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State Secret, by Bill Simpich

The Mary Ferrell Foundation is pleased to announce the online serialization of a new book by Bill Simpich. State Secret: Wiretapping in Mexico City, Double Agents, and the Framing of Lee Oswald delves deeply into the strange story of the Oswald Mexico City trip two months before the assassination. With a focus on the wiretap operation and the curious manipulation of CIA information on Oswald, and based on voluminous research using the MFF's CIA records, Bill presents a compelling new analysis of this mysterious event.

The book is being released fifty years after the events of September 27, 1963, when monitors at a joint US/Mexico intercept station received wiretap reports about a strange American visitor to the Soviet and Cuban consulates in Mexico City.

State Secret will be serialized a chapter at a time starting with today's publication of the book's Preface, with a new chapter appearing weekly. Over the coming several weeks, the full book will become available online.

Read the Preface to State Secret

Editor's note:

Bill Simpich and the MFF are providing this book online free of charge. If you would like to support this effort and the other activities of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, please consider a membership or

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