries and television interviews.

»  MLK Video - Links to speeches, interviews, and documentaries of and about the life and death of Martin Luther King, Jr.

»  RFK Video - Covering a variety of issues related to the RFK murder, this set includes RFK's last speech as well as interviews with Sirhan Sirhan and recent documentaries.

Audio Archive

The Audio Archive features Presidential recordings, interviews, and more. Collections include:

»  Unredacted Episodes - Recorded episodes of the MFF's interview show.

»   ARRB Audio - Taped interviews from the Assassination Records Review Board.

»   HSCA Audio - Interviews and other audio from the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

»  LBJ Phone Calls - Presidential recordings from the early days of the Johnson administration.

»   Nosenko Interrogations - Taped interrogations of Soviet official Yuri Nosenko, who defected to the US in 1964.

»   Other Audio - Other recordings from the JFK collections, including the transmission of Air Force One on 22 Nov 1963.

»   Watergate Audio - These Presidential recordings from the Nixon White House all relate to the Watergate crisis.

The Multimedia Archive

The Multimedia portion of the MFF Archive contains photographs, audio, and video. These are organized into collections and available to all for browsing.

Photo collections are scanned from photos made available by the JFK Library & Museum, National Archives, and other organizations. They are presented in thumbnails - click on any thumbnail to view a larger version.

Audio collections of investigative interviews and other audio recordings come from the National Archives and other sources. Our own Unredacted series of interviews with authors and experts is part of this archive. Each is available for listening in .mp3 format.

Video includes the MFF's own taped interviews and productions, including our Withheld In Full series of documentary shorts. The Video Archive also features a portal to videos available elsewhere on the internet, primarily YouTube and Google Video.

Video clips are in HTML5 Video formats (m4v and webm). Playing them requires a web browser which supports HTML5. If you are running Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8, we recommend downloading a free HTML5-compatible browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

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