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Unredacted - Episode 6: Interview with David Talbot

Welcome to our sixth episode of Unredacted, the interview show which attempts to strip away the blackouts of history and learn more about the truth of the Kennedy assassination.

David Talbot is the founder of Salon.com and author of the new book Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years. The book centers on Robert Kennedy's reaction to his brother's murder, and includes new stories and information from Kennedy intimates, many of whom Talbot interviewed. The book also discusses the deep tensions between President Kennedy and his own national security establishment.

In this interview, selected topics from the book are discussed, as well as recent assassination-related news including the alleged presence of CIA officers at the scene of Robert Kennedy's assassination, and the confession of Howard Hunt regarding the JFK murder.

Unredacted interviews are available in audio and transcript form. Each interview page also contains a resource section of links to related documents, Starting Points, essays, and offsite materials. Your feedback is encouraged - please make your voice heard through the comment system.

In future episodes, we will be talking with other authors and experts. Tune in to learn about new books, the latest findings, and interesting theories and perspectives.

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