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More MURKIN Records Online

A few thousand additional pages of FBI files on the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. are now available online. These include volumes 28 through 40, 74, and 76 of the MURKIN (MURder of KINg) file. The MFF's version of this file is now much more complete, though gaps remain.

The Martin Luther King Assassination remains among the most troubling unsolved crimes of modern American history. The Mary Ferrell Foundation will continue to collect and make accessible primary and secondary resources on this topic for those who continue to study it. Coming soon are FBI files and accompanying materials generated in response to requests by the House Select Committee on Assassinations during the 1970s.

For further exploration, see our collection of essays, multimedia, and books. The MFF recently put Harold Weisberg's early classic Frame-Up back into print, and it may be purchased at the MFF Store. Two preview chapters from Frame-Up are available for reading online.

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