Document collections come from varied sources. A primary source of our materials is the Assassination Archives and Research Center. Other materials come from History Matters, JFK Lancer Productions & Publications, the National Archives, and other organizations and individuals.
The MFF currently has over 2 million pages of scanned government records, the majority of them copies of records in the JFK Records Collection, which is maintained at National Archives II in College Park, Maryland. Also online are growing collections on the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, the Watergate scandal, and the post-Watergate investigations into abuses of the intelligence agencies.
For authenticity and best access to the original format, pages are presented as scanned images, not converted to text. Our custom viewing engine allows searching the text associated with each page image, and can even highlight search hits on the viewed pages.
See the Document Archive FAQ for frequently asked questions about the MFF Document Archive.
JFK ASSASSINATION DOCUMENTSThis voluminous collection of JFK assassination documents contains reports and files from the Warren Commission, HSCA, and other investigations, as well as a vast set of declassified files from the FBI, CIA, and other agencies. The Investigations
Government Agencies
JFK Records Act Ongoing Releases
See all JFK Assassination Documents | |
MLK ASSASSINATION DOCUMENTSMartin Luther King files include the reports of the House Select Committee on the Assassinations and FBI Headquarters "Murkin" investigative files.
See all MLK Assassination Documents | |
RFK ASSASSINATION DOCUMENTSFiles on the assassination of Robert Kennedy include the transcript of the trial of Sirhan Sirhan, appeal documents, and FBI files from the Los Angeles Field Office.
See all RFK Assassination Documents | |
WATERGATE DOCUMENTSReports of the Senate Watergate Committee, the House Committee on the Judiciary, and the Watergate Special Prosecution Force, as well as transcripts of Nixon White House recordings.
See all Watergate Documents | |
INTELLIGENCE INVESTIGATION DOCUMENTSReports and files of the Senate Church Committee, the Pike Committee of the House of Representatives, and the Rockefeller Commission, as well as selected other government reports from that era. | |
Special CollectionsThe Mary Ferrell Foundation also hosts document collections on other historical topics. | |
Collections and Documents of InterestEmbedded within the JFK Collection and other holdings are sub-collections of interest, including:
These particular documents and reports merit special attention: