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Oswald in New Orleans - Document Walkthrough

Harold Weisberg's classic work Oswald in New Orleans is back in print, republished by Mary Ferrell Foundation Press and available in the MFF Store. First published by Canyon Books in 1967, in the early days of the Garrison investigation, the book focuses on Lee Harvey Oswald's 1963 summer in New Orleans, and the strands of conspiracy tied to that city.

Weisberg created a 308-page appendix of documents to go with the book. While this appendix was too large to include in the printed book, it is available in full online here at the MFF. Both the new edition of the book and the MFF website include the complete index to Oswald in New Orleans, which includes references to the appendix. In the online "live index" version, each such entry is hot-linked to the referenced page.

This document walkthrough presents highlights from the document appendix, organized around such figures as Dean Andrews, Clay Shaw, Carlos Bringuier, Sylvia Odio, Loran Hall, Lawrence Howard, William Seymour, Francis Martello, David Ferrie, Ruth Paine, and others.

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